Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 271 Young Masters Of The Chu Clan?

"Now that Tian Ji has grown up, I have to be ruthless. It is very difficult for me to kill him. However, as I’ve said before, I’m still able to kill him 10,000 times over. I don’t think you would be able to deny that." Mo Tian Yun said solemnly, "I have the ability to do so!"

"I have extremely conflicting feelings. I’m sure that all of you are able to understand by now. While I, Mo Tian Yun, may not be a good person or a gentleman, I would never be as lowly as Brother Ao has described."

"I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m currently suppressing my younger brother and sister." Mo Tian Yun’s sharp gaze was overlooking everyone. All of a sudden, he asked in a grave tone, "However, amongst all the eldest young masters here, who could say that he has never suppressed his rival? Well?"

As they looked into his eyes, their faces began to heat up.

With regards to Mo Tian Ji and Mo Qing Wu being ambushed by the Hei Mo clan in Lower Three Heavens, there were many speculations that it had to do with Mo Tian Yun. This caused everyone to have an extremely bad impression of Mo Tian Yun.

How could anyone trust someone who would even ensnare his own brother and sister?

However, at that present moment, everyone felt that they were somewhat similar to Mo Tian Yun. They had also suppressed other people in their own clans for their clans, personal ambitions, and survival! Furthermore, those people that were suppressed were also related to them by blood, some were even their own brothers and sisters!

Everyone had the same thought: Is it not ridiculous for us to be criticizing Mo Tian Yun for doing the exact same thing that we’ve done?

"Mo Tian Yun, you are indeed very persuasive." Ao Xie Yun smiled lightly, "Your words are perfectly reasonable and I agree with you on this. For the survival of the clan, it is alright for one to go against his morals once in a while. I can accept that."

"I’m sure that your words have removed the tarnished image that everyone has of you. While your image is tainted, the consolation is that you at least have the guts to admit your mistakes and take full responsibility for them. That’s very commendable." A trace of sarcasm appeared from within Ao Xie Yun’s dark gaze, "If I weren’t around, these words of yours would probably have helped you gain many allies..."

"It’s too bad that I’m here today." Ao Xie Yun smiled coldly and said, "All of your words are genuine; some even come from the bottom of your heart... But..."

"The people that I’ve suppressed are different from those that you’ve suppressed." Ao Xie Yun continued assertively, "I would never suppress my brothers before they have grown and had the ability to fight against me!"

"That’s not the case with you. Your younger sister is only nine years old. Besides, she is only a girl. Even though your younger brother competes with you for power, he is nothing like you. When the interests of the clan are involved, he would gladly give way to you. On the other hand, you are most willing to cause damage to the clan in the interest of your own power."

"You were capable of killing him before he even had to chance to grow up fully, but please don’t forget that he was not against you back then." Ao Xie Yun continued slowly, "Nonetheless, you were guarded against him in every way, causing him to develop the desire for power. This was because he practically could not or did not even have the chance to gain anything that he had wanted."

"Great clans are all the same; it is the way of the world. There is no need for you to justify yourself since it was not solely for your own advantage."

"Even if we suppress others, we would never force them to their death." Ao Xie Yun became stern, "Your fight, however, is a deadly one. Moreover, this fight was started by you. That’s the biggest difference between you and us."

Mo Tian Yun’s face shifted between blue and white. Every word of Ao Xie Yun had triggered his weaknesses, but all he could do was to grit his teeth helplessly as he replied, "Everyone here has his own understanding of his clan. Who does not have his struggles? Who does not have his own form of understanding? Who does not have to do things that he doesn’t want to do? Who does not have ambition? Arguing about these things at this juncture is simply pointless."

"Yes, it is indeed pointless. However, your paranoia makes other people feel uncomfortable." Ao Xie Yun smirked, "In the case of today, you should not have suggested that we deal with those two young people, yet you did."

"So what?" Mo Tian Yun grunted.

"This clearly does not resonate with your character, which is one of discretion." Ao Xie Yun’s dark eyes flashed for a moment, "In a situation like this, you would normally wait for a perfect opportunity before taking action. You would never make the first move, let alone attempt to assume the role of a leader and take charge of the whole situation..."

"All you wish to do is to take advantage of the situation when other people are losing, eventually taking credit for being the good guy in the whole scenario." Ao Xie Yun described his nature bluntly, "Dogs can’t change their character of sniffing their own feces and you should not have jumped at this situation by creating your own opportunity. However, earlier, you had provided a course of action first. Although your words were reasonable, they also serve to prove that you have hostile intentions towards those two people."

"People like those two have always been the kind of people that you would attempt to win over and curry favors from. You are the type of person that would definitely not initiate an attack against them or offend them in any possible way. Therefore, you must have sensed that those two people have hostile intentions towards you."

Ao Xie Yun looked up slowly. His dark gaze darted straight at Mo Tian Yun as he let out a devilish laugh, "Mo Tian Yun, you would never dare to ignore danger, even if it was just a feeling... Hence, your intention was to make us become your backing without us knowing your true intentions."

"You are making a pre-emptive move!" Ao Xie Yun exclaimed, "This is all a part of your paranoid character! But... why are you so paranoid today? Mo Tian Yun, what are you so paranoid about?"

Mo Tian Yun’s face turned pale. He yelled, "Ao Xie Yun, what are you trying to get at?"

"I’m not trying to get at anything." Ao Xie Yun replied casually, "Everyone here knows that those two people are from Upper Three Heavens. If anyone makes a move against them... would they not seek revenge? If there’s revenge... how would that be dealt?"

As he said this, all the faces on the young masters immediately became extremely pale.

"Perhaps... they could beat up the great clans to the point that they can’t get back up again? Or perhaps, they could suppress them directly...?" Ao Xie Yun continued casually, "That way, most of the great clans in Middle Three heavens would slowly fall... Mo Tian Yun, could it be that you have an innate desire to dominate Middle Three Heavens?"

All of a sudden, Mo Tian Yun’s countenance turned white, "You are spouting nonsense!"

Meanwhile, everyone’s perception of him had already begun to change.

After hearing what Ao Xie Yun had said, everyone instantly realized that this was a very likely possibility.

"Some people enjoy speculating things with their suspicious mindsets, but it is truly sad that such a thing has become the way of this world." Mo Tian Yun said coldly, "That’s why the good people in this world become mountains of white bones while despicable people rise up in power and in wealth."

He smirked as he shook his head, "That’s not puzzling at all!"

In this battle of wits, it was clear that Mo Tian Yun had lost.

He had used his sense of danger to get everyone to join arms with him. He had hoped that he could deal with the crisis that was looming. However, Ao Xie Yun, on the other hand, had used this exact sense of danger of his to expose his lies and further tarnish his image.

Eventually, all Mo Tian Yun could do was to let out a sigh and say a few words with a dejected look on his face as he attempted to save whatever reputation he had left.

"Reason can be spoken by anyone. The same reason is true when spoken by a gentleman; it remains true even if it is spoken by a petty person." Mo Tian Yun explained casually, "A reason is still a reason. There is no differentiation."

"Well said!" A voice that agreed with his words rang. Subsequently, a soft sound of clapping could be heard as two young men dressed in outfits that were as white in snow stepped forward.

Once again, the entire room became quiet. All at once, everyone turned to look at these two young men.

Facing the watchful eyes of everyone, Chu Yang and Gu Du Xing walked forward casually and entered the common room.

Their current appearances had been carefully disguised by Chu Yang. They were absolutely different from what they looked like before! Everything from their skin color, the shape of their faces and eyes, to the positions of their facial features were drastically different.

At that moment, the two of them were merely total strangers who had just appeared in this world for the very first time in their lives.

Upon entering the common room, Chu Yang and Gu Du Xing tried their utmost best to use all of their power to compose themselves. However, they were unable to maintain their composure.

In front of Gu Du Xing were mostly people that he knew!

He was acquainted with most of the young masters that were present!

Meanwhile, from Chu Yang’s perspective, he was seeing something different.

There were also many people that he knew. Chu Yang realized that everyone had arrived, with the exception of a few.

Just a few decades later, the people in this very room would be the ones stirring up Middle Three Heavens! In fact, even Upper Three Heavens would feel the chaos!

Hei Mo (Black Devil), An Zhu (Dark Bamboo), Gu Du Ke (Lone Traveler), Du Sha (Poison Spirit) Tian Ji (Heavenly Spirit), Li Xiong Tu (Strict Aggression), Mo Dao (Black Saber), Qian Hao (One Thousand Talents), Xie Gong Zi (Evil Young Master), Meng Luo (Dream Fall), Qiong Hua (Jade Flower), and Tian Bu Ru (Heaven Cannot Compare) were all present.

The powerful young man who was sitting in the middle of the room and had a disdainful expression was none other than Evil Young Master Ao Xie Yun. He was one of the twelve outstanding characters. Furthermore, Lone Traveler Gu Du Ke was already by his side. Black Saber was creating waves with his Ask The Heavens Sword. The person standing in one of the corners was Tu clan’s eldest young master, Tu Qian Hao. As for the rough looking young man with the beard who was sitting at the table behind Ao Xie Yun, he was Li Xiong Tu!

Hei Mo and An Zhu were not present. Chu Yang had no idea who Du Shao was. Mo Tian Ji was not present as well. Tian Bu Ru was the youth that appeared shy and was standing in another corner. Later on, everyone would think that Qiong Hua was a female, but Chu Yang knew very well that this revered Qiong Hua was actually Xie clan’s young master, Xie Dan Qiong.

His famous hidden weapon was the Dream Jade Flower.

Meng Luo did not seem to be present.

The people gathered in this room were Gu Du Ke, Li Xiong Tu, Qian Hao, Xie Gong Zi, Xie Dan Qiong. There was even one hidden Du Sha.

Six people were in this room.

Among them, there was one person who was not inferior in any way. He was none other than Mo clan’s eldest young master, Mo Tian Yun.

After Ji Zhu was killed by his cousin, Mo Tian Yun, Mo Tian Ji proceeded to kill Mo Tian Yun with his bare hands. Luo Ke Di’s eldest brother, Luo Ke Wu, was then killed by Mo Tian Ji in the battle between the two great clans...

As for the young masters of the Gu clan, Gu Yan Yang and Gu Yan Yue, they were nowhere to be found as they had disappeared during the battle.

Presently, Hei Mo and An Zhu had begun to rise in power, while the ten others were also beginning to display their strength!

"In the previous life, the world belonged to you people. But... in this life, I’m around!" Chu Yang thought to himself.

"Everyone, since this is our first meeting, I shall greet you!" Chu Yang cupped his fist gently. His appearance was one of cheerfulness and calmness, yet it was filled with a hint of noble modesty. This made everyone unable to be offended by his vibes.

"This young master is...?" A hint of suspicion flashed from within Ao Xie Yun’s eyes, "May I know your name, please?"

"My surname is Chu." Chu Yang’s tone was crisp and clear, "This is my eldest brother; he isn’t too fond of speaking."

"So, it’s Young Master Chu." Ao Xie Yun was startled. Surname Chu? Chu clan of Upper Three Heavens? Although the Chu clan is not in the ranks of the nine great clans of Upper Three Heavens, they are still a super clan!

Could it be that these two young masters are actually people of the Chu clan?

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