Traversing Time and Space: Supporting Actress on a Mission, Keep Your Cool!

Chapter 79: Rich and young ex-girlfriend (79)

Chapter 79: Rich and young ex-girlfriend (79)

Tang Guo raised her head with a pale face, but it was a pity that people couldn't see her true face because of her makeup.

Seeing Leng Rui's stiff appearance, the corners of her mouth were slightly bent.

Leng Rui looked at her, if he wanted to say anything, he subconsciously asked someone to help.

The next moment, the woman couldn't hold it anymore and fell down. Although she fell, she still looked at him with a smile.

At that moment, Leng Rui's face turned pale. Almost when Tang Guo was about to touch the ground, he could not care about anything anymore and caught her.

When he was holding her, he realized that her body was really cold, her neck was sweating, and her skin was so pale.

She did not close her eyes weakly, with bright red blood spilling from the corner of her mouth, and Leng Rui panicked.

At this time, he had long been ignorant of any contact with the smell that he didn't like. He picked up Tang Guo and ran madly.

"Go to the hospital!!"

The fans below also felt that something was wrong, especially the fans who were closer, seeing the scene of Tang Guo falling down, panic appeared, and they were all asking what happened to their Guoguo?

"Mr. Leng, I'm sorry, we have tried our best."

"Miss Tang's cancer has spread throughout the body. We have no way to rescue her."

Has the cancer cells spread throughout the body? ?

Leng Rui didn't accept this result at all, clutching the doctor, his eyes flushed, "She didn't have cancer at all. I personally accompanied her to the hospital for an examination three days ago."

He took out an examination report and threw it on the doctor's face, "Look for yourself, is this a report from your hospital!"

The doctor held the physical examination report in panic. As Leng Rui said, Tang Guo had no so-called gastric cancer except for anemia, and no cancer cells spread throughout the body.

This matter was of great importance. The doctor quickly took out the previous examination records. Every time Tang Guo's examination was in front of him, it showed that Tang Guo had no physical problems during the examination.

Even Leng Rui, in the face of such evidence, couldn't do anything to them.

Therefore, in medicine, they only detect this type of very rare hidden cancer cells, even with medical instruments.

If it weren't for Leng Rui's terrifying appearance, they even wanted to suggest and study Tang Guo's body.

Leng Rui was faster than their movements, and took Tang Guo's body away that day. From the hospital to the old house of Leng's family, he put Tang Guo into the crystal coffin he had built early.

Lie down in the crystal coffin with her in this way, with no expression on her face, stroking the woman's bloodless cheeks all the time.

He didn't say anything, he just hugged her quietly, stroking every part of her body, gently, as if stroking a treasure. I have to make up for what I want to do all these years.

However, this is already a cold body.

"Leng Rui, let her go."

Leng Rui took Tang Guo back to Leng Jia's old house, and he knew what Leng Rui was going to do.

"You didn't want to touch her half a minute before she died, but you hugged her tightly after she died, Leng Rui, I never thought that you were such a person." Chen Yuesheng smiled miserably, "You just care about it, she used to Is it Leng Ziyue's girlfriend?"

"You like clean women, why don't you find other people?"

Leng Rui didn't speak, nor did he want to explain. What he cared about was Leng Zi Yue, Leng Zi was the filthy wild species born to his mother and that man.

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