Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 12 (4/12)

Book 3: Chapter 12 (4/12)

Seeing all Saint-tier Fire Magic spells he has created and other Saint-tier Magic spells other Champions have created were useless against the Diamond Skeleton, Amyr knew it was time for him to reveal the ultimate spell he obtained after finishing the fifth tier of the Magical Dungeon with difficulty rated of Ten. Amyr quickly chanted then casted the [Blazing Ghosts] spell. A robust fire beam shot out from Amyrs hands toward the Diamond Skeleton. Instead of hitting the Skeleton, the fire beam split into two then flew in a circle around it. Three seconds later, the fire beam became thousands of burning ghosts who crazily casted [Flaming Phoenix] spells toward the Skeleton. Just like Celestial Angels, those Flaming Ghosts cant be killed and only fade away after their mana pools reach depletion.

Four seconds after that, Amyr shook his head after seeing countless flaming phoenixes explode on the Diamond Skeleton but couldnt stop its slow advance toward the Champions using a mocking manner. Amyr has been looking down on Noe Clerico because he thought Noe's [Unlimited Life] spell wouldn't be able to survive against his [Blazing Ghosts] spell. Never in his life, Amyr thought any creature could survive against such a powerful ultimate spell granted to him from completing a Magical Dungeon with the highest difficulty rating. After another two seconds of careful consideration, Amyr drank a Large Mana Potion to restore his mana pool then casted [Hell Fiend] spell and a small blue color flaming demon was summoned from the Hell Realm. The Hell Fiend possessed half of Amyrs mana pool and had access to all the unique Saint-tier Fire Magic spells that he had created including the ultimate spell of [Blazing Ghosts].

Amyr softly said, Im sorry for using [Hell Fiend] spell, but there was no other option. We need to take down this Diamond Skeleton before it destroys any other city.

Hell Fiend can not be controlled by the caster and the caster wont be able to banish it back into the Hell Realm after the battle is over. The only way to get rid of the Hell Fiend is to kill it.

Because of this, [Hell Fiend] spell was highly forbidden to be used unless the Fire Mage absolutely needed to despite it being just a level 35 Fire Magic spell.

The Hell Fiend quickly teamed up with other Champions as it started casting Saint-tier Fire Magic spells that Amyr created toward the Diamond Skeleton. Amyr quietly asked one of the Champions, Ralnor, do you have any flying creature that has enough stamina to carry you from here to Linkeep Island without stopping for rest?

Ralnor quietly answered, I have a Black Dragon that cant use magic but it's stamina pool is high enough.

Good, conjure that Black Dragon and let it carry you straight to Linkeep Island. You need to let Holy Mage know about this Diamond Skeleton and his group of Saint Skeleton Mages along with a massive army of Skeleton Warriors. It pained me when I said this, but we needed Noe Clerico and his Necromancy Magic. He could be the only one who can stand against that Skeleton in a one versus one battle because of his [Unlimited Life] spell. Other Champions and I will stay to keep it busy to prevent it from chasing after you. Now, go.

The Diamond Skeleton saw Ralnor jump on a Black Dragon and fly away toward the direction of Linkeep Island. The Skeleton laughed and said, That loser must have gone to tell Holy Mage Bigham and Pope Hayward about me. Not bad that would save me time to introduce myself when I meet them. But still it would take him hours to reach Linkeep Island with such pathetic flying speed. Enough time spent playing with you fools. Its time for me to go check out this Kain Bersk guy.

Finished saying that, the Diamond Skeleton threw the steel greatsword in its hands away and that steel greatsword disappeared into the air. The Skeleton started grasping air using both of its hands. In just a second, both of the Skeletons bone arms and bone hands became much larger. The Champions knew the Skeleton was about to attack them using the greatly enlarged bone arms and bone hands, but what they didnt know was how powerful its attack could be.

Amyr and the Champions instantly noticed the air around them once again became harder to breathe and were about to move away from that area, but the Skeleton asked them, I am a skeleton and didnt have any lungs. Therefore the need for oxygen and clean air to be alive doesnt apply to me. But I can use the air of the living planets such as Toria Continents to greatly strengthen myself, isnt that ironic?

Without waiting for the Champions to answer, the Diamond Skeleton started punching them using its unmatched physical strength. Even when its attacks weren't very fast, avoiding at close range was almost impossible for the Champions who have trained as magic casters, not warriors. Whether it was [Stone Skin], [Ice Barrier], [Circle of Protection], [Warding Wind], [Magnetic Shield], or any Saint-tier Magic spells created for defending were practically worthless as it only took one or two punches from the Diamond Skeleton to be broken. In under three minutes, all Champions were massacred including Ralnor who had flown far away but was caught up by the Diamond Skeleton and mercilessly killed in under four seconds.

Zora saw the Champions were quickly killed from far away and couldnt stop herself trembling in fear. The good thing was the Diamond Skeleton didnt completely destroy the Champions bodies which meant they can be revived within forty minutes after death. Zora commanded her Saint-tier Priest Warriors to gather the Champions corpses and brought them to the Mages Councils temple for Light Mages to cast [Resurrection] spells on them.

While sprinting toward the direction of Ralnor to gather his corpse, Zora prayed, Watcher Zorim, please watch over us and protect us from that monster.

By the time Zora arrived to rescue Ralnor, all she saw was the magical robe belonging to him. Picked up the magical robe and examined it carefully, Zora shakingly thought to herself, "Did his entire body vanish? I didn't even see any blood on this magical robe?"

Met up with her Saint-tier Priest Warriors, Zora found out the same thing happened to all other Champions. That Diamond Skeletons somehow made all Champions' bodies vanish and only their magical robes were left.

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