Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 5 (1/8)

Book 3: Chapter 5 (1/8)

After thorough thinking, Evienne landed on the ground and Kain shortly followed her. Evienne then stood still for approximately three minutes without moving. Kain was about to ask her a question again but a castle slowly appeared in front of them. The castle doesn't have a sign stating which family owned it.

The castle's gate opened and a Devil walked toward them to greet, "Evienne Lucifuge, are you here to speak with the Overlord?"

Evienne nodded her head and respectfully answered, "I was banished from the Lucifuge Family and can't use the Lucifuge name anymore. Sir Thomas, this is Kain Bersk from Toria Continents. He is here to request an audience with the Overlord."

"A human?"

"Yes, Sir Thomas."

"Evienne, you know the Overlord won't speak with a mere human."

"Understood. We will leave immediately."

Kain said, "Sir Thomas, please let the Overlord know that I am here to talk about Noe Clerico."

Thomas opened his eyes widely as he heard Kain mention Noe Clerico's name. Thomas got into his fighting stance and asked, "Are you an acquaintance of Noe Clerico?"

Judging by the way Thomas reacted, Kain eased his mind knowing the Overlord wasn't the Soul-Bound Creature of Noe or Thomas wouldn't act like that.

Kain said, "He is my enemy. I'm here for two reasons. The first reason was to talk about Noe Clerico. The second reason was to ask the Overlord to grant Evienne permission to stay inside the Thirteenth Gate since she had nowhere else to go after being banished from the Lucifuge Family."

"Hmm... Let me speak with the Overlord and I will be back to give you an answer."

"Thank you, Sir Thomas." Kain respectfully said.

Evienne had never seen this side of Kain before. After Thomas went inside the castle, she asked, "Why are you suddenly being so elegant?"

Kain smiled and said, "You saw the cocky and reckless side of me. But the real me, you didn't know one bit."

"The real you Tell me more about the real you."

"There will be time for that. What's important right now is to gain permission from the Overlord to let you stay inside the Thirteenth Gate."

"Why do you suddenly care about me?"

"Because you are my companion. I was rude to you before, and that was my fault. I'm sorry, Evienne."

"Did you just apologize to me?"

"Ever since reaching level 100, I have never apologized to anyone before. This was the first but will also be the last time you heard me apologize. I treated you wrong before but that won't happen again."

"Is this Noe Clerico guy that strong?"


"You came to rescue me, suddenly be nice to me, then apologized to me. It must be because you realized you can't win against this Noe Clerico guy without my help."

After five seconds of silence, Kain nodded and said, "That wasn't wrong. I came back to Toria Continents thinking no one would be able to match with my power. Because of possessing the power of a Devil, I thought that I would never need your help. You are right, I needed your help to defeat Noe Clerico. However, I can just leave now and let you figure out where you can live from now on while being a Devil who was banished from her family. If you die, Finwe and I can go back to being each other's companions just like before. Believe it or not, Finwe will soon overpower you in a one versus one battle since his Thunder Soul was upgraded. The reason I'm still helping you out is that I wanted you to start trusting me just like I am starting to trust you now. I didn't know you were facing many problems after becoming my Soul-Bound Creature. Now that I have understood why you were being hostile towards me before, I will do my best to make it right for you."

Evienne wanted to ask Kain how he could make it right for her but Thomas was already on his way walking back toward them.

Kain asked, "Sir Thomas, did the Overlord grant us permission to go inside?"

Thomas said, "Yes. You and Evienne may come in."

"Thank you, Sir Thomas."

Kain and Evienne followed Thomas to go inside the castle. Evienne already knew about the rules but Kain didn't. That was why Thomas had to carefully explain to Kain that he can't fly, withdraw a weapon, or cast any magic spell inside the Overlord's Castle. Kain smiled and nodded his head to show that he understood.

Inside the castle, Kain could see there were ten Devil Warriors and ten Devil Mages wearing the matching uniform and standing on both sides. They lined up perfectly prepared to fight at any moment. Kain turned to look at Evienne and saw she was secretly smiling behind him. After being noticed by Kain, Evienne quickly hid her smile and put on the serious face again.

After walking past the twenty Devils, Kain saw a female Devil who was sitting on a throne having a magical staff flying on the left side of her throne. Kain used his Vampire Mutants eye visions and could see how beautiful the Devil Overlord was. Kain couldnt compare anything to her beauty. Without realizing how disrespectful it was, Kain continued to look directly into the Devil Overlords eyes without blinking.

Evienne whispered behind Kain, Kain, what are you doing? After asking that question, Evienne couldnt help but smile hoping the Devil Overlord would execute Kain for such disrespect.

Kain continued to look at the Overlord until Thomas touched him on the shoulder and said, It is a sign of disrespect for looking at the Devil Overlord in the eyes for more than three seconds.

Kain closed his eyes, shook his head, and said, My apology. Her beauty amazed me and I didn't realize how disrespectful I was.

The Devil Lord heard Kain, she didnt smile but was happy to know Kain was stunned by her beauty. Even so, she wouldnt allow Kain to go unpunished for such disrespect. The Creator grants her such beauty for the powerful Watchers to look at, not for mere humans such as Kain. But first, the Overlord wanted to hear Kain talk about Noe Clerico, the man that dared to humiliate her by revealing how powerless she was against his almighty power.

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