Transcending Dreams

B2 - Chapter 94

B2 - Chapter 94

The first move should be to use [Observe] and then decide what to do from there. It should be safe to do so unless the illusion somehow interfered with the system functions, and that didnt seem to be the case since it was working without issue.

Plus, if the Mimic has a high chance of detecting his use of [Observe], the system should warn him of the percentage of risk he would be taking. There was also the chance of the Mimic being an automaton, making all of this moot.

[-5 Spiritual Energy]

Species: Mimic

Level: 188

Cultivation: Foundation Establishment (Late Stage)

Health: 2900/2900

Spiritual Energy: 3263/6175

Spirit: 1235

Strength: 50

Stamina: 50

Agility: 50

William couldnt deny that he had a sudden urge to reach over the stall and end the Mimics life as soon as he saw its stats.

It had a mind-boggling amount of Spirit, which in turn meant its Spiritual Energy was off the charts. However, the rest of its attributes made the Mimic an easy source of experience pointsan easy kill.

Using [Observe] almost confirmed that the Mimic controlled the illusion around him. It made sense why the world only seemed alive when he focused on it. The Mimic simply didnt have the skill or Spiritual Energy to do it on the level of someone like Daoist Chen.

There was another reason William refrained from doing anything drastic. While its physical attributes were pathetic, who knew what type of Qi attacks the Mimic was capable of.

Oi! Why do you keep staring? Is there really something with these things? The Mimic narrowed its eyes at the tower of papers and books.

Er, I should be saying this, but you have something special there, William pointed at the glowing book. Tell me a fair price, and Ill give it to you.

The Mimic looked at him suspiciously before pulling the book out of the messy stack, a few loose papers jostled from the disturbance, and studied it for a few minutes.

William was happy that time was passing by. He was almost out of the penalty time limit for [Force Multiplier].

I still see nothing, the Mimic muttered. What did you see again? Its glowing or something?

Almost blindingly, William replied truthfully. I have no idea why it's doing so, but surely it's worth more than one measly Qi Stone.

The story has been taken without consent; if you see it on Amazon, report the incident.

Alright, the Mimic drew out the word. Look, how about you tell me what you want to pay, then Ill decide.

He raised an eyebrow instinctively in doubt. I cant do that. It wouldnt be fair to either of us if I did so. What if I said two Qi Stones?

If you think thats fair, then lets do it for two, the Mimic nodded, offering the book to him over the counter.

William had alarms flashing at the unnatural interaction. With how much effort was put into recreating the feeling of Xuanjing Citys central market, why would the Mimic be so sloppy in its role as a stall seller?

This wasnt even close to being realistic.

That wasnt an offer, he backed away to avoid touching the book willingly. It was just an example.

The Mimic sighed dramatically. Two Qi Stones might not be much in your eyes, but it will let me feel my family for months. If you cant tell, I dont have many customers buying my wares. The only thing special about my village are these old books lying around, but nobodys buying them.

William stared, finding the story stupidly similar to the first seller he spoke to. Only, the braided rope was replaced with books. The price was also at the extreme opposite.

So, two Qi Stones would be very helpful to you, William repeated the Mimics words, thinking his options over.

Yes, the Mimic replied pitifully, it really would.

He made the decision.

Fine, you have a deal, William pulled out two Qi Stones from his ring and held them in his left hand, moving to make the exchange.

Youre a good person, the Mimic smiled happily. This kindness will bring you great fortune in

It was cut off by a screaming, crackling, thunderous roar as a nearly solid bolt of lightning vaporized the Mimic in the middle of its sentence. The illusion immediately collapsed, returning William back to the platform.

[-600 Spiritual Energy]

[+88713 XP]

[Level Up! | 10 Stat Points Added] x5

William stared at the smoking glove on his hand in amazement. He had used all of the Qi supplied to the Elemental Gauntlet in one shotnegating the supposed ten-minute durationbut the power it displayed still shocked him into silence.

There was no doubt that the Mimics weak physical attributes played a large part in its easy death. However, the Elemental Gauntlet would still be a true weapon he could rely on in the future.

He was able to eventually tear his eyes away from the glove and look around. There were no remains of the Mimic to be seen, which was a shame for his spirit beast egg.

William took a gamble on killing it. Something was screaming at him to refuse to make any sort of deal with the Mimic, and he was coming to trust his gut when it felt so strongly. Many things could have gone wrong since he was in an illusion world created by the thing he was trying to kill, but thankfully, it worked out as planned.

He waited nervously to see if he passed the second round. Just because he successfully killed the Mimic didnt mean he necessarily passed.

He waited idly for a minute before he started to feel jittery. He pulled up his status screen to confirm some of the changes.

Level: 132

Experience: 5780/16500

Spiritual Energy: 362/1630 (20% per Hour)

Points: 52

William debated adding more points to Spirit, but he was getting close to the limit of what his Kidney Meridian could handle. He didnt think he could afford to sit down and carefully guide his Qi if required.

Congratulations on suppressing your greed and surviving!

He paused for a moment before a broad smile appeared on his face. He made the right decision by not touching that book.

The Wheel of Death will continue! As a reminder, your accompanying Elder is just a shout away!

The platform started to descend to round three. Round one was fear, and round two was greed. He tried to predict what would come next, initially thinking of the seven sins from Earth, but that didnt fit.

Fear was not a sin. It could be the classic, let go of all attachments cultivation training that was so common in the novels.

The platform stopped.

William would find out soon enough. He looked around and found that, once again, there was no place for any beast or automaton to exit.

He expected another illusion-type attack.

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