Trapped in a Webnovel as a Good-For-Nothing

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

Bernard Yoo. Korean name, Yoo Jae-Yeol.

Yoo Jae-Yeol was a 20 year old Irregular, currently active in Texas, United States. He had become a hunter around the middle of the previous year, a little earlier than Yu-Seong.

He was now a D-rank player, and was best known as the hero who had saved the city of Alpine by breaking through the monster wave during a rank 3 dungeon break together with about ten E-rank hunters, including the Texas Rangers, and killing the boss monster by himself.

Hearing that name, Woo-Jae instantly remembered a piece of information. He asked, "Ah, I remember. Isn't he called the Kim Do-Jin of Texas?"

Yoo Chul-Min burst into laughter at Choi Woo-Jae's words.

- Oh no, Chairman Choi, you are mistaken. That kid Kim Do-Jin is the one called the Bernard Yoo of Korea. You may not know this yet but my grandson has been included in the U.S. Times list of top ten rookies in the U.S.. I heard that its the first time for a Korean to be in the chart, so its a great thing.

In other words, Kim Do-Jin was known as the best in Korea and was gaining international attention, but Yoo Chul-Min was still unhappy that Kim Do-Jin and his grandson were being put on the same level. It made sense that the two were being compared to one another, since Kim Do-Jin was Koreas rookie while Bernard was Americas, but from Yoo Chul-Mins perspective, the two of them were different.

- As a Korean myself, this is sad news to hear, but the United States is the world's greatest power in terms of the awakened after all, isnt it? Korea will probably announce the news within the next few days, so the domestic evaluation of Do-Jin will most likely change a bit as well.

"That remains to be seen."

- Haha. That's right. We'll see.

In any case, there was no need to deny that Bernard YooYoo Jae-Yeol by his Korean namewas as popular as Kim Do-Jin, at least in the state of Texas, or possibly even more popular in some ways. Also, his future perspectives appeared bright.

Being aware of that fact, Yoo Chul-Min finally brought up the main point for this call.

- That child will come back to Korea in about half a mond.

"For dungeon racing?"

Choi Woo-Jae was able to immediately connect the dots.

- As expected, you're quick-witted as always, Chairman Choi. He is returning to break the record that fellow Kim Do-Jin, the one whos called Koreas Bernard Yoo, achieved when he was a D-rank player.

"So?" Choi Woo-Jae narrowed his eyes. Although he wasnt sure, he was slowly getting the picture. The main point still wasnt revealed entirely, but he could guess Yoo Chul-Min's intention.

- Recently, theres been a fellow in the Comet Group who became a hot topic from a similar incident.

As expected, it was about Yu-Seong. He had recently broken Kim Do-Jin's record at the Goblin Fortress. There were only a few people in the world who didn't know about that, since Kim Do-Jin's reputation was on a level that extended beyond Korea.

Of course, there was no point in arguing with Yoo Chul-Min over this anymore. Choi Woo-Jae stated plainly, "You are asking to compete in dungeon racing.

- Since they are similar in age, wouldn't it be an interesting game? Well, there is a difference of one rank, but since my grandson will be in Seoul for about 2 months, your son should be able to catch up But of course, the level difference might slightly widen in the meantime. Oh, unless youre afraid?

"Of course not," Choi Woo-Jae said with a smile.

This conversation was only happening because neither of them knew that Choi Yu-Seong had reached the D-rank.

"Let's notarize it.

- Great, Chairman Choi. I like how you make quick decisions. Preparations are already complete. The president of Dae-Hyun Group, the leaders of the ruling and opposition parties, and the Chairmans of Chun-Sang, Chang-Jo, Oh-Seong, and Dae-Han They are among the top 10 guilds. Does this sound like enough witnesses for you?

Putting aside the leaders of governing parties, it was obvious that Yoo Chul-Min had formed an alliance with six of the top ten guilds, including the Cheon-Ji Guild of the Cheon-Ji Group and the Dae-Hyun Guild of the Dae-Hyun Group.

"All right."

- Then, Chairman Choi, you can decide the time, date, and place. Contact us later.

"Okay, I'll see you the notary."

-Haha, looking forward to that.

Choi Woo-Jae's expression hardened, looking exceptionally cold, after he hung up the phone.

Six out of the ten top guilds, including Chun-Ji and Dae-Hyun.

Originally, they would have been scared of Choi Woo-Jae and would not have even thought about making a move. However, with the big shot named Yoo Chul-Min taking the lead, they had sneakily joined the alliance.

Once the Comet Group's guild business got on track, many things would fluctuate, including the guild ranking, so there would be people feeling anxious. Therefore, they decided to work together and set up a game to beat Choi Woo-Jae.

In addition to the competition between Yu-Seong and Bernard Yoo, there would be a lot of secret tricks being played here and there. However, it didnt matter much to Woo-Jae.

If they ask for a war, I should accept it.

Choi Woo-Jae had a particularly good memory. He would never forget their names.

You are all dead meat.

They had just turned their backs on the most terrifying person in Korea.


Inside the hotel suite, a man was entirely covered from head to toe in a white blanket. He was on a bed that was spacious enough for five people. Feeling like someone was around, he slowly opened his eyes and removed the thick blanket that blocked the light coming through the window.

A long-haired woman walked out of the hotel shower booth. She was dressed in a gown. Looking at the man, she said, "Are you up? Wake up and get ready for work. My father accepted Chairman Yoo's proposal.

The man, Min Young-Hoon, smiled bitterly at the woman with wavy brown hair down to her waist. She was Choi In-Young, the fifth eldest child of the Comet Group. He then said, Those gentlemen who didn't even budge at my words seemed to find Chairman Yoo's name quite reliable after all.

"Of course. No matter how great you are, you're just a vice president of one of the top ten guilds. However, the Chun-Ji Group is the number one conglomerate group in Korea, and Chairman Yoo is the head. Isnt it ridiculous for your pride to get hurt when the difference between you two is so great? Also, as far as I know, about twenty percent of the Heaven Guilds stake is held by Chairman Yoo's family," said Choi In-Young. She grinned and looked at Min Young-Hoon out of the corner of her eye.

Despite sleeping in the same bed last night, Choi In-Young had an infinitely cool attitude.

She would never let me be happy.

Min Young-Hoon himself was well aware that his Heaven Guild and Yoo Chul-Min's Cheon-Ji Group were incomparable. Nevertheless, Choi In-Young's attitude was the biggest reason why his pride had been hurt.

Why am I in love with a girl like that?

Min Young-Hoon didnt understand himself, but when he looked at Choi In-Young, it wasnt any rational thought that went through his mind; instead, emotions overran him. There was nothing to be angry about, but he got angry. There was nothing to be frustrated about, but he was frustrated nevertheless.

"Oh, so. You know, my brother Yu-Seong."

"...didn't we agree to stop talking about him?"

When the kidnapping of Choi Yu-Seong had failed at the end of last year, Choi In-Young did not exchange a single word with Min Young-Hoon for more than a month. In the end, he had to give up all his pride, go to her house, get down on his knees, and apologize.

Back then, the first thing Min Young-Hoon had heard from In-Young was a miserable phrasehow pathetic. At that time, he hadnt felt particularly strange hearing that.

How ridiculous was that? The vice president of the Heaven Guild chasing after a woman, begging on his knees?

If the president, Oh Hyun-Woo, had seen Min Young-Hoon, he would have kicked his butt and said that it was pathetic. However, what could Young-Hoon do? It was true that whenever he looked at Choi In-Young, his emotions just never listened to his logic.

Especially those eyes.

When he looked at Choi In-Young's arrogant yet fascinating brown eyes, Min Young-Hoon couldnt help but spit out promises that were probably impossible to keep Was this just a weird sexual fetish of his?

I just want to believe it as love.

Looking at Young-Hoon being somewhat confused, In-Young approached him and stroked his head with a soft smile. As their eyes naturally met, a strange red light poured out of In-Young's eyes.

Curiously, Young-Hoon simply frowned and grumbled as if he did not see it. You also admitted that it was just an unfortunate mistake.

"I'm not trying to say anything more about that. Its not the past, but the future thats important to us, In-Young said.


"I know that Bernard Yoo is a fairly capable hunter. Logically speaking, it's still far too early for Yu-Seong to fight against him."

"Still too early?" Min Young-Hoon found Choi In-Young's words rather strange. He tilted his head.

"I watched the video. My ninth brotherwas hiding a lot more than I thought. No wonder that you failed. In-Young casually got into bed and held Young-Hoon's head in her arms. She continued to talk. "Maybe hell become an amazingly great guy one day. So it bothers me a lot to just watch him grow, but for now, it's already too much for me to handle Mi-Na unni."

"So you want to cause another incident? Another kidnapping? I don't think itll work."

Min Young-Hoon was in In-young's arms like a baby, but he could still think straight.

In-Young resembled her father, so she didnt easily evaluate others highly. If she had to watch out for Choi Yu-Seonga child who had just come up to the surfacethen it was foolish to think that the same method would work.

"No. Anyway, this game was prepared by my father himself. If something happens even before the match begins, it'll be over for both of us," In-Young said. Her voice was shaking, and unconscious fear could be felt in her tone as she spoke about Choi Woo-Jae. This was surprising; she had been perfectly calm even when she had mentioned Yoo Chul-Min, the Chairman of the number one conglomerate group in Korea.

I need someone to do it quietly and at the right time. Do you know someone who can do it? she asked, confident that he knew someone to carry out the task.

"Ill call Bomber," Min Young-Hoon said calmly.

Choi In-Young smiled.

Bomber was an A-rank villain. As his nickname suggested, he was a terroristone of the three most dangerous terrorists in the United States, more specifically. Simply in terms of offensive power, he was a S-rank player. What would happen if the world knew that such a villain and the vice president of one of Korea's top 10 guilds had a close relationship? Without a doubt, there would be an outrage.

Perhaps the entire guild market would be overturned. The guilds that were secretly joining hands with a villain organization for their growth would be instantly targeted by everyone. And to the best of Min Young-Hoons knowledge, among the current top 10 guilds, there was no guild that had never received help from a villain.

"Bomber? He won't be able to enter the dungeon," Choi In-Young pointed out.

Above all, if Choi Yu-Seong's death due to the sudden appearance of a terrorist in the dungeon was broadcast in real time, her position would become disadvantageous.

"It's not well known, but Bomber has a skill called Time Bomb. It's an ability to plant bombs in the opponents body by simply touching them with his hand, and then have it detonate whenever he wants within 30 days," Min Young-Hoon said.

"Oh?" Choi In-Young's eyes sparkled.

"Set up a place for me. A restaurant would be nice. It would be enough for Bomber to disguise himself as an employee and put his hand on his shoulder," said Min Young-Hoon as he slightly raised his head that had been on Choi In-Young's chest.

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