Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 10 (5/10)

Book 2: Chapter 10 (5/10)

Another two hours passed. Kain was summoned by the loud voice again. While Kain was walking out from his rest chamber, he suddenly felt his magical power was back. Not just that, but the blood pools and health pools inside his stomach were back as well. Hah, looks like my next enemies are going to be much stronger that is why I am allowed to use my magic again. Kain thought.

At the time Kain got back to the dueling ground, he saw six enemies having blue hairs waiting for him. Three males, and three females. Three of them are magic casters and the other three are warriors. Blue hairs? I wonder what planet are they from? Kain thought as he carefully observed his opponents.

Kain Bersk, your opponents for this match will be Ozmos, Eleventh Stage Saint Warrior (male). Mellisan, level 100 Saint Light Mage (female). Milvia, Eleventh Stage Saint Warrior (female). Grassus, level 100 Saint Thunder Mage (male). Diza, level 100 Saint Conjurer Mage (female). Sejanus, Eleventh Stage Saint Warrior (male). And their leader, Incirion, Eleventh Stage Saint Warrior (male). They came from Meadowmist Continents. You will be able to use your magical power for this match but no Blood Magical Equipment can be used. There will be no time limit. The only way for you to win is to kill all of them and vice versa. Do you have any questions?

Kain shook his head to show that he had no question. Kain thought to himself while smiling evilly, "Weaklings, I'm gonna murder you all."

Battle started! The loud voice said.

Kain immediately activated [Twin Soul] and a blonde version of himself was created. Black-hair Kain flexed his Vampire Wings as he activated [Soul Bridge] to conjure his Soul-Bound Creature, Finwe, then immediately activated [Soul Mate] to scale Finwe's level to match his. The blonde-hair Kain activated [Devil Anatomy V] to transform into a flying demon wearing full steel armor from head to toe and his choice of weapon was an icy greatsword.

Both black-hair and blonde-hair Kain smiled as they said out loud, Game on bitches!

Incirion and his teammates were truly surprised to see Kain could create a clone version of himself, as well as conjuring a creature that they haven't seen before. Nevertheless, as a very well-trained and experienced warrior who had led his team toward victory in countless matches, Incirion quickly altered his battle strategy and commanded his teammates to fight based on it, Ozmos, you will guard Mellisan until she summoned the Sixteen Wings Angel Warrior. Milvia and Grassus, you guys will team up to take down that blonde-hair guy. Sejanus, you will guard Diza. The more creatures Diza can conjure, the better for us in the long term. I will take down that black-hair guy by myself.

On Kain's side. "Finwe, you are faster than me, I will leave the Light Mage to you." Kain said as Finwe agreed by nodding his head.

Finwe activated the [Thunder Step] spell to increase his moving/flying speed to a hundred times faster. Less than three seconds later, Finwe appeared behind Mellisan and attempted to strike his long sword into her back. Mellisan casted her [Circle of Protection] spell on time to prevent Finwes long sword from touching her, then she immediately casted [Holy Aura] spell after that to even push him back further. Finwe was pushed back five feet as he continuously slashed his long sword at the [Holy Aura] hoping to break it before Ozmos could react.

Seeing Finwe is a Thunder Mage and speed will be his advantage. Grassus casted [Mass Haste], a level 35 Thunder Magic spell, to increase the moving speed for all of his allies to five hundred percent (five times) faster. Compared to a hundred times faster-moving speed Finwes had increased on himself, five times faster wouldn't be worth mentioning. However, Finwe cant keep his [Thunder Step] form for too long or his mana pool will reach depletion within minutes.

Blonde-hair Kain casted [Summon Demon Lord] spell to summon one of the Demon Lords of the Hell Realm. At Kain's current level, he is powerful enough to have a higher chance of successfully summoning any Demon Lord of the first six Gates. Demon Lords of Seventh Gate to Twelfth Gate will be summonable based on luck. The Demon Lord of the Thirteenth Gate can't be summoned unless Kain uses his [Devil Anatomy] ultimate spell to transform into a Devil. Kain was pleased to see Amdusias, the single horn horse-faced female Demon Lord of the Third Gate, was successfully summoned.

"Weaklings, now not only y'all have a Light Mage, but we also have a Light Mage as well. The result for this battle is evident, all of you will die!" Blonde-hair Kain said as he flew toward the enemies to attack them.

Incirion said, You are too confident, arent you? We have a Conjurer Mage in our team that can bring an army of powerful creatures to battle. I know you are a Conjurer Mage as well, but its still unclear if your Conjuration Magic is stronger compared to Diza or not. The tide of this battle is still leaning toward us.

Without receiving any instruction from blonde-hair Kain, Amdusias casted [Circle of Protection] spell on herself before starting to chant for [Summon Angel Warrior] and [Angelic Avatar] spells.

"Because your side also has a Conjurer Mage, the number advantages wont be mine. But soon, I will teach you a lesson of quality versus quantity." Black-hair Kain said as he continued chanting for his self-created Saint-tier Conjuration Magic spell named [Conjure Aerlix]. Ever since Kain advanced into Saint-tier, he has been trying to create a Saint-tier Conjuration Magic spell to conjure Alereth, the Ice Gargoyle Emperor. After countless failed attempts of encountering Alereth, Kain stumbled into another unique creature who is much stronger compared to her. That is Aerlix, a female Frost Lich who can cast up to all Legend-tier Ice Magic spells. After Kain's astral body defeated Aerlix, he successfully created [Conjure Aerlix] spell.

A unique creature meaning a creature that has a unique name that is available to conjure through Conjuration Magic spells.

Finwe casted [Moon Wave], a Saint-tier Thunder Magic spell he has created. A big thundering wave in a half-moon shape released from Finwe's long sword. It traveled at an on-the-spot speed that hit and broke through Mellisan's [Holy Aura] spell then continued hitting her [Circle of Protection] spell until breaking through it as well. The half-moon thundering wave-shaped created by Finwe's [Moon Wave] spell didnt stop until Mellisan's left arm was cut down before Ozmos could land a sword slash on Finwe. Seeing Ozmos's sword was about to slash on his head, Finwe casted [Teleportation] spell and teleported to a nearby location to avoid Ozmos's attack.

"Delaying for another second and I would have been killed by that powerful sword slash." Finwe told himself as he touched the bleeding injury from his head created by Ozmos's sword attack. Finwe then deactivated his [Thunder Step] form to avoid reaching mana depletion. Amdusias saw Finwe was hurt from Ozmos's sword slash and knew he had used a large part of his mana pool for using [Thunder Step] earlier. Amdusias casted [Minor Healing] and [Mana Regeneration] spells on Finwe to help him healed from the bleeding injury and regenerate some of his mana pool. Noticing his enemies have their speed increased through a Thunder Magic spell, Finwe then casted [Mass Haste] spell to improve the moving speed of his allies as well.

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