Tribulation of Mysteries

Chapter 28:

Chapter 28:

The sun was shining, the warm spring wind was blowing through the dark green forest, the grass was lush, the trees were blossoming, and everywhere there was a kind of blossoming atmosphere.

‘The element of Red is reproduction and vitality. Spring is a very suitable season for the path of Red.’

As the two horses rode one after the other across the flat fields, Aaron, who was riding on the behind horse, thought subconsciously.

He looked ahead and there was a girl dressed in hunter’s clothing, riding a red mare that looked just right for her height.

“Ginny, slow down, hold on to the horse and don’t fall off.”

The girl was Ginny. She was visiting Aaron’s territory for a side trip to hunt, at least nominally.

In reality?

Aaron had the feeling that the other party was hungry for the many delicacies he had ‘invented’.

After all, she was a little foodie.

This made Aaron worry a little about Ginny’s future development and manners. However, these worries quickly disappeared.

As the beloved daughter of the Count who ruled the Green Forest, Ginny was quite competitive on the future marriage market.

There were all sorts of knights and excellent men who wanted to please her, regardless of her looks or whether she was virtuous or not ……

Thinking about it, it suddenly felt boring.

“Some servants and maids in the castle were hanged by the Count earlier, and the rumours have died down ……”

Ginny seemed to have unconsciously said a sentence, and then her eyes looked away to see the levelled fields.

Large swathes of flat land had been reclaimed, and a few farmers were ploughing with strange ploughs, and when they saw the Lord coming they took off their hats in greeting from a distance.

“Huh? Aaron, your side seems to have adopted a different method of farming?”

Ginny’s eyes twitched.

“Yes. I have invented a new type of farming tool called the curved plough, it can effectively turn over the soil and plough deeper, it can also adjust the depth to meet the different requirements of deep or shallow ploughing, and at the same time, it is easy to steer and more energy saving. ”

Aaron smiled and said, “In addition to that, I have also prepared something called fertiliser, it should be able to effectively increase the yield of this year’s crops, if there are no accidents, this year’s summer and autumn, my territory will have a bumper harvest, and all the people on my territory will have a full meal, and there will be no shortage of food for the winter.”

Ginny looked at Aaron with some admiration, This brother of hers was always creative and benevolent.

She couldn’t help but say, “I’ll use this for my territory in the future!”

Having said that, Ginny could not help but fall silent.

As a daughter, it was unlikely that the Count would cut the land off again as part of the dowry, but the husband’s side of the territory was very important.

As a daughter, it was unlikely that the Countess would give her land as a dowry. However, there was still some hope for her husband’s land. After all, she was the mistress of the house and had the right to make changes.

“What? My sister can’t wait to find someone she likes? ”

Aaron made a few more jokes, which put a smile on Jenny’s face again.

The two of them passed through the flat fields and entered the dense forest.

Ginny actually didn’t know how to hunt yet. After she got off the horse, she was attracted by the wildflowers and butterflies.

Aaron squatted on the ground and carefully observed some of the plants in this world, using his herbology knowledge to identify them one by one.

“The potion materials in the Dream World are completely different from here. I can only barely find some substitutes … and I might not even be able to find them.”

He sighed inwardly.

The most fundamental difference between the dream world and the real world was the existence of spirituality!

Thus, even if he strictly followed the methods in the Dream World, the effects of the potions he made were very questionable.

Fortunately, Aaron had many rabbits, mice, and even prisoners that he could try them out one by one.

“Even if I can’t make a potion, I can make some proper medicine for injuries.”

“Although this world is destined to have limits for potions, and the peak of the human body is a shackle that is absolutely impossible to surpass, as long as the effects are enough, it’s not bad. I can teach it to Albert … and let him become a proper doctor, instead of just knowing how to bleed and induce vomiting …”

As Aaron thought, he dug out a herb.

It was entirely red, and its edges were jagged. The juice even had a slight numbing effect.

According to Albert, it was called “blood grass”, and could be made into an herb to stop bleeding, although the effect wasn’t very good.

However, Aaron had some plans. He hoped to use it to replace a material called “bloodthirsty grass” in the Dream World and make a potion that could strengthen physique.

It definitely wouldn’t be as good as spirituality potions, which could give people extraordinary physique.

However, even a slight increase in strength and vitality was a very good result.


At this moment, Aaron heard Ginny joyful voice. “I saw a rabbit. Big Brother Aaron, let’s eat rabbit meat tonight!”

In the evening.

Outside the Blackstone Manor, Aaron carried Ginny, who had fallen asleep after playing for the whole day, into the carriage and greeted the knight next to him. “Thank you for your hard work, Knight Alfred!”

As a young lady, Ginny naturally wouldn’t move on her own. She had guards when she went out.

However, her mother and brother didn’t send her. Instead, they sent an old knight, which surprised Aaron.

“This is my duty to begin with.”

Alfred punched his chest. Not only was he the lord of the manor, he was also serving the Sotos family.

Of course, this meant that Theodore had to pay him an extra annuity every year.

For a lower-ranked noble, serving a higher-ranked noble and receiving remuneration wasn’t something difficult to talk about. Instead, it was a kind of honor.

“Then, I’ll have to trouble you to send my sister back.”

Aaron waved his hand and watched the team with the green banyan flag leave and disappear under the setting sun.

“Ginny is just a little girl. How can she make such a decision? It seems that Lady Sonia is hinting at something, Does she want to ally with me to fight Colin together?”

He turned around and entered the Blackstone Manor with a playful expression. “I’m a knight. No matter who succeeds, it’ll be hard for them to take away my position. Why should I get involved in this mess? Besides, what good will it do me if Sean succeeds? ”

As for the promise of an equal share of the Green Forest after everything was done, only a fool would believe that. Sonia could not use such a scam to insult Aaron’s intelligence.

“So, Ginny’s arrival is a subtle influence?”

Aaron entered the alchemy room. On the flat table was a set of equipment that he had painstakingly gathered, including a balance, several rows of test tubes, measuring cups, and so on. Glass in this era was very expensive, and merchants had to import it from outside the Green Forest. At one point, Aaron had the idea of building his own glass workshop.

He skillfully picked up the processed blood grass and put it into a grinder. He carefully ground it and then began to extract it.

After an unknown amount of time, a suspicious black potion with a foul smell filled half the test tube.

“Let’s do the first phase of the experiment, starting with small animals …”

Looking at the finished product, Aaron nodded.

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