Trapped in a Webnovel as a Good-For-Nothing

Chapter 85

Chapter 85

The car sent by Choi Byung-Chan took Yu-Seong to a high-end restaurant famous for Korean beef omakase. It was located at Cheongdam-dong.

After getting out of the car, Yu-Seong and Jin Do-Yoon went up to the rooftop of the eleven-story building and entered the reserved room. There, they could see an anxious Choi Min-Seok and Choi Byung-Chan, who sat at the head of the table with his arms crossed arrogantly.

Yu-Seong's first impression of Choi Byung-Chan, whom he had only read about in the original novel, was one of surprise.

I heard that he was the boss of the back alley even before he awakened. No wonder he has a decent physique.

Byung-Chans shoulders were so broad that it made the chair he was sitting on seem too small for him and his muscles stretched the fairly large t-shirt tight across his body. His palms were bigger than the average humans head, and his limbs were rather long. It made perfect sense to assume that he would have been a fairly strong person even if he were not a hunter. Looking at him, Yu-Seong felt like he was looking at a natural-born fighter.

"Hmm?" The first sound that came out of Choi Byung-Chan's mouth was a surprised hum. Looking at Do-Yoon, he said, You brought someone with you.

"You didn't say I had to come alone," said Yu-Seong calmly. He took an empty seat opposite Choi Min-Seok.

Byung-Chan offered a cool smile, looking at Yu-Seong with a strange gaze. "You certainly grew up a lot. Much better than that imbecile over there."

Byung-Chan was looking at Min-Seok, who hunched to make himself look smaller. He then said, "Leave."

"...Yes, hyung-nim." Choi Min-Seok, who looked very discouraged, headed out of the door with his eyes lowered. Resentment was clear in his eyes when he met Yu-Seongs gaze for a split second.

He is a fool until the end. If he wants to blame someone, shouldnt he be blaming Byung-Chan rather than me?

Yu-Seong clicked his tongue inwardly. He knew very well why Min-Seok was resenting him instead of Byung-Chanhe was the easier target.

It's probably also because of past memories.

Anyway, Yu-Seong and Byung-Chan were facing each other. The moment felt rather intense, but it wasnt too much for Yu-Seong to bear. As they calmly made eye contact, Byung-Chan smiled coldly and scratched his cheek. He said, "I don't think I look like a pushover or something, do I now.

"But that doesn't mean you're a cannibal, right?" said Yu-Seong.

"...Look at that, you know how to joke. Are you really the Yu-Seong that I know?"

Instead of answering, Yu-Seong merely shrugged.

Byung-Chan had to directly contact Yu-Seong since things hadnt worked out when he had sent out Min-Seok, but he wouldnt do anything personally as long as there was a possibility Choi Woo-Jae could become involved.

'How interesting. I was going to simply carry out In-Young's request, but its a waste to just get rid of him.

Byung-Chan wanted to have Yu-Seong for himself. Therefore, he picked up his cell phone to put off his plan for a while. "Hey, it's me. Send the food in a bit later."

Choi Byung-Chan hung up the phone and uncrossed his arms. He leaned slightly forward as his shiny eyes slowly glanced over Yu-Seong. He then asked, "I changed my mind. I want to give you a chance. Yu-Seong, how about coming under me?

Yu-Seong had no choice but to smile at the fairly flippant recruitment proposal. He asked, "Did you call me to make that suggestion?

No, I originally had other things to discuss, but for now, I'm giving you a chance."

Thanks for the offer, but I refuse, answered Yu-Seong.

"You'll regret it."

Well see about that.

Choi Byung-Chan's eyes widened as he saw Yu-Seong's calm attitude.

'Ah, I want this guy so much. Is there really no way to have him?

Byung-Chan thought about it for a while but soon shook his head.

Making the same suggestion twice would hurt my pride.

Byung-Chan would have broken at least one of Yu-Seongs arms and legs if their family hadnt been involved. Of course, if he really wanted to, then even if he would get in trouble, he could harm Yu-Seong to some extent. However, for now, he didnt actually have the intention of doing so.

Seeing how In-Young passed it over to me, there must be some kind of risk.

Byung-Chan planned on giving In-Young just enough help, without crossing the line. Therefore, he licked his lips as he decided to give up on Yu-Seong.

Well, if you refuse, there is nothing I can do. At least enjoy your meal before you go."

Byung-Chan picked up his cell phone again and ordered someone to bring the food in. Then, he yawned as if he was bored. Even though it was a request with considerable requital, this kind of work did not suit him well.

Bomber, that villain

Byung-Chan just had to help the person that Choi In-Young had sent over to carry out the task. Thinking of that, he didnt have much to say.

During the short silence, Yu-Seong looked around to figure out what Choi Byung-Chan was up to. Then, he stood up from his seat.

"Huh? Where are you going?"

Im going to the washroom. Or should I pee here instead?

No way, but since I dont want you to run away, youll have to leave that friend here. I still have things to talk to you about.

Yu-Seong slightly nodded at Byung-Chan with a light smile. After that, he left the room.


As soon as Yu-Seong entered the bathroom, he locked the door and checked his cell phone. Just in case, he had sent a message to Jin Yu-Ri and Jenny, Yu-Ris subordinate, before leaving the house. He hadnt received any reply from Jin Yu-Ri, but there was one from Jenny.

-Boss, I'm ready. Where should I go?

It was the first conversation they were having, but it was not difficult to guess Jennys personality from her short message.

Since Jin Yu-Ri entrusts work to her, obviously she will be on the ball.

After sending his location over to Jenny, Yu-Seong closed his cell phone and began to think while washing his hands.

He offered me to work for him, but Choi Byung-Chan still thinks that I'm a greenhorn.

It didnt take much thought for Yu-Seong to realize that. Byung-Chan had looked bored and had no interest in doing his work, so it was clear that he hadnt planned the dinner because he wanted to.

'As expected, this has something to do with Choi In-Young.

Since that was the case, then what did Choi In-Young hope to achieve by arranging this dinner for Yu-Seong and Choi Byung-Chan? Yu-Seong realized he might have to pay attention to a trap that was possibly related to the restaurant itself.

Or maybe food?

If the plan was to poison him, then Byung-Chan would have come and twisted Yu-Seong's neck right away instead. What was the trap, then?

Yu-Seong thought about it the entire time, but couldn't find an answer. In the first place, he couldnt possibly discover the real reason, unless he knew about the Bombers existence.

Thinking that it was a pity that he couldnt figure out the trap, Yu-Seong once again opened the message window.

Kim Do-Jin.

In a way, Do-Jin was the most reliable person in such a dangerous situation. The name flashed briefly in front of Yu-Seongs eyes, but he soon got rid of that thought.

I'll have to repay him if I get his help.

It was better not to owe Do-Jin. In the end, Yu-Seong completed all of the possible preparations that were available to him. Later on, he would have to face the danger head-on.

I can do it.

Yu-Seong believed that he could do it; he could do it just as he had been doing it all along.

I just have to face the situation directly to find out. I can do this.

Yu-Seong tried to think positively, and left the bathroom.

'In case of an emergency, there is Do-Yoon supporting me.

Jin Do-Yoon, who had become A-rank, would not be easily defeated even by an inborn fighter like Choi Byung-Chan. Thinking of his reliable colleague, Yu-Seong felt more reassured than before.

Yu-Seong walked leisurely through the long corridor leading back to the room.


Beyond the corridor, Yu-Seong spotted burning red hair that seemed like a dancing flame before it vanished. His heart sank.


Rachel, The Slaughter Queen, was known to be designated by the World Player Association as a villain and as a result she should not be able to wander as she pleased. However, she appeared in a restaurant in the middle of Koreas capital city.

Yu-Seong was reminded of Rachels terrible penchant for murder and how he had witnessed her madness just a while ago. Goosebumps sprang up all over his body. His neck turned stiff from the indescribable tension, his heart pounded like it was going to explode, and somehow he could smell blood from the tip of his nose.

For a moment, Yu-Seong had to stand still. He immediately shook his head with a short sigh.

'No, theres no way. It has to be just another customer who came to the restaurant.

Yu-Seong only saw the hair. It would be just a coincidence that Rachel's face came to his mind for a moment.

'Yeah, if it was really Rachel, she would have already followed me.'

Yu-Seong thought his situation was just like that old saying, Once bitten, twice shy.

'Damn PTSD [1].

Yu-Seong forced his tense body to relax and returned to the room again. There was a simple appetizer on the table, as if the staff had already come and gone once. After noticing his return, Choi Byung-Chan started eating without saying anything.

"Mm, its good. Help yourself."

Yu-Seong returned to his seat and asked while picking up the food, "Is there anything In-Young noonim asked you to tell me?

If the opponent did not bring it up, then he had to do so. Yu-Seong was not the kind of person who just sat and waited.

Hearing Yu-Seongs question, Choi Byung-Chan quickly glanced over. He emptied the appetizer bowl at once and put it down. "You mean, I look like the kind of person who does what Choi In-Young tells me to do?"

Byung-Chans voice was excessively angry. Noticing that, Yu-Seong was even more confident of his deduction. He said with even more confidence, "Well, brothers and sisters can ask for a favor from each other."

Choi Byung-Chan's lips twisted at Yu-Seongs words. Looking at Yu-Seong finishing the appetizer in one bite, he said, "Father has been caring about you a lot lately, right? How long do you think it'll last? Don't go too far. You're not going to live just for today, are you? The glory wouldn't last long."

Well have to stick it out and see.

As soon as Yu-Seong answered, the door opened and a skinny Western man came in. He had sharp features and appeared to be in his thirties. Holding a plate of food in one hand, he passed right behind Yu-Seong. Jin Do-Yoon was watching the man's movements very carefully.

"Oh, yes, you're right. But I don't thinkthat you'll last that long, you know." Byung-Chan laughed and nodded as he received the raw beef served by the employee.

Yu-Seong looked straight at Byung-Chan.

What the hell are you up to?

Yu-Seong had no idea about the source of the confidence that could be heard in Byung-Chan's tone. If he was truly hiding something, then Yu-Seong would have to find out for himself.

Yu-Seong wanted to change this situation into an opportunity. It was true that there wasnt much he could do if he didnt know about it, but it would be better to know the opponents intentions and prepare beforehand.

What are you thinking, Choi Byung-Chan, Choi In-Young?

Yu-Seong's inner thoughts were complicated. He recalled the two names that were considered to be the most wicked in his family.

"Beef tartare served with a special sauce, sir.

In the meantime, Yu-Seong could hear the employee speaking somewhat awkward Korean as he came closer. A moment later, with a clumsy motion, the employee actually dropped the plate of food on Yu-Seong.

Surprised, Yu-Seong turned to look at the broken plate on the floor and the food dirtying his clothes.


The employee quickly bowed to Yu-Seong apologetically.

Yu-Seong was distracted by the spilled food, which made him let his guard down for a moment.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." The employee naturally reached out to wipe the stains on Yu-Seongs top. There was no reason to be wary or suspicious about his behavior.


Just as the employees sharp eyes reflected the area of Yu-Seongs exposed flesh he was reaching for


With a slapping sound, Jin Do-Yoon snatched the employees wrist at high speed. He growled fiercely.

"Who are you?" asked Do-Yoon. However, he did not wait for an answer. He quickly broke the waiters wrist and brought him down to the ground, then put his knee on the mans back and twisted his arm the other way. There was no time for the waiter to fight back.


Ahhhhhhhhhh-! With the hair-raising sound of broken bones, the Bombers screams resonated throughout the room.

1. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

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