Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 4 (2/8)

Book 3: Chapter 4 (2/8)

Arthur closed his eyes as he thought to himself, If I successfully raid this Timeless Dungeon, my Conjurer Soul can be upgraded to either Necromancer Soul to unlock Necromancy Magic, Divination Soul to unlock Spectral Magic, or Ethereal Soul to unlock Creation Magic. Not just that, if I can train my physical strength to Eleventh Stage Saint Warrior, then I can also choose a specialization warrior class to unlock special warrior abilities like the Demi-Humans. This is great. I will come back to Toria Continents as strong as Lord Noe Clerico, or even stronger than him!

Back to the present of Toria Continents. Dryardian Empire. Benil city. A Demi-Human warrior ran inside the Emperors Palace to report, Emperor Acilianus, Noe Clerico had left Benil city.

Did he win? Was the Supreme Leader killed? Lucius eagerly asked.

He didnt fight back once and allowed the Supreme Leader to kill him more than ten thousand times. My apology, I lost count of how many times the Supreme Leader killed Noe Clerico. It went on for another fifteen minutes or so before Noe said something, laughed out loud, and rode a gigantic dragon to fly away.

Is the Supreme Leader still alive?


Grrh! Get out! Lucius angrily screamed.

After the Demi-Human warrior left, Princess Zemelda said, Father, please calm down. We shouldnt do anything that causes suspicion.

Prime Minister Ordia said, Princess Zemelda is right. Emperor Acilianus, please calm yourself.

Lucius quickly controlled his anger to calm himself down. After six minutes of silence, he said, We may have to continue waging war with other nations as he commanded. Our empire has been too exhausted from war and needed time to recover, but he just didnt care about it at all.

We can look on the bright side. If we succeed and defeat the Republic of Yfari, the Kingdom of Winhardia, and the Kingdom of Ronia, then our empire will be controlling sixty percent of the lands of this world. The Nalas Kingdom and the Bridia Kingdom have fallen to the Kingdom of Qarte. The Grand Duchy of Bameligtia and Principality of Cylatlond have fallen to the Cloudia Empire. That leaves only the Kingdom of Qarte, Cloudia Empire, and the Bifjorkian Theocracy left. Your dream of total world domination will become sooner than expected.

World domination? What is the point of world domination when you are serving someone else? Our armies are going to sacrifice themselves for someone else's world domination, not mine.

Princess Zemelda said, Father, at least Kain Bersk is on our side. Isnt it better to have someone as strong as him as our leader to protect us from someone such as Noe Clerico who can kill us at any time?

Noe Clerico doesnt care about our existence. Because if he did, he would have killed us a very long time ago. But this Kain Bersk guy, I could feel the evil in his eyes. Regardless if we are going to be loyal to him or not, one day he would exterminate our entire species on this planet.

On top of Kain's Palace. Kain flew toward Etgar and said, Guildmaster, I needed to speak to David Bodwyn. Is he still working undercover as an Executioner for the Gray?

Etgar said, Not anymore. His real name is Darvan Milton. Like Andrealla, he is one of the Masters. Darvan has hidden for over five years for meditation as he felt like he could have advanced into Saint-tier at any moment and didn't want to be interrupted.

Darvan Milton huh. Guildmaster, whenever Master Milton comes back, would you please let him know that I needed to speak to him?


Kain thought to himself, Hopefully Master Milton knew something about Noe Clericos Soul-Bound Creature. If his Soul-Bound Creature is even stronger compared to a Devil and an Archangel, then I will have to plan carefully on how to proceed next. In the lower realms, Devils and Archangels are considered to be the strongest beings. Archangels govern over Angel Warriors and Angel Battlemages. Devils on the other hand don't govern the demons but can command them in battles by opening the Hell Gates when fighting in another realm. Hmm I should ask Evienne to see if she knows anything about who could be stronger than Devils and Archangels. Perhaps there is a Devil Overlord or something like that who rules the planet of the Devils.

After Kain got back to his room, he saw Iviss and Reana were still guarding Jaane as she was still meditating deeply. Kain casted [Soul Bridge] spell attempted to conjure Evienne Lucifuge but somehow the portal didnt open despite the permanent abyss link chained between him and her were still strong.

Kain thought to himself, This is weird. Evienne is still alive for sure but how can the portal connected to her place not open?

Kain sat and waited for forty minutes then casted [Soul Bridge] spell again, but still couldnt conjure Evienne. Kain then decided to travel to the Hell Realm to look for Evienne just in case something bad had happened to her. Even though Kain and Evienne didnt like each other, she was still his Soul-Bound Creature and he wouldnt want to lose such a powerful companion. Especially not after knowing how powerful Noe Clerico was.

Kain casted [Conjure Furcas] and [Conjure Fyre] spells. After Furcas and Fyre appeared, Kain looked at Furcas and asked, Furcas, are you familiar with the Hell Realm?

Furcas said, I have always been living inside the Thirteenth Gate. Anything outside of the Thirteenth Gate would be out of my knowledge.

I see. Furcas and Fyre, I need you guys to guard my physical body while my astral form travels to the Hell Realm.

After receiving acknowledgment from Furcas and Fyre, Kain turned toward Iviss and Reana then said, Iviss and Reana, you only needed to defend Jaane in case a powerful enemy attack, understand?

Iviss and Reana quickly confirmed that they have understood. Kain laid on his bed and activated [Astral Projection] to allow his astral form to exit his physical body. In his astral form, Kain could gain access to countless realms, and countless planets inside those realms. Since Hell Realm was Kains targeted direction of travel and Kain had been there a few times, he could easily travel there again just by thinking about it.

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