Transcending Dreams

B2 - Chapter 85

B2 - Chapter 85

The darkness melted away as William approached, his eyes able to pick up more details the closer he got. He turned to glance behind, and as expected, he could see nothing past fifty feet.

It was a little unsettling.

It was the egg that gave him confidence. Too much confidence in something that he didnt really know the capabilities of.

He glanced at his Spiritual Energy.

Spiritual Energy: 987/1130 (20% per Hour)

It would take about half an hour to fully recover everything. He would think about using Healing Qi if that actually happened. One positive news was that using [Force Multiplier] no longer carried a penalty.

The positive news was an understatement. It was fantastic news.

William kept walking down the path, deeper into the seemingly endless depths. He wasnt quick about it since he wanted to be prepared for any surprises, but still, he wasnt at what he would call a slow pace.

He froze when he saw a familiar shape on the ground. It was another Stone Puppet, but the system didnt show its basic status.

The lack of glowing jade veins or green flame eyes was another indicator it wasnt active.

William quickly moved closer just in case it did wake. It would be safer than staying far away due to the weakness of the automation.

Huh, William narrowed his eyes, studying the details on the Stone Puppet. This is already destroyed.

Chunks were missing from the body, and it matched the level of decay of the broken stones around it. This thing had been destroyed a long, long time ago.

Is this useful to you, Little Egg? William asked as he looked around. He could see outlines at the edge of his vision further ahead. More Stone Puppets.

The egg gave off a feeling of disgust.

Hm, I thought not, William smiled as he moved forward to see more Stone Puppet bodies. The more he walked, the more common it was, to the point where he was literally walking on the bodies because they were everywhere.

He shivered at the thought of having to fight all of these. He would have had to resort to guerrilla strikes, running away to recover, then repeat.

How about any of these? William asked quietly, noting that some of the bodies seemed to be newer in look.

The egg hesitated for a few seconds before declining. Seemed like some of the bodies there were at the edge of usefulness. That made him worried.

It meant they were destroyed recently.

He noticed that the path was widening. A minute later, he could no longer see the walls that had been present the entire time he had been descending.

If you spot this narrative on Amazon, know that it has been stolen. Report the violation.

William had been reasonably confident that even if the egg missed a movement, he could handle it since he only needed to put most of his focus in one direction.

Work hard, Little Egg, William brought it closer to his mouth, speaking in a nearly inaudible whisper. Ill feed you a Core Formation Realm corpse after this.

He ignored the egg shaking in excitement as he ventured forward at a far slower pace. The ground was no longer visible. It was replaced by Stone Puppets. Supposedly destroyed Stone Puppets if the eggs continued disgust was any sign.

You finally arrived.

William tensed at the sudden statement from the genderless voice, even more, when pulsing lines appeared all around him in the previously dark space. Countless fiery, red eyes slowly opened to stare right at him.

The system was showing him far too much information. There were too many basic statuses to account for, and it was all around him. He was surrounded by hundreds of Stone Puppets, though these were glowing red instead of green.

It was precisely what he feared. The only boon at the moment was they didnt seem to be in a rush to attack him.

They will not move until I command them.

He reluctantly took his eyes off the automatons to search for who was speaking. Who are you?

That is not your concern, disciple. Why have you entered this place?

Are you the ancestor that built all of this? William stalled by asking a question of his own. He didnt know how to answer the question directed at him.

The red veins on the Stone Puppets pulsed in unison. I will give you one more chance, disciple. Why have you entered this place?

Whoever was speaking to him, he hoped that they had zero contact with the sect. I and another disciple were sent here to remove the corruption.

Another, you say? Expand on this corruption.

William had hoped it would mention something about Kae, but he must not have come through here.

I wasnt told much other than something in the shape of a woman with strange features. She is a minor danger to the sect and must be removed.

It was an amalgamation of the truth and lies, but hopefully believable enough for whoever this voice was to accept his presence here.

Foolish. Or the voice would call him out immediately. Do you expect to kill the witch as you are?

I was told she is only a major realm above me. If so, I believe I can.

So the sect sent two geniuses here. There was a long pause before the voice continued. Very well, you are allowed to pass.

Wait! William said before he was transported away. What did you mean by two geniuses? Did you see my friend?

The degenerate that sullies his human lineage by turning into a beast? The voice sounded bitter.

Er, yes? This was the second time someone mentioned the distaste of being anything but a pure human. Elder Yu mentioned it when speaking of his choices in heaven-tier martial arts, though the voice was far more offended.

The destruction you walk on was caused by that disciple. I have allowed him to pass.

William blinked owlishly as he received the answer to what had destroyed the newer Stone Puppets. It made sense why his spirit beast egg wasnt interested in the bodies. Berserker Kae must have gone on a rampage worse than what he did against the beast waves.

Perhaps the lone Stone Puppet who wandered into the main hall was one of the few who escaped the carnage.

This prison was designed so that only the keepers could access the witch. Even I do not know the easiest path to her. I wish you well, disciple.

That was the second time Sophia was called a witch. It didnt take much brain power to realize that whoever designed this place was not a fan of her.

It made William wonder about the current Jade Healing Sects opinion of Empress Sophia. He didnt expect anything contentious due to her being ancient history, even to cultivators, but he suspected there was a lot of hatred in the early days of the sect.

The glowing red veins and fiery eyes of the Stone Puppets dimmed. The entire chamber rumbled as the massive wall split open.

Enter. The voice spoke before the chamber fell into silence.

William saw the light coming from the other side. At the very least, he was happy that he would no longer be surrounded by darkness.

He looked around hesitantly before entering the newly opened area.

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