Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 155: Overlooking the Rising Sun (1)

Chapter 155: Overlooking the Rising Sun (1)

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Chapter 155 – Overlooking the Rising Sun (1)

The next day, Saturday, early morning:

Before dawn, Chen Yu was awakened by the vibration of his phone’s alarm clock.

After opening his eyes and looking at the weather outside, he got out of bed, did some stretches, and headed to the bathroom to wash up.

After freshening up, Chen Yu returned to the bedroom and changed out of his pajamas. Once that was done, he gave the slumbering Chen Yike a push and said, “Hey, wake up. The sun’s going to rise soon. We need to leave quickly.”

“Huh?” In a daze, Chen Yike asked, “Where are we going?”

“Mountain climbing. Do you want to go, or not?”

“Right!” The girl immediately sobered up and hurriedly changed into a new set of clothes. “I forgot we said we were going mountain climbing yesterday.”

“Go wash up first. I’ll wake up Second Eldest and Third Eldest.”


After seeing Chen Yike leaving the room, Chen Yu walked up to Chen Erke and tapped on her head. “Hey, wake up. We’re going mountain climbing.”

“Uh?” Rubbing her eyes, Chen Erke muttered, “I... I want to sleep...”

“Didn’t you say you wanted to go mountain climbing yesterday?”

“I want to sleep...”

“Don’t blame me for this, then.”

Snickering, Chen Yu suddenly lifted his butt and aimed it at Chen Erke’s face...


“...” Chen Erke’s nostrils widened slightly before her eyes abruptly shot open. She then struggled to get up. “Ah! Cough, cough! Ahhh!”

“Don’t move!” Chen Yu hurriedly held down Chen Erke. “Take a deep breath. Feel it with your heart.”

“Chen Yu! Let go of me! Cough, cough... You’re disgusting!”

“Do you smell the fragrance of jasmine?”


“Lie down and have a good sleep.”

“I... I... Ah!” Eventually, Chen Erke successfully struggled free from Chen Yu’s restraint. Sitting up, she started gasping for breath.

“Fart is made out of gas. It’ll rise upward,” Chen Yu kindly reminded.

“You’re too much!” Chen Erke hurriedly held her breath, jumped out of her bed, and ran out of the room.

“Child’s play.”

Chen Yu looked toward Chen Sanke with a merry heart, intent on repeating his trick on his youngest little sister. Unfortunately, he found that the little human had already gotten dressed and quickly fled the room.

“...Holding back half feels quite uncomfortable.” Chen Yu scratched his head.

“W-Where are you guys going?”

At this time, Liu Xiaojun, the last child sleeping in the room, woke up. Rubbing droopy eyes, he said, “I want to go as well.”

“You just sleep well.”

“No. Where are you going?” Liu Xiaojun became even more energetic at Chen Yu’s refusal. Flexibly jumping out of his bed, he grabbed onto Chen Yu’s thigh and said, “Bring me as well.”

“Look at my face,” Chen Yu suddenly said.


“Yawn...” Chen Yu widened his mouth and yawned loudly, simultaneously revealing the Yawning Denture in his mouth.

The invisible brainwaves spread from the denture, stimulating Liu Xiaojun’s cerebral cortex to heat up.

“Uu...” As Liu Xiaojun blinked his eyes, he started feeling increasingly exhausted and sleepy. Even his thoughts became a blur. “I... I want to go too...”

“Yawn.” Chen Yu yawned again to strengthen the denture’s effects.


This time, Liu Xiaojun immediately fell asleep, his body falling forward.

Chen Yu hurriedly reached out to grab the slumbering boy and placed him back onto the bed. He then walked out of the room and gently closed the door.

“I’m ready! Let’s go!” Chen Yike cheerfully said as she wiped off the water stains on her face. “If we climb quickly, we should be able to see the sunrise.”

“Second Eldest, Third Eldest, have you two washed up?”

“I’m done.” Patting her little cheeks, Chen Sanke said, “I’m clean.”

“Hmph!” Chen Erke sent a glare at Chen Yu before turning away.

“Let’s head out now, then.”

Chen Yu held Chen Sanke’s hand and led his sisters out of the house after saying so. They then marched toward Xixan Mountain.

Xixan Mountain was located north of Wafangdian Stadium, and it housed a small mountain that was no more than 400 meters in height. There was a park at the foot of the mountain and a pavilion at the top of the mountain.

There were only two ways up the mountain.

One was to hike up Panshan Road, while the other was to ascend the flight of manmade stairs.

Since it was still early in the morning, the Chen family’s four young masters naturally chose the latter.

After walking across a wide road, the four siblings arrived at the foot of the mountain.

Looking up at Xixan Mountain’s mist-covered peak, Chen Yu mumbled, “I grew up here when I was a child. Back then, I heard there were still wolves on the mountain.”

“Wolves?” Chen Erke instantly paled at Chen Yu’s words. Subconsciously, she grabbed onto Chen Yike’s sleeve and asked, “There are wolves here?”

“Don’t listen to Brother’s nonsense,” Chen Yike said, rolling her eyes. “This is a mountain inside a city. There are residential areas all around the mountain. How can there be wolves here?”

“There really are wolves,” Chen Yu repeated with a serious expression. “Back then, aside from the stadium’s side, the other sides of the mountain haven’t been developed yet. Aside from wolves, I heard that there are even bears on the mountain. That’s why, when I was young...”

“You were afraid to go up the mountain?” Chen Erke interjected.

“...I kept running deep into the mountain.”

The three sisters: “...”

“But I never managed to see any wolves,” Chen Yu said regretfully and shrugged. “I even brought meat to attract them, but I didn’t see anything in the end. What a pity.”

“Brother, You’re really lucky to still be alive now,” Chen Yike complained. “At least, there aren’t any more opportunities for you to make trouble now.”

“Is that so...” Lowering his head and looking at his invisible watch, Chen Yu muttered to himself, “I somehow feel that my troublemaking is growing larger in scale...”

Two minutes later, the Chen family’s four young masters climbed over the guardrails and started ascending the stairs leading to the top of the mountain.

The steps were relatively steep, so Chen Yu decided to walk at the group’s rear to protect his three little sisters. That way, he could prevent them from falling and hurting themselves. However, shortly after the siblings started their climb, Chen Erke knelt down while panting.

“Second Eldest, what’s wrong?”

Pointing at her own legs, Chen Erke said, “They’re limp.”

“Didn’t you say you could climb to the top in one breath last night?” Chen Yu mocked her without hesitation.

“Impossible. I’m too tired.” Chen Erke sat down on one of the steps and panted loudly. “This isn’t mountain climbing. We’re just climbing stairs.”

“Hurry up. It’s going to be dawn soon,” Chen Yu urged.

“No! I’m tired! Let’s rest for a while! Just a while!”

“Brother, let’s rest.” Chen Yike also sat down panting. She then handed a water bottle to Chen Erke and said, “Second Eldest doesn’t have a good physique.”

“The mountain’s 400 meters tall, yet you’re tired after climbing just 40 meters? Are you made out of paper?”

“Hmph!” Chen Erke groaned in dissatisfaction while drinking her water.

“Big Brother.” At this time, Chen Sanke, who looked like the epitome of health, suddenly looked toward the mountain top and asked, “Why are we...climbing the mountain for?”

“Uh... This question is a little profound.” Stroking his chin, Chen Yu fell into deep thought. A moment later, he pointed at the peak and majestically said, “Because the mountain, is there.”

Although Chen Erke and Chen Sanke didn’t understand what Chen Yu just said, they both felt that he sounded very cool.

Chen Sanke, however, looked at Chen Yu scornfully as she said, “What kind of nonsensical reason is that?”

“This is philosophy. It’s profundity. You won’t understand it.”

“Why must hoodlums take liberties with women, then? Because the women, are there?”

Chen Yu: “...”

“Why must criminals rob banks? Because the money, is there?”

Chen Yu: “...”

“Why must scammers scam people? Because the idiots, are there?”

After a moment of silence, Chen Yu measured Chen Yike from head to toe before saying, “As expected of someone from our Chen family. Your thought process resembles mine.”

Chen Yike: “...”

“Why must we lick the iron gate?” Chen Sanke said in realization. “Because the gate, is there.”

“What intellect!” Chen Yu rubbed Chen Sanke’s head in pleasant surprise. “Why did your snacks disappear? Because the snacks are there. If you don’t eat them, someone else will.”

“I see!” Chen Sanke exclaimed in realization.

Chen Yike: “...”

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