Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 6 (6/8)

Book 2: Chapter 6 (6/8)

Urien had no other option but to agree with Kain. At Kains current level, he couldnt even defeat Urien, then how can Kain defeat the Vampire Emperor? Being patient is the key to success. Just fifty thousand years from now, I can wait for it. Urien advised himself.

Kain spent eighteen hours a day meditating and training in warrior arts. He doesnt have to worry about food or human blood because Urien would provide those to him. Time quickly passed inside the Timeless Dungeon. One year in Toria Continents equal to eight thousand seven hundred sixty (8760) years in the Timeless Dungeon. Six years later (52560 years in Timeless Dungeon). Kain had reached level eighty-three (83) and Eighth Stage Saint Warrior. He wanted to take his sweet time training more but Urien kept rushing Kain to go rescue his wife. At the time Kain reached level 80, he didnt tell Urien because he doesnt want to lose a perfect opportunity to train without worrying about anything. Shelter, food, human blood, no interruption during meditation because Urien commanded his vampires to guard Kains place 24 hours a day. Kain felt like this is a great reward the Watchers gave him and he doesnt want to waste it. That was why Kain didnt want to stop training until he reached level 90 during the time he spent on this Fourth-tier of Timeless Dungeon.

Kain Bersk, have you reached level 80 yet? It had been more than fifty thousand years. Urien Hyde asked in an annoying tone.

Not yet. Give me more time. Despite reaching level 83, Kain continued to lie to Urien.

I dont believe you. You need to rescue Lady Belinda Argent now or I wont bring you food and supply you with human blood anymore.

Cant you just be patient for another fifty thousand more years? Why so rush?

Why? You wanted my wife to stay with that asshole Vampire Emperor for another fifty thousand years? Are you insane?

Alright calm down, we will go to rescue your wife. Gee, so annoying. I will surely die by the hand of the Vampire Emperor and no one else can help you rescue her. Kain said.

After several seconds of thinking, Urien asked, You really still havent reached level 80?

Of course not, why would I lie to you? Im not that talented. If you give me another-

Ten thousand years. I can give you another ten thousand years, no more than that.


Another ten thousand years had passed inside the Timeless Dungeon. Kain had reached level 85 in magical training but continued to lie to Urien when he was being asked. Kain said, I still havent reached level 80 yet, but I felt its very close. If you give me just five thousand years more, I will positively reach it.

No! Enough is enough! It had been more than sixty thousand years since you came here. I wont give you any more time than that. You need to go rescue my wife now or I will call Iris to let her know that you have failed this quest.

Fine, lets go rescue your wife.

Do you mean it?

Yes, lets go. I dont know where the Vampire Emperor lives. Are you going to guide me there or what?

This way, please follow me. Your kindness will be appreciated.

"F**k your appreciation." Kain whispered to himself.

Urien flexed his bat wings to start flying. He looked at Kain and asked, Arent you going to fly?

Kain shook his head and said, I dont want to waste mana on stupid shit like that. Go find me a horse so it can carriage me from here to the Vampire Emperors place. You can fly alone if you want to.

Urien called one of his human slaves to prepare two horses and together with Kain, he rode the horse toward the Vampire Emperors castle.

After riding the horses for nine days, Kain and Urien reached a city named Corbank. From what Urien explained, Corbank city is under a Vampire Nobles management. Unless Kain agreed to fly, they wont be able to get through this city without asking for permission from that Vampire Noble first.

Urien said, Jael Morelock is the Vampire Noble managing this city. His physical strength can be compared to a Ninth Stage Saint Warrior in Toria Continents. Unlike other Vampire Nobles, Jael is good toward a banished one like me.


After the Vampire Emperor took my wife, he banished me from the capital city to prevent me from seeing my wife ever again. If I come back to the capital city, I will be executed on sight. Many Vampire Nobles wanted to please the Emperor by banishing me from coming through their cities ever again. But not Jael, he is a good Noble.

I understand now. We should go to Jael's castle to officially request his permission to go through this city.

They entered Corbank city and Kain saw humans were everywhere inside the city. It was very different compared to when Kain was staying at Uriens place where almost everyone he saw was vampires. Kain asked, Why are there so many humans here? I thought they were supposed to be slaves.

They are human slaves who serve Sir Jael Morelock.

But I see they are having very normal lives. There are human merchants selling products. Restaurants are served by humans for human customers. Children playing with each other. I dont even see any vampire among them.

All vampires are staying inside the castle. This is just how human slaves live. They built schools, farms, ranches, restaurants, and shops. I don't know why they created those places. They even created something called currency where they use to trade for the products they have created. Its a very complicated thing.

No, Im very familiar with the currency. We use that all the time in Toria Continents. What do they use as currency here?

Silver coins, of course.

Why silver coins?

Silver coins can be melted and crafted into silver weapons. Vampires are afraid of silver weapons. This is why the Vampire Nobles are willing to trade food for silver coins from the human. The human slaves can also avoid getting their blood taken once a month if they give enough silver coins to the Nobles. Once in a while, the human slaves will unite together and use silver weapons they have crafted attempting to overthrow the vampires.

Why dont just seize all the silver coins from the humans? By that way, no vampire has to be afraid.

If we do that, the human slaves wont have a chance to rebel.

Hah? Isnt that a good thing for the vampires?

Yes, but where is the fun in that? We needed our entertainment. Because vampires can live indefinitely, letting the human slaves rebelled can be counted as one of the ways for population control. Also, its fun to see our children get killed by those human slaves every once in a while.

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