Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 2 (4/7)

Book 3: Chapter 2 (4/7)

Etgar Revenmar, Andrella Whistler, Mival Ballard, Robert Weaver, Emelia Kincade, Ariana Bellet, and all other Blood Mages who were present at the time couldnt believe what they had just witnessed. The almighty Adrik Volsky, King of all human slaves, and the protector of all Blood Mages were killed in less than thirty seconds in the battle against Kain Bersk.

Kain opened the thirteen Hell Gates and commanded the Demon Lords along with their massive powerful demon armies to massacre all Demi-Humans of Benil city. Except for Kimaris, Kain instructed him to go to the Emperors Palace, violently arrest Lucius Flavonius Acilianus, and then bring him in front of Kain.

Kain then turned toward Andrella, evilly stared at her, pointed his left index finger at Adrik Volsky, and commanded, You can cast [Resurrection] spell on him.

This was the first time Andrella received that kind of stare from Kain. Her brain wanted to punish him for such disrespect but her body completely complied with his command as she casted [Resurrection] spell on Adrik.

Kain then quickly glared at Etgar, Mival, and Robert then said, This is what you get for going against me. If I genuinely want to, I can easily destroy this entire planet by myself using my overwhelming power. Either you are with me, or you are against me. Kneel on the ground to show that you are with me, or stand still to show that you are against me. You have ten seconds and only one chance to make the right decision.

Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two.

Before Kain counted to one, Etgar kneeled on the ground followed by Mival, Robert, and all other Blood Mages. Kain allowed Andrella to finish casting the [Resurrection] spell on Adrik. After Adrik was revived, Kain said, Both of you kneel on the ground to show that you are with me. If I count to three and you are still standing, I will kill you both and make sure no one can revive you after that.


Kain didnt even count to two because both Adrik and Andrella already knelt on the ground in front of him. Kain was pleased with the result and happily said, You all needed to kneel on the ground but may lift your head to see my children play with the Demi-Humans. Without my command, no one is allowed to stand.

While kneeling on the ground and lifting his head to watch Demon Lords and their demon armies massacre Benil city, Adrik thought to himself, His unbelievable strength has taken me by surprise that was why I lost so fast. Still, even if I know how powerful he was and prepared for an actual fight with him. The longest I can survive is around three hours before my mana pool reaches depletion then I will still lose. I dont know what it is but the energy vibe I got from him is even scarier compared to when I was facing Noe Clerico in a one versus one battle. His absolute power allowed him to look at me like I am nothing. I felt like my life could be taken away at any time regardless of how much I struggle. Kneeling before such a mighty magic caster isnt a shame, but an honor.

Princess Zemelda Edhilda Acilianus and her special elite bodyguards were quickly annihilated by three thousand Ancient Vampires while her small army of ten million warriors was struggling against the demon army of the First Gate led by the Demon Lord, Sizouze.

An estimated over one billion Demi-Human Citizens and two hundred million Demi-Human Warriors were living in Benil city. But if this rate kept going, all Demi-Humans of this city would be annihilated within a day.

For the Blood Mages, human slaves are their energy and training sources. That was why Etgar and all other Blood Mages were horrified seeing this scene but were glad that the Ancient Vampires and demon armies didn't hurt any human slaves as Kain had instructed them.

Adrik thought to himself, "I can win a one versus one battle with any Demon Lord but couldn't survive fighting against all of them at the same time. But Kain could open the Hell Gates and commanded the Demon Lords to listen to him. I wonder how he could achieve to be able to do something like that. After this battle is over, I must investigate to find out the secret to his power."

Kain instructed Amdusias to revive Princess Zemelda and brought her in front of him. Looking at a recently resurrected Zemelda, Kain asked, Do you want to live?

Still trembling in fear, Zemelda answered without daring to stare into Kains eyes, Yes.

Then kneel on the ground.


Like Adrik and the Blood Mages, Zemelda knelt on the ground and didnt dare to breathe heavily afraid she may anger Kain any further. Approximately thirty minutes later, Kimaris flew toward Kains direction while holding the heavily injured Emperor Lucius Flavonius Acilianus by the tail. Kimaris then threw Lucius from the sky fifty feet above the ground down in front of Kain.

Kimaris didnt know Kains body was being controlled by Watcher Tykan, he asked, Kain Bersk, do you need me to capture anyone else?

Kain said, Ateia Ordia. Prime Minister of the Dryardian Empire. She isnt in Benil city at this time. But find out where she is and bring her in front of me as soon as possible.

Consider it done. Kimaris then flew away to look for Ateia.

Despite not being able to use his body, Kain could see everything through his eyes. Kain thought, Kimaris didnt even transform into his Demon Form and still defeated the so-called strongest Demi-Human Dragon Knight, Emperor Lucius Flavonius Acilianus of the Dryardian Empire. It seems like he isnt that strong after all. I felt so stupid now for being too careful earlier because of a such weak character.

Kain had no idea who Prime Minister Ateia Ordia was, but Watcher Tykan did. Lucius was the Emperor of the Demi-Humans, but Ateia was the true brain of this Dryarian Empire. To make all the Demi-Humans submit to Kains power, it couldnt be done without Ateia's influence. That was why Tykan instructed Kimaris to go find and bring her in front of him.

Laying on the ground heavily injured, Lucius wanted to say something but couldnt move his mouth. Kain gave the order for Amdusias to heal Lucius. After Lucius was fully healed, he stood up straight and stared directly into Kains eyes. Lucius knew Kain was the leader of the Demon Lord that was attacking him.

Even when having no weapon in his hand, Lucius was still confident in himself as he flexed his Dragon Wings preparing for a fight with Kain. Lucius angrily screamed, "By the time Stefano Auregli comes back, you all will suffer for daring to disrespect me!"

Stefano Auregli, Crocodile-kin, Eleventh Stage Saint Dark Knight. He wore a full black platinum armor from head to toe including for his tail. His weapons were a black platinum sword and shield. Stefano was named the strongest warrior in the history of the Demi-Humans in the Toria Continents. However, Stefano isn't a soldier that serves the Dryarian Empire. If Emperor Acilianus or Prime Minister Ordia wanted to hire him for a special assignment, then they must offer a huge sum of gold coins before he even considers temporarily working for them or not.

Lucius and Ateia recently employed Stefano on a mission to go to the Bifjorkian Theocracy to speak with the Holy Mage Gwenn Bigham about surrendering to the Dryarian Empire or they will continue their invasions against other nations. Because knowing how powerful Stefano was, Lucius and Ateia knew there was no problem for Stefano as he could reach Bifjorkian Theocracy using the seaway for sure. As a Crocodile-kin, Stefano could have easily survived against any sea monsters, magical beasts, or enemies' warships that he may encounter at sea.

As expected, Stefano reached Bifjorkian Theocracy safely and successfully made contact with the Holy Mage to deliver Lucius's message to her. Despite being powerful enough to even fight off an Ancient Gold Dragon in the magical forest. But Stefano, unfortunately, met a man that took a liking to him very much. That man was Noe Clerico who killed and turned Stefano into one of his powerful minions in the Dark Vortex.

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