Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 12 (10/12)

Book 3: Chapter 12 (10/12)

Hagar took a step back using his right feet, grasped some air using his right hand, then threw a punch into the air toward Arthur. Despite being fifty feet away, the wind force created by Hagars punch was strong enough to cause a crack on Arthurs Soul-bound Black Armor within four seconds. Noticing his life force was quickly being lowered, Arthur immediately activated the [Black Wall] ability to further shield him from the rest of the wind force.

Arthur opened his eyes widely in disbelief and thought, How did he use Wind Magic when I already prohibited magic casting?

Before Arthur figured out it wasnt magic that Hagar had used, Hagar already appeared in front of him and this time his punch went straight for Arthurs face. Arthurs head would explode at such close range, but that didnt happen thanks to the [Divine Shield] spell Arthur casted earlier before using [Isolation] to isolate him and Hagar.

How did he get past my [Black Wall]? Without knowing what he is capable of is too dangerous for me. I cant be here alone with him. Arthur thought as he deactivated the [Isolation] spell to teleport Hagar and himself back to Toria Continents. Even if Arthur was killed, his [Second Life] could revive him again since he already reset it after staying inside his planet for two seconds of real-life time.

Even though only one second had passed, Kain knew his father was being isolated with Arthur. Kain saw Hagar and Arthur were both alive. He happily asked, Father, are you alright?

Hagar answered, That fool thinks he can defeat me by prohibiting magic casting, it's so laughable. Hagar then turned toward Arthur and mockingly said, Hey fool, Im not a magic caster, but a hundred percent warrior.

Impossible a hundred percent warrior? Even if your physical strength is equal when compared to a Devil Warrior or an Archangel, how can your punch create such a powerful wind force that could damage my Soul-bound Armor from a far distance? Arthur suspiciously asked.

Many things have happened to me inside the Skeletons Realm. I wont waste any of my precious time explaining.

Hagar sprinted toward Arthur and attempted to punch his head off but Arthur teleported inside his planet to hide. Hagar repeatedly attacked the planet and broke through several layers. Before all the layers protecting the planet were destroyed, Arthur teleported back to Toria Continents and said, If I cant defeat you one on one, then so be it.

Arthur casted [Chosen Army] spells repeatedly and released countless creatures that were estimated to be at least twenty million. Because Linkeep Island isnt a big island, Arthur couldnt release all the creatures he had under his commands. Still, twenty million creatures at a time would be enough to buy him enough time since Hagar will be forced to travel back to the Skeletons Realm within two hours. Devil-Kain already opened the Hell Gates earlier for the Demon Lords and their demon armies to come through.

Seeing that Arthur wanted to play the number game, Devil-Kain decided to use the [Freezing Cataclysm] spell to create a cataclysm of up to ten thousand feet high within a five hundred thousand square feet radius toward one of Arthurs [Chosen Army]. Even though the [Freezing Cataclysm] spell drained a lot of Kain's mana pool, it was well worth it as one of Arthur's [Chosen Army] was quickly killed. Due to the limited space on Linkeep Island, black-hair Kain started casting [Conjure Ice Gargoyle] spells to conjure Ice Gargoyles. Not only Ice Gargoyles can cast up to level 30 Master-tier Ice Magic spells, but they can also fly and have good physical strength. Because of Kains current level, the Ice Gargoyles he conjured had physical strength on par with the First Stage Saint Warriors and their magical power was no weaker than any level 51 Saint Ice Mages.

Noe Clerico was already captured by Anwyn Richir. Isia couldnt chase Anwyn to rescue Noe because Finwe already locked her in his [Duplicity] spell. Isia was being protected by the hundred Sixteen Wings Angel Warriors. But the hundred Sixteen Wings Angel Warriors were no match for Devil-Kain and will soon be killed. If Isia couldn't free herself from Finwe's [Duplicity] spell, then her Sixteen Wings Angel Warriors won't be able to be summoned back into Toria Continents after getting killed. Arthur couldnt even get near black-hair Kain who was still shielding Jaane while flying in mid-air because of Hagar. It doesnt matter how much Arthur put in the efforts, Kain had already won this battle.

Carefully analyzed the situation, Arthur yelled out loud, Kain, if you agree to my terms then I can help you heal your tainted souls!

After Jaane jumped on the back of her Ice Phoenix, Kain turned toward Arthur and asked, What do you mean? What tainted souls?

I used [Soul Extraction] spell on you earlier after I killed you and noticed your souls were tainted. I don't know why they are tainted, but I can help you fix it.

Fix it? How? Kain didnt know if Arthur was referring to the fact that Watcher Tykan possessed his souls and could control Kains body at any time or not, but he curiously wanted to know if Arthur knew a way to take his souls back from Watcher Tykan.

In the higher realms. Watcher Tykan and Watcher Zorim were angrily arguing with each other. Zorim called Tykan a cheater by allowing Kains father to be the Diamond Skeleton and allowed him to go to the Toria Continents to assist Kain. Killing Champions of the Mages Council and destroying Flumen city was one thing, but attempting to destroy the entire Mages Council by killing the Holy Mage is an entirely different thing. Because Diamond Skeleton is a creature of Skeletons Realm, it normally wouldn't dare to go to other realms to cause such chaos, knowing that Watchers of realms can destroy them if it ever dares to come back again. Watcher Zorim couldn't destroy the Diamond Skeleton because Watcher Tykan was standing next to her and he kept preventing her from doing so. In anger, the best Zorim could do was arguing with Tykan about it.

Watcher Tykan on the other hand honestly didnt know Hagar Bersk was Kains father. After the last Diamond Skeleton advanced into God-tier, Tykan chose another Golden Skeleton Warrior to be the new Diamond Skeleton. He never once asked for the new Diamond Skeletons name or its history because why would a mighty Watcher care about the previous life of an ant? If Tykan knew about Hagar Bersk's history, he would never allow Hagar to meet with Kain in the Toria Continents. Having both of them meet with each other was too much of a risk. With the help of Hagar, Tykan may not have had the ability to control Kain for much longer because Hagar held the key to free any souls that Tykan possessed.

The Watchers have a lot of power, but they also have restrictions in using those powers set by the Creator. Since Tykan chose Hagar to be the Diamond Skeleton, he cant just take that title away from Hagar and give it to another Golden Skeleton regardless of how much he wanted to. Just like Tykan couldn't take away the title of Devil Overlord from Anwyn Richir and Zorim couldn't take away the title of Saint Archangel of the Archangel Michael. Unless Hagar does something really, his position as the Diamond Skeleton won't change. If Hagar releases both of Kain's Souls, then Watcher Tykan can use that opportunity to punish Hagar by completely destroying him but at that time Kain already regained both of his souls so destroying Hagar would be meaningless. Still, Tykan won't allow Hagar to be killed by Zorim at this time because that would equally mean Kain's secured victory against Arthur and the Mages Council could change.

Tykan heard Arthur tell Kain about the tainted souls, he immediately communicated with Kain telepathically and said, Kain, dont listen to Arthur. He is tricking you to come closer to him to assassinate you. No one can free your souls. The only person who can do that is me, and me alone. After you finish playing with Toria Continents, play with other planets and realms controlled by Watcher Zorim and I shall free your souls.

Watcher Tykan wasnt lying about this. While it was true, Arthur knew Kains souls were tainted, but he had no idea how to fix it. Arthur was trying to trick Kain into coming closer to him so that way he could kill Kain again using the [Isolation] spell. If Kain dies, Anwyn Richir, Finwe, Demon Lords, and their demon armies will fade away. The Diamond Skeleton is strong, but it alone can't defeat Arthur as Arthur's magical creatures can keep it busy long enough for it to be forced to go back to the Skeletons Realm or be destroyed by the Creator.

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