Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 6 (3/8)

Book 2: Chapter 6 (3/8)

Author: Alright readers, are you ready for some time skips?

Readers: Yes!

Author: Cool, here we go.

Toria Continents. Forty-eighth calendar, in the year of 415,839. Arthur Castillon graduated from the Mages Academy of Nosh at the age of thirty. He graduated as a level 35 Legend-tier Conjurer Mage. No one has ever graduated from the Mages Academies as level 35 Legend Mage before. Therefore, Arthur Castillon was considered to be one of the top talented magic casters of all time in the history of the Toria Continents. After Arthur broke through the barrier of Master-tier into the Legend-tier, the Concentration Amulet could no longer assist him in increasing his meditation time. That was why Arthur could only meditate for a maximum of seven hours a day which was still much longer compared to most magic casters.

At the age of twenty-nine, Arthur Castillon was supposed to join the Student Mages Battle Tournament again as a Master-tier Student Mage. Nevertheless, because Arthur Castillon was already at level 33 in Legend-tier, he wasn't qualified to join the battle tournament. Because of that, Mages Academy of Nosh went back to the list of Losers Academy as neither their Novice teams nor Intermediate teams could win the tournament. They didnt even make it into the third round. But then, their Master team containing all females won the tournament and once again Mages Academy of Nosh shocked the world. The Master team contained six members of Rosa Drumwind, Golda Coldshore, Ana Roxley, Calley Astorio, Jaane Almos, and their team leader, Adela Hindergrass. All of them were twenty-seven years old Master-tier Student Mages at the time of the tournament.

Adela was recruited to become a member of the White which she immediately agreed to. Jaane was recruited to join the Brown but she respectfully declined and then agreed to join a mid-size Mages' Guild instead. The reason for that was because Jaane doesn't want to be Kain's enemy in the future and she doesn't want to hunt down any Blood Mages or even kill any Twin Soul children ever since she knew Kain is a Blood Mage. By joining a Mages' Guild, Jaane can still provide a good life for her parents while saving money to buy cheap Magical Equipment to further assist her in battles. Big-size Mages' Guilds work closely with the Mages Council which means they received quests from the Mages Council to hunt down powerful Rogue Mages and/or Blood Mages. Jaane doesn't want to have any chance of associating with the Mages Council that was why she refused the invitations to join the big-size Mages' Guilds. Jaane had one mission for herself which was to avoid becoming an enemy of the Blood Mages as long as she can. Sometimes Jaane asked herself if she was a traitor to her kind or not for failing to expose Kain as a Blood Mage. But every time Jaane thought about the kiss between Kain and her, she smiled and told herself its definitely worth it.

"If loving Kain is making me a traitor to this world, then I rather betray this world for ten million more years." Jaane told herself as she dreamed about the day she will see Kain again. "I will become much stronger for you, my love. I will protect you from the Mages Council or anyone who wishes to harm you just because you were born with a Twin Soul.

The news of Kain Almos died inside the Magical Forest near Redkeep city had reached Duchess Sybell Graylock and Lord Noe Clerico of the Gray. Lord Noe Clerico was sad as he had lost a great potential member but at least he still had Arthur Castillon as one of the great young new members that recently joined the Gray. Even Lord Clerico couldnt graduate from the Mages Academy as level 35 Legend-tier Conjurer Mage at the age of thirty. Duchess Sybell Graylock was madder than sad when she heard Kain Almos was no longer alive. She was mad because now she will have to find another orphan who possesses an Elemental Soul to invest in. Its not easy to adopt an orphan who possesses an Elemental Soul. Because Emperors, Kings, Queens, Dukes, Duchess, Grand Dukes, Presidents, Generals, Great Generals, Admirals, Grand Admirals, High Priests, even the Popes wanted to adopt them. Who would let the future magic casters remain as orphans? No one. Even a Novice Mage is considered an honorable magic caster that has higher social status compared to City Mayors or Villages' Barrons.

Toria Continents. Forty-eighth calendar, in the year of 415,842. Jaane Almos graduated from the Mages' Academy of Nosh at the age of thirty as a Legend-tier level 32 Earth Mage. The Guild Master of 'Angel Six Guild' named Dorgan Lanik, personally attended Jaane's graduation ceremony and officially welcomed her into his Guild. Dorgan Lanik was the level 50 Legend-tier White Mage who can summon a Six Wings Angel using [Summon Angel Warrior] spell which was why he named his guild as Angel Six Guild.

Arthur Castillon has also attended the graduation ceremony because of his girlfriend, Adela Hindergrass.

Timeless Dungeon. Kain's everyday routines including meditation; hunt giant animals or birds for food and use their hide or feathers as materials for clothes; harass the giants by running away after slaying several giants; take hot showers at the natural hot spring Kain had found; sleep to recover mana while his Second Soul standing guard; wake up and repeat this cycle all over again until that day. Iris appeared when Kain was sleeping while his Second Soul was guarding him.

Iris appeared in front of Kains Second Soul and asked, How have you been?

Kains Second Soul said, I have been great. Is it a hundred thousand years yet?

Yes, that is why Im here.

Cool, let me wake up. Kain woke up as he deactivated the [Second Soul] spell.

Is there anything you need to collect from this Third-tier before I transport you to the Fourth-tier?

Kain shook his head and said, It seems like those giants could level up like I am. Despite advancing to level 73 in magical training and becoming a Sixth Stage Saint Warrior, I still struggle if fighting more than twenty of them at a time.

Of course. They were supposed to scale level with you. The stronger that you are, the stronger they will get. This was to prevent you from being too bored of fighting with them.

Oh, good deal. Anyway, what is my reward for completing the Third-tier?

You have already received it. The Third-tier itself is a reward for you. A hundred thousand years of peace, what more can you ask for?

What the A hundred thousand years of peace you said? Did you know never mind. Can I at least get a Blood Ring or something as a reward?

Nope. Are you ready to be transported to the Fourth-tier?

I guess so.

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