Transcending Dreams

B2 - Chapter 58

B2 - Chapter 58

After the egg had used Williams spirit beast corpses as a snack, he didnt see much point in going to the peak. Yes, it would be nice to find an alchemist who could have rendered the corpses into something useful, but there was nothing to render now.

He didnt even consider Ren Bos request. The quest related to that had a negligible penalty in his view.

[Penalty: Decreased reputation with Ren Bo]

It wasnt like William wanted to have Ren Bo dislike him. He simply didnt bring himself to care. He would accept that penalty if there was something else that he felt was a priority. Besides, it wasnt like he couldnt go to the Jade Cauldron Peak afterward.

I changed my mind, Senior Yang. Id rather go to the library first.

Lan Yang tilted his head slightly before shrugging. Im guessing you want to find out more about that egg of yours?

Thats part of it, William nodded.

Hm, Lan Yang looked past him into the apartment. Your friend not going to join us?

She headed to sleep after her tiring day. Its just us.

Mortals, Lan Yang rolled his eyes as if sleeping was unimaginable. Anyway, thats for the better. She would just slow us down.

William did an eye roll of his own and followed him out, shutting the door behind him. By the way, a voice announced that you were waiting outside. How did it know you were there for me?

That, Lan Yang pointed to the blank slate next to the door, Its not just for entry. Visitors can hold their pass to it and say the resident's name to be announced.

He raised an eyebrow. Im guessing these are formations again?


Wang Xiaoling was right. This was fancy. A little too fancy. He was looking forward to visiting Xu Feng at his sect to see what a normal sect is like.


William felt a sense of excitement at seeing the library looming over him. He was well aware of his hypocrisy by having that feeling.

He had rejected the idea of being an alchemist because he didnt want to study, something he had never been a fan of ever. Now, he intends to do that exact thing.

Yes, William was going to gather all the information he could about spirit eggs, but along with that, he was going to finally make a proper attempt to learn formations. Unlike alchemy, which he admittedly didnt give much of a chance other than the few times he browsed through books with Li Xinyue, the field of formations and arrays had some strange attraction over him.

Or not so strange. The teleportation formations around the Empire, the illusion array that trapped him in the Shard, the multitude of variations he had seen formations being used for inside the sect. All of that was almost assured to draw his interest.

This tale has been pilfered from Royal Road. If found on Amazon, kindly file a report.

Brother Yang! A disciple broke off from a group near the entrance. Youre back!

William decided to try to avoid using the system to get the disciples name. She seemed far more normal than Kae, so carrying a conversation shouldnt be torturous.

Su Rou? Lan Yang greeted with surprise. What are you doing here? You were to be stationed in Dazhou Kingdom for ten years.

It was way too boring, Su Rou scrunched her nose. They kept telling me to make pills for them.

Su Rou Lan Yang pinched the bridge of his nose. That was why you were sent there. It was meant to be your last test before entering the Golden Pill Peak.

Well, Peak Master Li will have to find some other thing for me to do, Su Rou pouted. She knows I dont like boring things.

William reevaluated Su Rou. This had to be the brattiest cultivator he had seen so far, including Princess Jin. Given how things usually are, he leaned toward Su Rou coming from some powerful clan that catered to her every need or the Jade Healing Sect doing so due to talent.

After all, they were doing so for him.

This is the fourth time youve done Lan Yang cut himself off. You know what, Ill speak with you later. I have to show my junior around the sect, and I've already delayed enough.

So thats who this is, Su Rou finally looked at William. I didnt mean to ignore you. I didnt want to make you feel uncomfortable.

Its fine, Senior, he mentally questioned how that made any sense. I dont mind waiting until youre done withActually, I could explore the library on my own if thats better?

That was directed at Lan Yang, and it was immediately denied. I dont think so. Su Rou, Ill meet you here when Junior Wei is comfortable with the librarys layout.

Su Rou pouted in dissatisfaction but stepped back, apparently agreeing with Lan Yang. William smiled at her politely as they passed, but that was a mistake.

Oh, Brother Yang, how about I help? Su Rou was suddenly far closer than before, crowding William in the middle.

With what? Alchemy? Junior Wei doesnt specialize in that, Lan Yang waved his hand at Williams bare sleeve, the red star missing.

Im sure I could convince him otherwise, but even if not, you know Im nearly as skilled in the healing arts!

He had noticed Su Rous sleeve had four red stars and three gold stars, the former representing alchemy and the latter healing. It was the reason he assumed the sect could be the one pampering her.

It couldnt be forgotten that Ren Bo was seen as a prodigy, and he was basically out of control before he had achievements.

Still, William couldnt deny his interest in the healing arts. Not that he wanted to specialize in it, but more for saving his own skin. Whatever the system did to his body, it had made him incapable of healing naturally. He refused to be reduced to the point of having to gorge down Vitality Restoration Pills to survive like he had in the Shard.

Junior Wei doesnt specialize in that either, Lan Yang said dryly. Anything else?

Er, actually, Senior Yang, William spoke up, I dont think

He shut himself up when he recognized the warning in Lan Yangs eyes. Alright then, he wasnt supposed to engage with Su Rou. Unfortunately, it was too late.

Great! Su Rou announced, moving even closer. Enough for William to get out of the way and stand on the other side of Lan Yang. It seemed that was her goal all along. I cant wait to catch up, Brother Yang!

Fine, Lan Yang sighed.

A lightbulb flickered on weakly in Williams mind. She was romantically interested in Lan Yang. Her insistence suddenly made sense and also became highly annoying in his eyes.

Not for how frustrated Su Rou seemed to make Lan Yang, though that was also a thing. More importantly, she was coming between Lan Yang and whoever was the intended recipient of the bracelets the man spent a fortune on.

William was personally invested in seeing that succeed. In a way, he had provided the Spirit Stones to buy it. Ignoring that it wouldnt have been necessary if he hadnt stolen it in the first place. Mere technicalities.

He forcefully inserted himself between them and smiled brightly. This is great! Ill have two of my seniors showing me around! Senior Su, I would actually be interested in learning the basics of the healing arts. It might save my life.

Hm, looks like I was wrong about Junior Weis interest, Lan Yang commented, smiling. Su Rou, it seems like I should thank you for your help.

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