Transcending Dreams

B2 - Chapter 75

B2 - Chapter 75

It wasnt long before William was well within the gap. They jumped smoothly over the massive rubble that previously formed a mountain.

He had been checking the spirit beasts that had been released behind them, and nothing could have been more evident that this was all intentional when the beasts stopped bothering to chase them.

Do we keep going? Kae broke the silence.

William slowed their pace to something far more leisurely. He couldnt see much ahead other than a large lake that took up their narrow field of view. The mountains on both sides prevented him from seeing anything else.

We can test it, William said, coming to a stop and looking behind. The beasts were moving again. Yes, we keep going.

Kae nodded, not questioning his decision. At some point in their escape, Kae had decided that he would be given the lead. William wasnt sure how he felt about that, but there was no time to divvy out responsibilities.

He restarted their trek but at a much slower pace. He frequently looked at the beasts in the field behind them to make sure they werent following, and they werent. As long as they kept moving forward, the beasts stayed put and didnt care how fast or slow their pace was.

Do you have any idea where were heading? William asked when they settled into a mortals walking pace.

No, Kae was short as always, though he rethought that after a moment. I was under the impression that nothing existed beyond the borders of each level.

The first thought that appeared in Williams mind was the origination of the spirit beasts. Perhaps this was where they were raised before they ended up being slaughtered.

So Im guessing the destruction of a mountain isnt usual, William stated, to which Kae nodded silently. How do the beast waves usually show up?

They just appear.

So likely a teleportation formation, William wondered out loud.

Maybe. Probably. But does it matter? Kae said gruffly.

Maybe not, but it might give us a clue of what to expect.

Silence fell over them again.

William watched the surroundings like a hawk, trying to see if there was anything out of place. It was a grey, drab area with large, boulder-sized rubble of the same color. It seemed like a dead zone for all living things, plants or animals.

Knowing nothing about the mountain range that circled the field that made up level two, he could only assume they were artificially created to act as a divider. Placing plant life, or any life, would be an unnecessary waste of time.

Whats the plan if we see that eye again?

William glanced at Kae with a raised brow. I hope that it doesnt want to kill us. So far, it seems it wants something else.

Thats what Im having trouble with. What can we provide that it needs?

Who knows? William shrugged. "Maybe its bored and needs entertainment. Thats what Im hoping for anyway.

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Or it wants something we hold, Kae didnt respond to his attempts to lighten the mood. Something you hold.

William saw Kae staring at the spirit beast egg in his hands. He tightened his grip before looking ahead. That was a possibility he was aware of.

Call him suicidal or irresponsible, but he couldnt abandon the egg to see if that was the case. All of its actions so far, the level of feeding it went through, no matter how grotesque, hinted that it was a high-tier spirit beast instead of mid-tier.

He didnt want to lose the chance to have a pet of that strength, even if it was necessary to put his life in possible danger. If it worked out as he hoped, he would have something that other cultivators would give up an arm and leg for.

The only thing that he regretted was pulling Kae into this. Still, it wasnt enough to change his mind. Besides, this was all based on the assumption that the being behind the red eye wanted his spirit beast egg.

I doubt it, William replied. Even if this egg has a high-tier spirit beast, do you think something like that would have any desire for it?

Of course it would. At that level, they have the equivalent of human intelligence. Its more than just hunting and upgrading cultivation for spirit beasts that strong. They have intricate plans that span decades and centuries.

If it is the egg, what would you do? William asked as casually as possible. They werent far from leaving the mountain range. The lake was still the only thing they could see. Perhaps it was better to call it an ocean.

Toss it and see if the attention is taken off us.

Ill think about it, William lied. The situation is manageable right now. If it gets out of hand, I wont hesitate.

The egg pulsed as if protesting his plan. For all he knew, it understood precisely what was being discussed. He couldnt reassure it by telling it he had no intention of doing that, no matter how bad it got.

If it came to it, he would take the chance when Kae was distracted to store the egg in his spatial stone. Again, it would have to be a last resort. Even if Kae wouldnt know of the stones existence, there was a possibility that the beast with the red eye would.

They slowed to a stop when they came to a cliff. William had expected to see land, which the mountains blocked him from seeing, but he was proved wrong.

This is a problem, Kae stated the obvious.

William nodded, scanning the water that extended past the horizon before turning around. He could see the spirit beasts staring at them at the edge of the mountain path. They didnt move even though they had stopped.

Wei Liang, look below.

He took his eyes off the spirit beasts to see Kae staring down the cliff with a frown. He followed his line of sight to see a thin line that could be considered a beach.

Can you get down there without breaking your legs? William asked as he considered how to get there himself.

I should be able to.

He nodded as he knelt, his free hand lighting up with Qi before he slammed his fingers into the side of the cliff. He felt a slight sting, but his fingers sank into the rock like a hot knife through butter.

It should be doable, but there was a chance that parts of the cliff could have denser rock. He should use some of his available attribute points for safety. Dropping straight down the cliff wouldnt kill him. Still, it would require taking a pill or elixir. He had no intention of accepting impurity when it could be avoided.

Spirit: 226

Strength: 110

Stamina: 110

Agility: 140

Luck: 150

Points: 232

Thirty points should be more than enough.

[+30 Strength]

His hand reignited with Qi, fingers slicing into the cliff before his palm smacked against rock. He couldnt feel anything this time.


Ready when you are, William said as he stood up.

Are you climbing your way down? Kae stared at him with a blank look.

Pretty much, William confirmed. Whats your plan?

This, Kae jumped, leaving William behind with wide eyes.

He stared at Kaes plummeting form and hoped there was a plan other than healing himself after landing. He shook his head and glanced back. The spirit beasts had entered the mountain gap.

William backed close to the edge and bounced on his toes to rid himself of nerves. He eyed the beasts one last time and brought the egg closer to his body before making a short hop backward over the cliff.

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