Transcending Dreams

Interlude: Yu Yanhua III

Interlude: Yu Yanhua III

You might think it was justified, Elder Yu, but I dont appreciate being used in such a way.

Yu Yanhua frowned as she glanced around. This was not the place she wished for this to happen. You are greatly misconstruing what I did, Elder Zhiqing.

This had been a topic that had been revisited far too much, in her opinion. She understood that her fellow elder felt disrespected about his selected protege getting the worst of the Shard. Still, it was more than a little ridiculous that he felt the need to blame it on her.

Little Bo was mistreated and harassed! He deserved recompense!

And yet you dont say how this recompense would occur, she did her best to not sound irritated. If you give me valid avenues, I will gladly help.

I already have! That boy Wei, he has benefited greatly, and now you request the council for Superior Spirit Stones! Let me use a few on Little Bo, and I will consider this settled.

I said valid avenues, Yu Yanhua said sharply. You know just as well as I that this is not an option. I didnt ask for the Superior Spirit Stones to spend on Disciple Wei. To imply that I did is close to being an accusation. If that is your intention, we can proceed to the Punishment Hall.

When it seemed Elder Zhiqing wouldnt let her be, she sighed in resignation.

Ill request the Sentinel Peak Master to make an exception and open the formation. Would that be enough to settle whatever perceived slight you have with Disciple Wei?

Fifteen minutes, Elder Zhiqing added immediately.

Yu Yanhua narrowed her eyes. Nobody is allowed that. Three minutes, and that is not a starting point for negotiation.

That works, Elder Zhiqing nodded in satisfaction. It has been a pleasure as always, Elder Yu. Let me know when Little Bo is given permission.

Yu Yanhua rubbed her brow in frustration and hoped this was the last issue that would pop up. The Sect Master might have permitted her to use the discretionary funds, but such a large amount still needed a nod from the elder council.

It would basically be a rubber stamp approval, but the main reason behind it was to inform them of where the funds were being used. Of course, the council wasnt told that Wei Liang was the intended recipient of such a large amount of wealth.

It would have raised far too many questions and instantly received the attention of the Grand Elder.

The timing was already suspicious enough for the Grand Elder to look closer. Still, the way Yu Yanhua planned this was above the board.

Handing the prize to Wei Liang directly was out of the question, but it didnt matter since they intended to do it in an impartial way. Or at least one that seemed impartial to outside eyes.

Yu Yanhuas lips twitched in amusement when she remembered the Sect Masters reaction at having to approve three times the originally planned cost. Still, it was to the sects benefit in the end.

Three disciples would be able to visit the Desolate Land, and one of them would be Wei Liang.

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Junior Yu, it seems Zhiqing got on your nerves.

Yu Yanhua turned to see Chen Zhi walking toward her with a smile. She looked behind him to see only a few elders still on the peak as they conversed with each other. The far less social brother, Chen Yi, was nowhere to be seen.

Senior Chen, she returned his smile. Elder Zhiqing has been pushing for something since Disciple Ren returned to the sect.

That was impossible to miss, Chen Zhi chuckled. Still, it doesnt mean you had to give in to his demands, Junior Yu.

I know, Yu Yanhua nodded, but he wasnt in the wrong. Disciple Ren has been unsatisfied with his trip to the Shard, and if using the formation on Sentinel Peak will decrease that, so be it. He is on track to enter your peak, Senior Chen.

Chen Zhi frowned. His attitude has much to be desired, but Disciple Rens talent in the healing arts cannot be denied.

Yu Yanhua agreed silently, waiting for the real reason Chen Zhi chose to speak to her. They were of different generations, with her being a new entrant into the Inner Court when Chen Zhi was about to leave and join the ranks of the elders.

The best way to describe their relationship was as respected colleagues or friendly acquaintances. She only needed one hand to count the times when they had a casual chat with no meaning.

Junior Yu, I was thinking

There it was.

about making the selection a little easier for disciples focused on healing.

It took every bit of control Yu Yanhua had to stop from recoiling in shock. It was one thing for someone like Elder Zhiqing to ask for a portion of the approved discretionary funds, but when an elder like Chen Zhi did the same, it generally meant nothing good.

Elder Zhiqing was an Inner Court elder. High in status, yes, but still low on the totem pole of power. Elder Chen Zhi was a Peak Master who only answered to the Sect Master and the Grand Elder. For someone like that, to ask for help was not a good sign for the person being asked.

Senior, youre putting me in a tough spot, Yu Yanhua frowned. This might have been my request, but the Sect Master is the one that has final approval in the process.

Come now, both of us know that the sect has pushed tremendous resources to developing the sentinels. This is another initiative since you are taking the lead, Chen Zhi held up a hand when she opened her mouth to counter. I am not against this, Junior Yu, but the disciples on my White Crane Peak are noticing. There is no doubt it is the same on the other peaks.

Yu Yanhuas expression froze before she pressed her lips together. Ill pass your concerns on to the Sect Master.

It has already been done, Chen Zhi sighed. Think about it, Junior Yu. The ones talking will be our sects core in the future. They dont see the big picture, but with how the sentinels have been shown favoritism recently, can we blame them?

No, I understand that, but not how I am to help if the Sect Master already knows of the issue.

You have his ear. Perhaps it wont change anything, but if a high-ranking Sentinel shared our concerns, it would weigh on Guan Feng. Telling him once in passing is not enough.

Yu Yanhua was left with no choice but to agree. Chen Zhi, a peak master, wasnt asking for anything intrusive, just her support for the well-being of the sect.

She would look ungrateful if she denied something so simple. Especially after he had personally helped remove the impurity from Wei Liang.

Ill speak to the Sect Master, Senior Chen, Yu Yanhua bowed slightly.

The disciples will appreciate this, Chen Zhi smiled apologetically. I know you are uncomfortable with this. I wish there was another way.

No, Im happy to be of help. I didnt know this was this

Yu Yanhua stopped, a whisper appearing in her mind.

Elder Yu. There is a disciple and an outsider here to meet you. The identity is Wei Liang.

She quickly gave permission.

Seems you have a visitor, Chen Zhi commented. I wont keep you. And Ill remember this favor, Junior Yu.

He disappeared, leaving Yu Yanhua staring at the Grand Hall. She was the only one left on the peak.

She took a second for herself before shaking her head. If a peak master went to this length, it would be necessary to take the concerns into account. This also meant the qualifications to get the opportunity to visit the Desolate Land would not necessarily be Wei Liangs strength.

Speaking of him, Yu Yanhua had to go down the peak to meet the boy.

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