Triple Blessings: Mr. Fu's Passionate Pursuit

Chapter 644: 640: There's no other way, who would have thought our child would be so capable!

Chapter 644: Chapter 640: There’s no other way, who would have thought our child would be so capable!

Timmy’s achievements caused quite a stir at school.

Even some media outlets caught wind of it and approached the principal, wanting to interview Timmy.

The principal, claiming that the students needed to maintain a low profile for their studies, refused all requests.

The assistant reminded him, “Principal, are you sure Mr. Lewis and Mrs. Lewis also don’t want to accept these interviews?”

The principal hummed in response, “Mr. Lewis and Mrs. Lewis are the most low-key people I’ve ever met.”

At first, the principal had prejudices against Roy Lewis, thinking he was a money-driven businessman who brought his three children for the interview, mostly trying to pave the way with money.

When the results of the interview came out, the principal was shocked.

Out of all the interviewees, 32 people passed, and among them, three achieved perfect scores in all subjects. Those three were Roy Lewis’s children.

Then he soon found out that, Timothy Dunn and Tifanny Dunn were well-known prodigy children in South Asia.

At that moment, he realized how narrow-minded he was to have all those biases against Roy Lewis just because of his businessman identity.

Later on, he gradually learned about the impressive identities of both Roy Lewis and Richelle Dunn and felt even more ashamed.

It was then that he understood the more powerful a person was, the more low-key they were likely to be.

However, the assistant’s words did remind him.

During the break, he called Richelle Dunn.

“Hello, Principal. Did my child cause any trouble?”

The principal hastily replied, “Dr. Dunn, you’re joking. Timmy has just brought great honor to our class, how could he cause trouble? The thing is, some media want to interview Timmy and you as his parents, so I wanted to ask for your opinion.”

The principal thought if he misunderstood, he could still actively contact the media, it wouldn’t be a problem.

“Principal, you know that my children are here to study, not to seek fame and fortune. Please decline the unrelated matters for us.”

Let alone the children, even Richelle Dunn herself never accepted interviews.

Firstly, she had a special identity and needed to keep a low profile.

Secondly, fame, wealth, and adoration held no attraction for her.

After the principal consulted Richelle Dunn, he rejected several media requests in the following days.

However, two or three media outlets were persistent in digging up explosive firsthand news. Astonishingly, they sent people armed with cameras and video equipment to stake out the school.

Fortunately, after the principal called Richelle Dunn for her opinion, Roy Lewis deployed additional manpower at the school.

Thus, the children’s daily classes were not disturbed.

Roy Lewis asked Richelle Dunn, “Do these extra troubles bother you?”

Richelle Dunn thought seriously for a moment, “Of course it’s annoying, but we have to accept this reality. Now it’s just the beginning. When Timothy and Tifanny also begin to shine, there will be even more trouble!”

Roy Lewis could foresee that in no time, the ones being pursued would change to Timothy and Tifanny, and by then, these troubles would start all over again, in cycles.

“No way, who can blame our children for being so outstanding!”

Richelle Dunn chuckled at his playful words.

“Master Lewis, don’t be so sarcastic!”

Roy Lewis burst out laughing, “What can I do then? Can I blame our excellent genes?”

Richelle Dunn was really amused by him. Despite being a worrisome matter, their light-heartedness turned it into a trivial matter.

“By the way, has your work efficiency improved recently?”

Roy Lewis nodded, “Yes, I’ve been working for two hours these past few days, but I’ve handled more files than before.”

Richelle Dunn nodded in satisfaction, “Good, it means you’re recovering quickly. Actually, we both overlooked something. Originally, my master and I estimated that you would need 20 to 30 days to be discharged, and the condition for discharge would be that all your body indicators meet the standard. But you were discharged in just 15 days, meaning that even though your body met the standard, your mental state and inner energy hadn’t caught up yet, causing you to feel inefficient at work.”

Roy Lewis did some mental calculations, “Hmm, it seems, today is the 30th day after my surgery.”

Richelle Dunn stared at him, “So, are you still worried now?”

Roy Lewis did feel relieved, “With you around, what’s there to worry about? After you changed the acupuncture plan yesterday, I had a longer deep sleep last night, and I’m full of energy today. Not to mention working for two hours, I can even handle five hours.”

His last sentence earned him a fierce glare from Richelle Dunn.

“Roy Lewis, you’re getting cheeky now. Do you want to work for five hours?”

Roy Lewis coughed a few times, “No, I don’t. I was just making a comparison …”

Richelle Dunn sternly scolded him.

“You’re not even allowed to make a comparison, or even think about it. In short, your every word and action are mine.”

Roy Lewis naturally listened to her.

“Honey, not just now, I’ll always listen to you in the future!”

A sudden lovey-dovey remark from him made Richelle Dunn awkwardly break out in goosebumps..

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