Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 215 – I Only Did What a Hero Should Do

Chapter 215 – I Only Did What a Hero Should Do

“It’s finally over...”

Chen Yu threw himself onto his bed and rested his head on his hands. As he aimlessly stared at the ceiling, he immersed himself in the feeling of being a hero.

“I actually saved all of mankind. I’m too awesome...”

“Mr. Chen, it seems everything is progressing smoothly,” Little Peach said as she leaned over and gently pinched Chen Yu’s shoulders.

“Ah, that feels good... A little stronger... Stronger...”

“Like this?”

“That’s right... Keep on doing it...”


“Ah, that feels nice.” Chen Yu breathed out a sigh of pleasure. Shutting his eyes, he asked, “Where did you learn this?”

“On the internet. I remember all the acupuncture points now!”

“Nice, nice. A little to the left and stronger.”


“As expected of a professional.” The corners of Chen Yu’s lips curled up in pleasure. “Compared to you, my little sisters are useless.”

“It’s good that you like it.” Little Peach smiled so widely that she nearly exposed the springs in her throat. “I’ll give you a massage every day from now on.”

“Yes, yes. I never thought a massage could feel so comfortable.”

“On the internet, it is mentioned that men would inadvertently discover the beauty of massages and then start visiting various massage parlors[1].”

“That makes sense.”

“It’s also mentioned that when a person is in a good mood while receiving a massage, they would feel much more comfortable during the massage.”

Chen Yu nodded again and again. “That makes sense as well. I’m in an excellent mood today.”

“Has the asteroid problem been resolved?”

“Thanks to my own efforts, the asteroid shouldn’t pose a problem anymore.” Switching to a more comfortable position, Chen Yu said, “Massage this side. Yes, there. I can finally relax my nerves. I’ve been so stressed out over the survival of over seven billion humans during this time.”

“You’re so amazing!” Little Peach said as she exaggeratedly raised both of her thumbs.

“So-so. I’m just generally amazing,” Chen Yu humbly said. “I simply saved the word. It’s something a hero should do. Now, continue...”

“Okay!” Little Peach hurriedly resumed her massage.

“I mean to continue with the praises.”

“Oh! Great Hero! Your existence is the fortune of human civilization!”

“History chose me, so it’s my duty to serve.” After personally resolving the crisis that would come three months later, Chen Yu could not help but feel excited and proud of himself. As a result, his ego had been boosted to its maximum.

A soldier that saved a village could boast his achievement for a decade.

He felt that he could boast about his achievement for a lifetime...

“I heard that people will erect monuments of great men. Will someone erect a monument of you as well?”

“That’s for sure. Not just a monument, but I’ll even have movies, music, novels, and games made after me. The scale definitely won’t be any worse than Russia’s Vasili Arkhipov.”

“Who’s Vasili?” Little Peach tilted her head.

“A Russian officer credited with preventing a nuclear war twice. He was labeled the greatest human to ever live,” Chen Yu said as he recited the knowledge he learned from some independent media on Bilibili. “Many cities around the world have a monument of him to commemorate him for saving human civilization. I should be considered as great as him.”

“You really are amazing...”

While enjoying the massage to both his body and mind, Chen Yu peered open his eyes slightly and swiped his finger across his watch. He then inspected the income he generated from today’s livestream.

He had gained a total of 9.35 million viewers from all livestream rooms, which netted him 311 points. After factoring in the points he spent to refresh the Transdimensional Store and the 45 points he paid to purchase the Inextinguishable Birthday Candles, he now had a total of 356 points.

It should be fine for him to go on another shopping spree.

However, seeing as there was only another week before he would hold his next official livestream, Chen Yu ended up deciding to save his points. Hopefully, after the seventh official livestream, the points he accumulated would reach four figures. At that time, he would genuinely be able to splurge.

After turning his watch invisible again, he shut his eyes and enjoyed his shoulder massage.


However, just as he was about to fall asleep, a hoarse crying sound suddenly came outside his bedroom.

“Second Eldest?!”

Chen Yu promptly sat up from his bed. Thinking that Chen Erke had fallen and hurt herself, he hurriedly ran out of the room and looked toward the source of the cry, only to be taken aback immediately. Afterward, though, he heaved a sigh of relief.

Currently, Chen Erke was obediently standing in the corner of the living room, her left hand holding a broken plastic basin, and her right hand wiping the tears in her eyes. She was also crying loudly while being reprimanded by Mother Chen.

Meanwhile, Chen Yike was earnestly studying a music sheet on the sofa, utterly unfazed by the commotion happening nearby.

As for Chen Sanke, she was happily clapping her hands.

“Um... What’s the matter?” Stretching his waist, Chen Yu frowned as he stepped forward. After visually inspecting Chen Erke, he asked, “Did you cause trouble?”

“I...I broke...the footbath...” Chen Erke choked aggrievedly.

“I told her the plastic footbath wasn’t sturdy, yet she insisted on using it as a kick board!” Glaring at Chen Yu angrily, Mother Chen stood with her arms akimbo and said, “That footbath is so flimsy. Even if it doesn’t break, it’ll still leak after a few kicks! Don’t you think she deserves a beating?”

“Yes.” Chen Yu nodded in agreement. “This is already on the level of destroying furniture. Even the husky knows that if you break something, you’ll receive a beating.”

“I... I...” Pouting, Chen Erke said, “I was only trying to practice my taekwondo.”

“So, practicing taekwondo puts you in the right?” Threateningly raising the discipline rod in her hand, Mother Chen said, “Practicing taekwondo means you can

“I wanted to kick Third Eldest, but Third Eldest...won’t let me!”

Mother Chen: “??”

“She wanted to kick me, yet she won’t let me fight back.” Mimicking Mother Chen’s posture, Chen Sanke rested her hands on her waist and said, “How does that make sense?”

“Enough, enough.” Stepping in front of Chen Erke, Chen Yu said, “Isn’t it just a footbath? I’ll buy a new one.”

“This isn’t just about the footbath, understand? Right, I’ve meant to talk to you about this since last week.” Turning the spearhead to Chen Yu, Mother Chen asked, “Why did you let your little sister learn taekwondo? How will she get married in the future?”

“Married?” Sneering, Chen Yu said, “How can my little sister get married? What nonsense are you spouting?”

“???” x3

“No, what I meant to say was, how can my little sister not get married?”


Silence momentarily enveloped the living room.

“A-Actually...” Carefully raising the plastic basin in her hand, Chen Erke said, “A footbath is only three yuan, while the wooden planks sold in the gym cost 19 yuan a set. Mom, I’m saving you money...”

Hearing this, Mother Chen’s face flushed red. Glaring at Chen Yu, she said, “Is this how you normally educate your little sister?”

“Crap, what does this have to do with me?”

“Don’t you know an elder brother is like a father? If your little sister isn’t properly educated, you are responsible for it!”

Chen Yu opened and closed his mouth speechlessly a few times. He then turned toward Chen Yike, walked up to her, and smacked her head, “Hey! Don’t you know an elder sister is like a mother? If your little sister isn’t properly educated, you’re responsible for it!”

Chen Yike: “...”

“How can you pass your own responsibility onto others?” Placing the discipline rod in Chen Yu’s hand, Mother Chen said, “Take it. Since you’re her elder brother, you beat her.”

However, Chen Yu did not wish to have his little sister hate him. Without hesitation, he handed the rod to Chen Yike and said, “Eldest, you’re her elder sister. You beat her.”

Chen Yike handed the rod to Mother Chen and said, “Mom, you beat her.”

“I’ll beat her!” Chen Sanke eagerly raised her hand. “L-Let me beat her!”

“You can’t beat me!” Chen Erke started crying once more when she saw the discipline rod. “You’ve beaten me so many times already! I... Have I become obedient? Doesn’t that prove that beatings are useless? You should try preaching instead.”

Mother Chen: “...”

Chen Yu: “If a beating is useless, it’s because you didn’t put in enough strength.”

Chen Yike: “Beating is useless, but it’s good for relieving stress.”

Chen Sanke: “I’ve never been beaten by mommy and daddy before. How envious...”

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