Transcending Dreams

B2 - Chapter 45

B2 - Chapter 45

It seems that you have something of interest for me.

William stepped back when Elder Yu spoke, letting the two discuss what they needed without him right next to them. He also wanted to minimize the chance of another conflict starting because of him.

Little Liang, youre involved too, Wang Xiaoling stopped him. Stay.

So much for not being involved.

Little Liang, was it? Elder Yu almost sneered. I heard you call Disciple Wei a brat. Unless I misheard?

And so much for thinking she would tone down the strangely aggressive way of talking.

William recalled that Elder Yu implied that the day had been terrible so far. Still, believing she couldnt compartmentalize her emotions as an experienced cultivator was hard for him.

More importantly, Wang Xiaoling had a look on her face that meant nothing good. It was usually followed by insults or the like, and that would be a death sentence here.

Sister Xiaoling! Why dont you talk about your intentions in Qingyun City! And the help the merchant house can give to the sect! You went over this on the way here

Youre right. I called him a brat. So what? I knew the kid since I almost ran him over with my wagon! Before he ever met anyone from your sect! Wang Xiaoling lost her temper, likely not having even heard William.

He let out an audible groan and buried his face into his hands.

You were doing so well, his voice was muffled. Why did you ruin everything now?

So what? I dont want help from someone like her anyway! Wang Xiaoling continued to dig herself into a deeper hole. I'd rather let the merchant house die than stomach this any longer!


Williams heart skipped a beat when a subtle weight pressed down on his body. His hands fell away from his face to see the room dimmer than before. Elder Yu was giving Wang Xiaoling a death glare, and it was far too effective.

Wang Xiaoling was trembling as she struggled to stay on her feet. Clearly, she was feeling far more pressure than he was at the moment. Likely Elder Yus intention.

It felt like a significantly diluted version of what he experienced when Sophia made him fall unconscious with her sheer presence.

The plan was no longer a concern. He needed to save Wang Xiaolings life. He wouldnt stand by and let her be killed like Cao Rui was by Lan Yin.

As terrible as it was to think about, he didnt have much attachment to Cao Rui. It was strangely easy to gloss over his death and put it in the far reaches of his mind. That would not be the case with Wang Xiaoling.


You are acting, Elder Yu interrupted William and looked curious as she walked to the trembling Wang Xiaoling.

W-What are you talking about?

This, Elder Yu motioned her hand at her, the pressure in the room increasing drastically.

William could feel his throat constricting as breathing became a chore, and talking was practically impossible. Wang Xiaoling was experiencing far worse. She had collapsed in a heap on the floor.

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For the first time, he felt a hot anger pierce through his body, all directed at Elder Yu. He already knew it was likely that Wang Xiaolings life would end today. There was only one choice left now, and all it would do was delay her death.

Escape was impossible. Not when they were inside the Jade Healing Sect. Not when they were on the Administration Peak, where there was no doubt multiple elders always had a presence. Especially not when Elder Yu, a nascent soul realm cultivator specializing in combat, was the opponent.

No, escape would be the worst thing to attempt. Appealing to Elder Yus mercy was the only way, and that required him to have the ability to speak.

Still an act, Elder Yu commented. She was standing over Wang Xiaolings trembling body. How is this possible?

[-200 Spiritual Energy]

Qi burst into existence around his body, flickering like blue flames.

Activating [Force Multiplier] let him move his body, but he could still feel a slight pressure surrounding him. Williams body blurred as he used every bit of his enhanced strength to move between Elder Yu and Wang Xiaoling, an already unwise move that became terrible at the unimpressed look he was receiving.

Still, he tried to defend Wang Xiaoling. Sister Xiaoling is just stressed, Elder Yu. Theres no reason to hurt her. Exile her! Or fines! Or both!

William tensed when Elder Yu poked at his forehead. Dodging wasnt an option since it was done before he could react. It didnt hurt him, but [Force Multiplier] immediately deactivated, leaving him helpless once again. Before he could even think about giving it another try, he felt his Qi slow to a crawl inside his spiritual pathways.

It was a familiar feeling. One that he despised. Instead of the Baleful Star Medallion, Elder Yu caused it.

Williams body collapsed like a string was cut, but instead of hitting the floor, he stayed afloat.

Do you know what I demanded of Prince Yuan? Elder Yu asked casually, eyes locked on Wang Xiaolings body with interest. William couldnt speak, so he said nothing. The question was rhetorical. I took Mei Lingxi away from him, but I originally asked for his life. A reasonable request after he disrespected me by not showing me respect.

William shuddered when Elder Yu looked at him. What do you think Ill do to a mortal that doesnt put me in her eyes? A mortal that courts death by insulting me in my sect?

This was the end of Wang Xiaoling. If she had just gone to the auction like she had planned, nothing of this would have

If you care about Disciple Wei whatsoever, you will stop your act right now. He is already resigned to your death. Unless your so-called relationship with him is worth less than nothing.

William thought he was seeing Elder Yus sadistic side for the first time, but when Wang Xiaoling stopped trembling and sighed, his mind went blank. She stood up, the frown of her lips growing larger when she looked at his floating body.

So there was some truth in your affection, at the very least, Elder Yu tilted her head. I never thought I would see one of your kind in my lifetime. You should be dead at this age.

Well Im alive, Wang Xiaoling motioned at her own body, as you can see.

Hmm, Elder Yu looked her up and down as if she had never seen anything like her. You truly are courting death by coming here.

Williams heart picked up speed, making Elder Yu raise a brow. Calm yourself, Disciple Wei. She will not be harmed.

That gave visible relief to both William and Wang Xiaoling.

How do you survive Elder Yu cut herself off. That can be discussed later. You wanted my help. Very well, you have it.

He was so stunned by the about-face that he barely registered that his Qi was no longer slowed, nor did the pressure around his body as he was let back on his feet.

Really? Williams body might not have realized it was free, but his mouth certainly did.

Indeed, Elder Yu replied. If you think of her as a close relative, then it is only right that I do my best to help.

He doubted that was the reason but wouldnt dig for the truth. They got what was needed.

What do you want in return? Wang Xiaoling asked with suspicion. William found it foolish. It was like asking a predator why it was letting them go.

You will know after I speak to the Sect Master, Elder Yu paused, heading to her desk and picking out an inconspicuous jade token. She handed it to Wang Xiaoling. Keep this on your person at all times. You will never be discovered as long as you do.

William saw something unexpected as Wang Xiaoling pocketed the jade token.

[Name: Wang Xiaoling | Level: 10]

That had previously shown her level as three. The level now at ten reminded him of Prince Yuan, who he suspected to have possession of something that confuses the system.

Step out once more, Elder Yu ordered. I must speak to Disciple Wei in private.

Wang Xiaoling looked at William quizzically, and with a little suspicion? He wasnt sure why, but there was no other option here. He nodded. It was enough for her to exit the office.

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