Transcending Dreams

B2 - Chapter 62

B2 - Chapter 62

The training room Lan Yang had led him to was large, though far more basic than what the auction house had to offer. It looked more fit for group training rather than solo sessions.

William had his eyes closed, concentrating as Su Rou guided his Qi through his body. It was something he was familiar with.

[Force Multiplier] did much of the same but with an opposing objective. The goal for the martial skill was to spread the Qi throughout his body as evenly as possible to help withstand the strain it would come under when the skill was activated.

Su Rou was helping to guide his Qi to concentrate on as small of an area as possible.

He frowned when she stopped.

Prepare yourself, she warned.

He opened his eyes, tensing when he felt the sharp snap of the bone in his forearm. She had broken it effortlessly.

[-100 HP]

Now repeat what I showed you, but gather it at the break.

William did as she asked. It was a simple thing for him to direct his Qi at this point, but concentrating it in a tiny area was a little more complicated. Still, nothing impossible.

The Qi shined brightly at the break, giving off that ethereal look he was familiar with, but this time in a spot no bigger than an inch. The wisps of Qi rising from his skin seemed thicker than usual due to the concentrated state.

Well done! Su Rou smiled. Im impressed. This is usually the hardest part for most. Now, close your eyes again. You will need to feel the change in your Qi.

William nodded as he closed his eyes. It may seem impressive to her, but he had been doing a variation of this since he became a cultivator.

The basic martial skills, simple palm thrusts, kicks, and stomps, had similar Qi movement, though far more forgiving, hence the weaker effect. [Force Multiplier] was the same, but the requirements for activation needed a near-perfect spread of Qi; thus, the effect was ridiculously powerful.

It made learning what Su Rou demonstrated far more straightforward than it should have been.

Concentrate, Su Rou ordered before she pushed her Qi forward.

William frowned. The Elders Chen had done something similar during his checkup after returning from the Shard. While that felt uncomfortable, it was nothing like this.

The feeling of Su Rous Qi was alien. Usually, Qi felt like it lightened him, a cool balm deep inside his body that made him feel powerful.

This was almost the opposite. It was alien. As if sharp blades were in his spiritual pathways, radiating danger while not actually causing any harm.

Keep focusing, Su Rous voice seemed far away. Memorize what your Qi does.

William clenched his teeth, wanting to pull away when he felt the invading Qi change from feeling like simple blades to lethally sharp swords. He had a suspicion that it could cause severe damage to his body if Su Rou wished to do so.

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Thankfully, he didnt have to worry any longer. Her Qi merged with his. It should have been overcome, but it infected his Qi.

He hissed loudly, barely holding back the scream that formed in his throat.

Focus! Su Rou commanded. The pain means its working!

That was easy to say. William had his body battered, been near death multiple times, and his legs quite literally ripped off. But this was somehow the worst pain he had felt.

He wasnt sure if his pain tolerance had reduced drastically with the period of peace he was experiencing, but it was bad.

William mustered any dregs of will in existence before forcing his mind to ignore the pain and focus on his slowly infected Qi. It started gradually gaining the sharp properties that Su Rous Qi possessed.

However, unlike hers, he could understand his own. The methodical infection slowly revealed the microscopic changes needed to make his Qi have odd blade-like properties.


He flinched in surprise when the infection spread in less than a blink of his eyes. The broken forearm snapped back in place just as quickly as when it broke, leaving no traces of it ever being harmed.

William opened his eyes in confusion.

[+100 HP]

[-200 Spiritual Energy]

He recognized the apparent ratio it had taken to heal his injury. Two-to-one, which, if it was fact, meant the maximum he could heal was five hundred and forty HP if his Spiritual Energy was full. But he was getting ahead of himself. He would need to try this multiple times before confirming that the two-to-one ratio was true.

There was something that deserved his attention more at the moment. Su Rao.

Senior Su? Are you alright?

She was sweating heavily, unbroken lines dripping down her face, hair matted to her skin, and chest heaving as she sucked in air.

I-Im fine, Su Rao waved him off weakly. The process is hard on a cultivator at my level. Im afraid I wont be able to be of more help for a while.

William bowed deeply. Thank you, Senior Su. Youve done more than enough. I need to replicate the process myself, right?

Yes, Su Rao nodded, taking a breath before saying, Start small. A scratch or something minor before moving up to more difficult injuries like broken bones.

[Side Quest: Learn the basics of self-healing]

[Information: Su Rao has shown you how to convert your Qi into Healing Qi. Become accomplished enough to heal a broken bone on your own.]

[Reward: 10000 XP]

[Penalty: Decreased reputation with Su Rao]

[Accept: Y/N]

This was a no-doubter. He quickly accepted.

[Side Quest Accepted | Learn the basics of self-healing]

Im guessing you need rest? Lan Yang spoke from the edge of the room where he had been observing.

Unfortunately, Brother Yang, Su Rou frowned. Junior Weis Qi capacity is surprisingly large for his cultivation.

Hm, indeed he does, Lan Yang agreed, though William had no idea how he knew. Take care. Ill visit you after, Su Rao.

She gave them a tired smile before murmuring a farewell and exiting the room.

The moment the door shut behind her, William spoke. You know, I thought you hinted that she was bad somehow. Senior Su is actually quite kind.

You think so? Lan Yang walked toward him. I supposed shes good with juniors like you. A bit too needy, in my opinion. Theres a reason I let her teach you first.

William frowned heavily. You knew she would get that tired?

Obviously, Lan Yang shrugged his outer robes off. You learn something useful, I get to put less effort into teaching you since Su Rao took care of it, and she gets to rest. We all win.

He had thought this before, but it was never as evident. Lan Yang was a bit of an asshole.

Thoughts of Lan Yangs dickishness disappeared when the training room was filled with the sound of power.

William stared at the man with wide eyes. Blue lightning crackled and hissed around his body like a storm, his typically dark eyes glowing a bright blue as he stared at him was a cocky smirk.

I might not know the first thing about Thunder Qi, but I have to say that Im quite proficient in Lightning Qi, Lan Yang clenched his hand, a surge of lightning concentrating into a compressed ball above his fist. Lets take what Su Rou showed you and use it to teach you something far more useful.

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