Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 12 (8/12)

Book 3: Chapter 12 (8/12)

The Diamond Skeleton looked at Arthur then turned to look at Kain who was still shielding Jaane using his Flesh Monster form. Not stopping there, it turned around and loudly shouted at everyone else, Living humans, seize all of your movement and tell me who Kain Bersk is!? Noe wasn't the only one who was wondering who the Diamond Skeleton is, but everyone on Linkeep Island was stunned when they saw the Diamond Skeleton appear between Kain and Arthur. Golden Skeletons meant they have reached Saint-tier levels. But a Diamond Skeleton? How strong a Diamond Skeleton has to be. Another powerful being comparable to God-tiers just like the Devil Overlord?

Immediately right after the Diamond Skeleton shouted asking who Kain Bersk is, Devil-Kain swung his fiery ax toward the back of the Diamond Skeleton as he flew closer to it. The Skeleton didnt turn around and only used his left hand to catch Devil-Kains fiery ax. However, the Skeleton quickly noticed that was a bad move despite successfully stopping the fiery ax from hitting its back.

Such powerful strength Are you a Devil Warrior? The Diamond Skeleton asked using a happy tone.

Without wasting time answering the Skeleton, Devil-Kain enhanced the size of his fiery ax to become a giant fiery ax and fiercely swung it again toward the Skeleton. The Skeleton knew Devil-Kains physical strength was something to be overlooked. Both of its hands grabbed some air nearby to enhance its strength and enlarged its biceps. The Diamond Skeleton then used the enlarged arms and hands to catch the giant fiery ax, managed to stop the ax from hitting its body, and also prevented Kain from pulling the ax back.

Arthur didnt know what to do. The Diamond Skeleton appeared and demanded to know who Kain Bersk is had made Arthur asking himself, Should I help that Skeleton defeat Kain? Or should I help Kain to fight against that Skeleton?

Devil-Kain was amazed to see how strong the Diamond Skeleton was, but physical combat wasnt his only real specialty while using the [Devil Anatomy] spell. Devil-Kain casted [Carnage Inferno] spell then passed the powerful blue flame that appeared on his body to the Diamond Skeleton through the giant fiery ax being caught by the Skeleton.

Thinking that would be enough to melt the Skeleton to ashes, Kain decided to answer its question as he smirked and said, I am Kain Bersk. And no, Im not just a Devil Warrior, but a Devil Battlemage.

The Diamond Skeleton nodded his head in acknowledging Kain's answer and asked another question while the blue flame was still burning its body, What is the name of your parents?

You dont deserve to know. Go back to your realm, stupid Skeleton.

Kain wanted to strike his giant fiery ax toward the Skeleton again but doing so would bring the blue flame created by [Carnage Inferno] to go back into his body instead. That was why Kain patiently waited for the Skeleton to be burnt to ashes. Nonetheless, the blue flame slowly faded away as soon as the Skeleton inhaled a large chunk of air and breathed out steam from its bones.

After all the blue flame faded away, Kain saw there was no burn injury on the Skeleton. Kain wasnt surprised by that. The Diamond Skeleton appeared to be not weaker compared to a Devil Battlemage or an Archangel, Kain smirked and said, It seems like your body is tougher than I thought. Very well, I shall crush your bones to pieces then.

Because Noe was already captured alive by Anwyn Richir, Finwe had no reason to go after Noe anymore. Finwe activated the [Thunder Step] spell then flew toward the Skeleton at a very fast speed. Before Finwe could come close within a thousand feet of the Skeleton, he was violently pushed back by a robust wind aura that was at least twenty times stronger compared to [Gust] spell casted by a level 100 Wind Mage. Flesh Monster-Kain quickly grew his pair of Emperor Vampire Wings and carried Jaane to fly away from that area, preventing her from being injured by that insanely strong wind aura while Arthur rapidly increased the strength of his [Black Wall] by infusing stamina into it to shield himself better.

Staring into the eyes of Devil-Kain who wasnt being affected by the wind aura it created, the Skeleton asked in a satisfied voice, Kain Bersk, who are your parents? Tell me and I may let you live.

Devil-Kain wasnt afraid of the Skeleton, but he couldnt help wondering why it was showing interest in learning about his parents. Many people knew about Kains true identity after he came back to Toria Continents and took over the Dryardian Empire so Kain had no problem telling the Skeleton about who his parents were. The giant fiery ax vanished from Devil-Kains hands, but a fiery sword instantly appeared on his left hand and an icy sword appeared on his right hand. Kain decided to use speed instead of strength to fight with the Diamond Skeleton right after this little chit-chat between them.

Getting into the attack stance, Kain smiled and said, If you want to know about me that bad, allow me to tell you then. My father is Hagar Bersk. And my mother is Natali Cobb. This isnt a secret as many people have learned about my past. Skeleton, why are you showing interest in learning about my parents? Answer honestly and I will grant you a quick death.

Hearing Kain's answer, the Skeleton asked other questions using a trembling voice, Were you adopted by Zora Faringray? Is that how you are still alive despite being born as a Twin Soul child?

Adopted me? Haha Are you f*cking serious? Like you have known, I am a Blood Mage who possesses a Twin Soul. How dare one of the six High Priests in the Thirteenth Scripture under Bifjorkian Theocracys commands adopt me? Answer my question already or I will start to crust your bones with no mercy.

After a few seconds of silence, the Skeleton firmly said, Kain, I am your father. The Skeleton doesnt have eyes, but Kain could tell its eyes sockets were twitching as it said that.

Stupid Skeleton creature, what did you just say? Be very careful with your answer. I will chase you to the realm of the dead if needed to completely wipe you out of existence in the lower realms. Kain angrily stated.

My son, I am Hagar Bersk. You were born in the year 415,809 of the 48th calendar. Your mother and I were both from Sryt city, which belonged to Bifjorkian Theocracy. I was thirty-three years old, and your mother was twenty-five years old when we brought you to the capital city, Flumen, for examination to see if you had any Elemental Soul when you were three years old. Right after the examination crystal exploded on your hands, the examiner commanded the guards to kill you. I knocked out a guard using my fist then grabbed that guard's spear to protect you and your mother in an attempt for us to escape from Flumen city. I was a well-trained seventh-tier warrior at that time, but I alone can not win against a hundred million guards stationed in Flumen city. Shortly after defeating more than fifty guards, your mother and I were captured and executed. I thought you were killed too. My son, Im happy to know that you are still alive.

Kain was speechless after hearing the Diamond Skeleton told him that in detail. While some members of the Blood Mages Guild knew about Kains history, no one really knew of all those details. Kain mumblingly asked, Father..?

Son. Im sorry for being too weak and couldnt protect you and your mother back then. Everything is alright now as I am here. I still have two hours left in this realm before I have to go back to the Skeletons Realm. I have killed all the Champions of the Mages Council in Flumen city. I will now kill their Holy Mage and all Lords of the Colors to ensure no one can harm you because of your Twin Soul ever again.


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