Transformed into Cosmic Horror in a Sci-Fi Universe

Chapter 50: The Creator and the Destroyer

Transformed into Cosmic Horror in a Sci-Fi Universe – 50

EP.50 The Creator and the Destroyer

“Yujin…!! What on earth are you thinking?! This is a blatant attack on the Galactic Union!”

Elder Edgar, one of the elders of the Lubaran tribe, shouted as he looked at a man with dark hair who was extending a hand brimming with dense mana energy.

The man was a member of the Terra tribe. Despite being a Terra, he possessed exceptional magical prowess, which had led him to cause several incidents. Recently, there had been rumors that he was gathering unsavory individuals and plotting something, prompting caution. However, no one had imagined he would brazenly storm into the Union headquarters and attack them.

There was another unexpected factor. Yujin was far stronger than anticipated. They had thought he would be on par with the elders of the Meias tribe at best, but that was not the case. Even with the Lubaran tribe’s top-tier serum and the latest nano-suit equipment, they were no match for him.

Elder Edgar, along with the other elders, had all been defeated. Some fell to other rebels, including Elder Jupiter, but more than half—six elders—died at Yujin’s hands. They had no choice but to acknowledge it. Yujin and the rebels were strong enough to overthrow them.

But why? Why suddenly resort to such actions? Was it just for power? Even if they used force, the Galactic Union wouldn’t fall into their hands. While the Lubaran tribe held the most power as the highest-ranking species, the other species wouldn’t accept such brute-force rule without some justification.

“Ask the underground researchers about that. I’m just doing what I want,” Yujin replied nonchalantly.


Underground researchers. The moment Elder Edgar heard those words, he realized they were finished. They knew about the underground laboratory. Once that was exposed, the elders of the Lubaran tribe would be done for. They wouldn’t just lose their positions as leaders of the Union, they would likely be expelled from the Union itself. It was that serious.

They had conducted biological experiments on the intelligent beings within the Union, dissecting and analyzing their structures. The rebels had a clear justification. They also had the power to eliminate the elders. This was a fight they couldn’t win, no matter how they looked at it.

‘Damn it… We could have kept it hidden. Where did they find out? Why do I have to die at the hands of this insignificant Terra?’

What followed was a surge of anger—anger at why a great elder of the Lubaran tribe had to suffer such a fate. He channeled that fury and shouted at Yujin.

“You wretched Terra scum─!”

“Shock Wave.”



That was the end of Elder Edgar. The immense shockwave emanating from Yujin’s overwhelming mana pierced through his sturdy nano-suit and exploded his body. Neither his superior physical abilities nor his advanced scientific equipment were of any use. In the face of overwhelming power, he was just another piece of meat.

“Phew… Is it over?”

He had personally dealt with seven elders, including Edgar. The remaining three elders and the Union soldiers were being held off by his comrades, including Elder Jupiter and the mages of the Meias tribe.

It was essentially over. Most of the Lubaran tribe’s elders were dead, and those still alive would soon meet the same fate.

‘Time to head to the underground lab.’

With the upper levels cleared, the next step was to secure evidence from the laboratory to stabilize the chaotic situation within the Galactic Union. When the attack began, the elders likely issued orders to erase records and flee. Anticipating this, Yujin had already sent people there.

Kon Arche led the way, accompanied by rebels and some mercenary adventurers. By now, they should have reached the underground lab and begun securing it. Given the heavy security likely present there, it seemed wise to go and assist them.

“Heading underground? I’ll come with you.”


At that moment, Kotritas appeared behind Yujin. His expression was far from pleasant, and understandably so. From his perspective, they were killing his fellow elders. Even though he had steeled himself for this, it couldn’t have been easy to witness.

Moreover, the person he had just killed was…

“I handled my father. In his final moments, he finally called me his son. ‘Son, please spare me…’ he said.”

A bitter laugh escaped him. Yujin knew he couldn’t fathom the emotions Kotritas felt in that moment, so he remained silent.

“It’s fine. I was prepared for this. I had to kill my father with my own hands. Only then could I stand tall before others.”

Kotritas was a member of the Lubaran tribe, the very tribe targeted by the coup. He was also the son of one of the elders directly involved. Even if he was branded a parricide, it was something he had to do.

That way, he wouldn’t be condemned simply for being a Lubaran or the son of an elder. That’s why Yujin had intentionally left his father to him. Though he was somewhat concerned about Kotritas’s mental state, he believed it was the right decision.

“Let’s go to the underground lab.”


With that, the two descended into the chaotic Union headquarters’ underground levels.


They completely subdued the underground lab, exposing its secrets to the entire Union and thoroughly ousting the Lubaran tribe. Finally, they had seized control of the Galactic Union.

Ah, my doppelganger has done well. As expected of an outer god’s doppelganger, taking over the Galactic Union is just the beginning.

Having witnessed the key highlights—Yujin’s battle with the Lubaran elders and the Union’s takeover—it’s time to wrap things up here.

I surveyed my surroundings. Unlike the ‘gap’ with no material concept, this space had a slightly blue hue, which I found calming. This was none other than my laboratory. In this vast space, I could create clone universes or experiment with various creations. It was a place to satisfy my curiosity, gain knowledge, and pass the time.

[Well done.]

[Thank you.]

Standing beside me was not a grotesque mass of tentacles, but Nyarlathotep. Since this was my first time creating such a space, I had enlisted her help.

Ah, it’s tricky since outer gods don’t have genders. Anyway, Nyarlathotep was a seasoned expert, having created several isolated dimensions for her laboratories. Her experience was invaluable. Knowing something in theory and actually creating it are two different things.

[By the way, that elf species is quite intriguing. Could you provide me with some samples…]

Oh, here we go again. Why don’t you just create them yourself?

[Create them yourself and experiment.]

[That’s not fun.]

Fun, huh? Are you like Ubbo-Sathla, who insists on wild-caught versus farm-raised?

[In any case, I have no intention of sharing my creations.]

[That’s unfortunate. How about a trade? My experimental subjects for…]

Oh no, you’re not going to torment my cute little elves. Back off!

[What about that elf god… the Spirit of Light, was it?]

[No means no.]

They’re off-limits too. I promised them a comfortable existence if they behaved. If they ever cause trouble, then maybe I’d consider it. Few things are as torturous as becoming one of Nyarlathotep’s experimental subjects.

[Can’t you just clone them? Give me the clones.]


Clones, huh? Since I’m planning to do various things with the cloned universe anyway, I might consider cloning the elves for experiments in the future.

So, in the end, am I no different from Nyarlathotep?

[Take your time to think about it. Talk to me whenever you want.]

With those words, Nyarlathotep left. Cloning, huh. Does it matter if it’s something I created, as long as it’s a clone? Whether they suffer or perish, does it make a difference? I created this laboratory to experiment and erase clone universes without any emotional attachment.

I do have affection for my creations like the elves and Yujin, but it’s not to the extent that I feel compelled to protect them or keep them exclusively mine. It feels like my mindset is gradually becoming more like that of an outer god. Guilt, empathy, and affection are all fading. All that remains is curiosity and boredom.

The only thing keeping me from crossing the line is the lingering memories of my human past. But this leaves me feeling caught between two worlds, inconsistent and indecisive. What am I, really?


The Deep Abyss.

The beginning and end of everything.

The ultimate origin, yet without origin… such a thing.

To the residents of the gap, commonly known as outer gods, it imparts its knowledge of everything and shares a fragment of its omnipotence.

A god that is both non-existent and the genesis of all existence.

Those who know of its existence call it thus:

‘The Beginning and the End of Chaos.’

‘The Amorphous Evil.’

‘The Creator and Destroyer of All Things.’

They named it:


Surpassing even the gods, it stands at the pinnacle of everything in this world.

Truly, the creator, mother, and destroyer of all things.

Today, it quietly gazed down at something directly connected to itself.

A dimension isolated by a blue light.

There stood an outer god, a colossal giant with a single red eye.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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