Transcending Dreams

B2 - Chapter 53

B2 - Chapter 53

So, Yang, Wei Ming smiled, which somehow looked mocking. You didnt thank me for letting you have those bracelets.

I didnt fight for that egg you wanted, Lan Yang shrugged. Were even.

That egg turned out to be trash, Wei Ming sneered at the mention of it. I wish you had so I could have dumped it off to you. And dont think I forgot how you made one of my retainers pay more than he should have for that Soul Tempering Pill.

We never had any agreement for anything other than the headlining items, Lan Yang pointed out. Besides, I wanted to gift that pill to an elder.

Did you? I doubt

William tuned out Wei Mings voice and looked to escape the constant snipes. The best way to do that was to complete the goal he came here for.

He approached Wang Xiaoling. It didnt escape him that she somehow knew an imperial prince from the main branch of the ruling family. However, he had to assume that they were aquatinted recently.

If she had known the prince for longer, there would likely be no need to use the Jade Healing Sect to get a foothold in Qingyun City.

Sister Xiaoling, William interrupted, we were about to leave. Will this take long?

Come to think of it, why was she alone with the prince in the first place? There should be a staffer close byOh. He hadnt noticed the old man in green sect robes mixed in with the many guards lining the wall.

At the very least, the old man also seemed to be in the Nascent Soul realm. It was still strange to see so many cultivators at that level. It made the nascent soul realm seem insignificant, which it obviously wasnt.

Still, that was barely of any comfort. Elder Yu might have given Wang Xiaoling a concealment token to hide what she was, but who knew how effective that was with so many high-level cultivators around.

Whats the hurry? Rong Jun asked with a smile. The auctions over, and Merchant Wang and I are having a good discussion. Also, Im insulted that you seem to be in a rush to get away, Junior Wei.

Im sure he didnt mean anything by it, Wang Xiaoling interjected before William had a chance to answer. Little Liang has tunnel vision, and he sometimes forgets himself.

Ah, I was joking, Rong Yun laughed. But I really would like to speak more with you, Merchant Wang. Partnering with your merchant house will be mutually beneficial.

William was ecstatic that Wang Xiaoling seemed to defend him. Being addressed as Little Liang could be just for show, but surely she wouldnt try to ward off potential trouble if she had doubts about him.

Im not in a habit to decline such deals, but I have to ask, why my Rising Merchant House? We are new, and surely someone like you will be able to find better, Wang Xiaoling questioned.

Better, as in more established? I have no doubt about that, but as I mentioned, you caught my attention with the number of rare items you brought to the auction. That ability is the key to establishing yourself in the capital. You need backing, of course, but that can only take you so far.

William raised a brow at that. Rong Jun spoke as if there were far more than the two items he knew of. So maybe it was her need to hide how much money she was collecting that made her insist on being alone.


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That makes sense, Wang Xiaoling replied. Will you be in the sect for longer? I would like to have a few days to discuss this with my partners before making a decision.

I am leaving for the capital today. Rong Jun frowned. It would have been ideal to get an answer as quickly as possible, but I can appreciate a well-considered response. And let me sweeten the offer since you are close to Junior Wei. Ill allow you to have full control over management decisions in the capital.

William didnt think that was much of a sweetening. Still, with the way Wang Xiaolings eyes flashed with greed, this was something significant.

That is generous, she replied carefully. I still need a few days, but I dont see my partners pushing back on this. How can I get in contact with you?

Rong Jun pulled out a jade token and handed it to her. Just break that, and Ill know you are willing to go forward. If you dont, then I will assume the opposite. If you need to revise any details, have Junior Wei send a message through the sect.

Wang Xiaoling glanced at William as she nodded. Very well. Thank you, my prince.

No thanks necessary, Rong Jun waved her off. This will also be beneficial to me.

She smiled before addressing William. Little Liang, hold this for me. Itll be safer with you.

He blinked in surprise as he instinctively took the offered jade token and put it in his spatial ring. It was completely unnecessary to have him hold something like this or so he thought until he saw Rong Jun.

The smile on the princes face as he watched their interaction said more than words ever could.

Smart. Wang Xiaoling was using their relationship to its full potential. Well, if it gets concessions in the merchant house he partly owed, he was more than happy to play along.

Just let me know when you want it back, Sister Xiaoling, William said seriously. Itll be safe with me until then.

Thank you, Little Liang, Wang Xiaoling smiled sweetly.

Good! Its a good thing we met before I had to leave, Junior Wei, Rong Jun smiled widely. Brother Ming! Hand it off now. Ill head out first.

William stared in confusion at Rong Juns retreating back as he abruptly left the room, around half of the Nascent Soul realm guards leaving with the prince. He shared a looked with Wang Xiaoling to see that she was as puzzled as he was.

Ehh, I swear his plans are so convoluted, Wei Ming grumbled as he motioned for a guard to come closer. Consider this a token from someone that may or may not be your distant relative.

What? William narrowed his eyes when he saw the guard approach with a chest in his hands.

You know, a greeting gift, Wei Ming rolled his eyes. Something about wishing youAlright, I dont care enough to pretend. Brother Jun saw you look and told me to give it to you. My part is done. Lets go!

Though this was much less rushed, Wei Ming and his guards copied Rong Juns exit. Wei Mings stride almost looked annoyed somehow.

The lone representative of the auction house waited until the outsiders were gone before giving them a brisk nod and doing the same.

William was left frowning at the chest the guard had placed on the floor.

I never saw something like that before, Lan Yang chuckled. An ambush, but one for giving a gift. The prince must have wanted to leave no chance for you to refuse.

Wait a minute, you refused a gift? Wang Xiaoling asked incredulously. Why?

And she was back to normal. Good. He was getting shivers with the sugary voice she was speaking in.

Hes an imperial prince. From the main branch. William said that as if it explained everything, and it really did.

So? Brat, you have imperial princes giving you gifts, and they have to resort to pulling away before you can refuse? How rich do you think you are?

Lets not fault Junior Wei for doing the correct thing. Gifts between cultivators have far too many implications. Mortals like you are exempt from this price, so you wouldnt know.

William winced at the not-so-hidden insult and spoke up before Wang Xiaoling started an argument. I have a feeling I know whats in here.

Obviously, Lan Yang said dryly. Im not sure if I should envy you, Junior. The final bid on it was over ten thousand Spirit Stones.

What?! Wang Xiaoling exclaimed. That pretty boy gave you the egg?! Oi, brat, give it to me. I can sell it for you and get a fortune.

Honestly, that wasnt a bad idea. Owning the egg would be a gamble, and getting that many Spirit Stones would let him buy other necessities that would be of sure help.

Unfortunately, it wasn't an option, even if he wished to do that.

Do you think its wise to sell off a gift an Imperial Prince gave me? William asked rhetorically.

The silence he got in return told him she knew it wasnt. He knelt on the floor and unlatched the chest to make sure the egg they were talking about was in there.

There were no surprises. The egg was sitting securely in the middle of a plush interior.

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