Transcending Dreams

B2 - Chapter 68

B2 - Chapter 68

[-40 Spiritual Energy]

Name: Kae

Age: 16

Level: 133

Cultivation: Foundation Establishment (Early Stage)

Health: 2100/2100

Spiritual Energy: 1185/1185

Spirit: 237

Strength: 150

Stamina: 225

Agility: 218

Luck: 120

Average. Thats the word that came to Williams mind after some quick mental math of the attribute points Kae should have in total at his level.

Nothing really stood out. At least, nothing that revealed why he had overwhelming confidence to succeed at level three of the Abyss.

Disciple Wei, do you accept? Elder Zhou prodded.

Kae says that we could handle level three. Is that true? William asked instead of answering.

Level three? Elder Zhou hummed in thought as she tapped her cane on the floor. Four beast waves would be the limit, but yes, I could see you both succeeding. Disciple Kaes alchemy and your envious stubbornness will help greatly.

He assumed she was referring to his overconsumption of Vitality Restoration Pills in the Shard. He would classify that as desperation rather than stubbornness, but he supposed those could be interchangeable.

William was more interested in Kaes alchemy. The boys stats were nothing to boast about, so it had to be something extraordinary.

Whats so special about his alchemy?

You could have asked me, Wei Liang, Kae interjected.

I could have, but Elder Zhou wont exaggerate your capabilities. Its nothing personal.

Thats true, Kae wasnt offended. William assumed he wouldnt be with his bluntness. Carry on, then. This will only reassure you.

Disciple Kae is right, Elder Zhou chuckled. Unlike most other two-star alchemists in the sect, he isnt focused on pill formations or healing elixirs. He focuses on physical enhancements.

That makes a surprising amount of sense, William admitted out loud, thinking about Kae's overall air of gruffness. Stereotyping sometimes stayed true. What type of enhancements?

Boy, do I look like I have time to answer inane questions? Elder Zhou frowned.

She was snoring a short while ago, so yes, William did think so. But he said the opposite. No?

Correct answer. So, do you accept the mission or not?

Er, I have some unhealed injuries, William said hesitantly. Ill need them healed before the mission.

I will fix you after you give me an answer, Elder Zhou said, visibly getting more agitated. Kae had taken a few steps away at some point.

Still, he needed to add another condition. And I must return to my dwelling to get my spirit beast egg. I think this mission will help it get closer to its hatching point.

It wasnt like he could just pull the egg out in public. That would reveal his upgraded spatial stone.

The author's tale has been misappropriated; report any instances of this story on Amazon.

If the next word out of your mouth isnt a yes or no, I will ban you from the Mission Hall for a year, Elder Zhou glowered.

Kae was telling him to shut up with just his eyes. Thats precisely what he did, but he still couldnt make himself say yes to the mission. What was the point if the spirit beast egg couldnt benefit?

You have around an hour before a spot opens up on level three, Elder Zhou narrowed her eyes at his silence. Do what you need in that time.

I accept, William replied immediately.

[Side Quest Added | Mission: Clear 6 beast waves at Level 2]

Finally, Elder Zhou grumbled as she stood. Come closer.

He remembered what happened last time and was prepared this time around. The moment he stepped forward, Elder Zhou jabbed at his neck.

Despite it being expected, he still choked from the force behind the jab. It was obvious it was done with purpose.

A broken rib and internal bruising, Elder Zhou commented, ignoring the sounds William made. Minor injuries. Itll take me a few seconds to fix.

That was literal. He tensed when foreign Qi rushed into his body. His spiritual pathways were drowned with immense Healing Qi, making him feel like a sharp sword was held to his neck.

Before he could react, it was over.

[+350 HP]

William rubbed his neck as he stepped back, putting space between him and Elder Zhou. Thank you.

Hm. Return here when youre ready to head down to the Abyss. If it takes you over an hour, you will fail the mission.

Ill have Wei Liang back well before that, Elder Zhou, Kae promised.

I dont doubt that, Elder Zhou waved them off, Go.

Wait, I have one more question, William pushed on, ignoring Kaes wince and Elder Zhou's warning look. Im started with the basics of Healing Qi. Senior Su Rou

Oh! That girl has promise, Elder Zhou interrupted. But you? Youre not suitable for that discipline at all.

I grasped it quick enough, he defended. I can heal small bruises, but I havent been able to convert enough Qi to heal anything larger. How do you feel enough anger to make that possible?

O-Out of all the things, Elder Zhou let out a cackling laugh, you need that to access Healing Qi.

William glanced at Kae to see what was so funny, but he stood there blankly.

Boy, youre a berserker through and through, Elder Zhous laugh has lessened to a chuckle. The chance of you being able to heal anything outside of battle is near zero. This made your condition when you returned to the sect all the more sense.

So Im guessing anger fueling the Healing Qi isnt normal then? William asked with resignation.

Not at all. It is a known condition that basically disqualifies you from any serious advancement on the healing path.

I see, he nodded, not too discouraged at the news. It wasnt like he planned to become an expert at it. All he wanted was to become proficient enough to keep himself alive. Ill just have to work harder at it.

Sure, Elder Zhao looked like she would break into laughter again. I wish you luck. Now get out of here.

Yes, Elder Zhou, Kae and William said in unison before leaving the Mission Hall.

Healing, Kae broke the silence once they were halfway to Williams dwelling. I didnt expect that.

The way I fight requires it, William shrugged. If it keeps me alive, then Ill learn it.

You speak as if you expect to be in life-threatening fights all the time, Kae gave him an appraising look. Thats an excellent mindset. Most of the useless prissy morons here sit and cultivate in safety. As if any legendary cultivator has ever reached the peak with that attitude.

William hummed in agreement. He would prefer to be one of those useless prissy morons. Still, his way of cultivating was best done by throwing himself in danger.

Also, he liked that better than locking himself up to cultivate in solitude for months at a time, as much as he wished he didnt.

They arrived at his dwelling shortly after.

Ill be out in a minute, William said before entering to see something shocking.

He closed the door as he held the stare of two pairs of eyes. So, this was why I was told to leave to get you both gifts. I never thought I would be betrayed by you, Sister Lingxi.

The two women were having a feast of epic proportions. Mouthwatering food spread across the table, still fresh and steaming hot. Fatty Xu must have delivered it recently.

I couldnt help myself, Young Master, Mei Lingxi showed little remorse as she took another bite of the dish before her.

William eyed the familiar plate of kebabs near the edge. He planned to take something on the way out but couldnt eat an unknown dish. This was not the time to gamble on its effects on his body.

The rabbit kebab was a known dish that would help a little on the mission.

You still cant have any, brat, Wang Xiaoling spoke when she saw his desire. I was being thoughtful when I got you out of here before Sister Mei tasted Fatty Xus dishes. You can only blame yourself for coming back early.

So this gift that you apparently wanted. Would you have gotten over your anger if I had got one for you?

No, Wang Xiaoling scoffed like it was unthinkable. Maybe I'll set you free in a few more weeks.

Right, William nodded. It seemed Wang Xiaolings petty anger at nothing in particular would last for some time. If she said the opposite, he might have made a different decision. Anyway, Ill be on a mission for a day or two.

He pulled his spirit beast egg out of the upgraded spatial stone, not caring that Mei Lingxi would realize what he possessed. Her contract would ensure it would be kept secret.

Ill see you later, Sister Xiaoling. Sister Lingxi, William said before swiping a few kebabs off the table and rushing out of the dwelling.

He shut the door to Wang Xiaolings screech of anger.

Lets go, Kae! William yelled as he sprinted to the Mission Hall.

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