Transcending Dreams

B2 - Chapter 73

B2 - Chapter 73

William waited for a few minutes, keeping his vigilance while straining his ears to try and form a picture of what was happening with the egg.

It was honestly disgusting. The wind speeds he could hear pointed to a vortex forming, just like what he had sensed in the spatial stone. That was where the similarities stopped.

The deconstructed spirit beasts made sounds that couldnt be unheard as they were picked up off the ground and squeezed together before they were disintegrated by the egg. At least, that was what his mind created from the sounds he heard.

William kept track of every second, and when the ten-minute mark passed, he had to see for himself what was happening.

Still not trusting the situation not to go to hell if he took his eyes off the gap for too long, he turned his head quickly to see what was happening behind him.

That was a mistake.

William quickly turned away as he tried to keep himself from gagging in disgust. It was worse than anything he could have imagined.

The egg did indeed disintegrate everything right before it absorbed the minced spirit beasts, but the state the minced flesh was in was beyond vomit-inducing.

The vortex of wind couldnt be seen. Not because it didnt exist but because it was entirely overlayed by a thick, swirly, hideous amalgamation. Minced flesh, bones, blood, stray limbs, anything left over from the Berserker Kaes carnage was there.

Well over a hundred feet into the sky, fitting into the most horrific scenes imaginable.

William wondered just what type of monster he was bringing into this world. If it wasnt for the fact that whatever spirit beast hatched from the egg would be incapable of harming him, he would have abandoned the thought of hatching it after seeing this hellish scene.

It was one thing that was corroborated by Lin Lins autobiography and the entry-level hatching books. To make it almost fact, Wang Xiaoling and Mei Lingxi stated it as something obvious when he asked them in passing.

A spirit beast egg was attached to the cultivator that fed it when it was still an egg. That loyalty wouldnt disappear unless truly appalling abuse was done toward the spirit beast.

He shuddered when the sound of the fleshy funnels squelching grew louder. The egg had grown greedier and drawn more of the dead spirit beasts into the vortex. He caught a glimpse of the red stains on his robes and dry-heaved slightly.

Fuck me, William gasped. He thought he had been over this after the Garden. The cannibal bunnies he slaughtered had drawn a similar reaction out of him, but that was the last time he physically reacted with such revulsion.

This was just too much.

You could find a brothel in a mortal city for that, Wei Liang, Kae replied in a weak voice. Theres nothing here that can help you with that request.

It took a long second for William to realize that Kae had told a joke. It took another for him to realize that normal Kae was back.

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Kae! William greeted happily. Youre alive!

In a sense, Kae grunted, pushing himself off the ground to stand. He looked much healthier, no longer bleeding from every pore. If theres another battle like that, I might as well be dead with how useful I would be.

So far, theres nothing following those beast waves, William commented, watching Kae narrow his eyes at the gap in the mountains.

Im not sure if thats good or bad, Kae admitted as he turned. We should have been shifted back to the sect after the beast waves

William understood why Kae cut himself off. It must have been the extreme exhaustion that allowed him to miss the hair-raising noises the vortex of flesh was making. Still, it was impossible to miss when directly facing it.

What? Kae was lost for words.

No need to be alarmed, William was quick to reassure. Thats just my spirit beast egg feeding.

Kae stumbled closer to get a better look. The look of disbelief didnt disappear. What monster is in that egg?

I have the same question, William said wryly.

This is impressively nauseating, Wei Liang.

And yet, youre still staring at it.

This is true, Kae reluctantly looked away. After the wave leaders were killed, did you hear the voice say anything?

There were no wave leaders.

I see, Kae nodded without a change in expression. I now understand your request to be fucked.

William ignored the second joke he heard from Kae. What does this mean?

Six beast waves at once. No wave leaders. No shift back to the sect once all the spirit beasts were killed, Kae stared at him. I have no idea, but its not good. And you know the worst part?


I wasted my transformation on the weak Qi Gathering Realm beast mob. I only have two left before I have to create the elixir again.

Start now, William said immediately. Who knows if theres a chance later.

That would be the smart thing to do if it didnt take well over a week to make enough for an extra transformation.

Thats fine, William took a deep breath. Perfectly fine. The last two need to be rationed carefully. I can take care of anything around the middle-stage Foundation Establishment Realm or lower. Anything higher, and we can decide based on the situation.

Higher than middle-stage Foundation Establishment, Kae muttered before speaking in a much louder voice. Return us to the sect!

Nothing happened.

For any Elders observing, the formations are malfunctioning! We need to be retrieved!

Still nothing.

Kae turned to him and shrugged. I guess we just wait here? Its safe enough, and Im not keen on meeting any beasts higher than the middle stage. It might mean nothing stops us from running into even stronger beasts.

William nodded since he didnt have any better ideas. Surely someone will have noticed that we havent returned, right?

Theres that, Kae agreed, but they should already know something went wrong. My worry is why they havent taken us away by now.

That eye, William was reluctant to even mention it, but they were both skirting around the topic. It had to be discussed. You said you never saw it before. Maybe thats the issue.

Then were dead, Kae said bluntly. Im sure you agree with me on that.

He nodded silently. It reminded him of the serpent in the Shard.

On a positive note, your beast egg looks to be finished with the feeding.

William turned to it and saw Kae was correct. The vortex had become far less disturbing, with most of the flesh disintegrated and the strong winds finally peeking through. The vortex was also getting smaller as it disappeared into the egg.

Keep watch on the gap while I take a look, William said to Kae before walking to the egg. The ground was much cleaner than before, but a thin film of blood still tinted the grass red.

If he was forced to make an approximation of how much of the dead beasts the egg absorbed, he would say it was a little over half. He was stunned that it still didnt show any sign of hatching.

If it hadnt been for firsthand witnessing the eggs gluttony, William wouldnt have believed how much it had absorbed. Thankfully, the egg still had some significant changes, even if there werent as many as he had expected.

One was the basic status it now possessed.

[Species: ? | Level: 99]

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