Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 6 (6/8)

Book 3: Chapter 6 (6/8)

Anwyn remembered how she killed Noe over and over again and he could resurrect himself almost in an instant. Even when Anwyn spent a large chunk of her mana pool to almost annihilate her entire castle along with every inch of Noes body parts into nothingness, Noe could still revive himself. Anwyn thought about it a lot and couldnt figure out how Noe could revive himself from nothingness. Beside Blood Mages who could actively be channeling into the blood pools of their Blood Equipment to regenerate their body parts from nothingness, no other type of magic should be able to allow magic casters to do so. Even when fighting the Blood Mages, Anwyn never had any problem as the blood pools of their Blood Equipment would run out. But when Anwyn was fighting with Noe, she felt like he had an unlimited amount of mana pool as he could revive himself so many times until the point Anwyn had to let him leave the Devils' planet because of her mana pool almost reaches depletion. Anwyn could never forget the smirk on Noe's face when he left her castle.

"I will figure out a way to defeat you. I will capture your soul and bind it to my Magical Staff after torturing you to death!" Anwyn angrily stated in her mind promising herself that she can one day kill Noe Clerico.

Many people thought Noe Clericos [Unlimited Life] spell allowed him to revive himself as many times as he wanted. Noe named his spell [Unlimited Life] and gave people the illusion that he could do so to trick them into giving up on killing him. In reality, Noe couldnt revive himself at all besides using the [Second Life] spell. What Noe had done was place a mark on his body and reverse his body to the point when he was still alive between one to five seconds earlier before he was killed. It worked like time reversal, but instead of reversing time, Noe reversed his physical body to the point of time that he marked using [Unlimited Life]. Each mark can only be used once which means every time Noe finishes using a [Unlimited Life] spell, he will have to place a new mark immediately in order to continuously reverse his physical body. It required precision in decision making every time Noe needed to activate [Unlimited Life] before he was killed or he would have died and cant revive himself. Noe often laughed after getting killed to show how confident he was and that was also a trick for his enemies into thinking he was immortal. No one besides Noe knew how dangerous it was for him every time he got killed. One wrong decision of activating the [Unlimited Life] spell too early or too late would be the end of his life as there will be no second chance for him to revive himself.

Hmm? Why is it so silent? Anwyn opened her eyes and saw her guards have killed the Devil-Kain along with the black-hair Kain who was conjuring creatures and convening Ancient Vampires.

Anwyn smirked and thought to herself, Here I thought this human has some tricks up his sleeve. Not every human can be as strong as Noe Clerico. Such a letdown. I was expecting that he was strong enough to touch me.

Anwyn loudly commanded her guards, Burn his bodies and imprison his souls. I want to torture his souls for all eternity for daring to cause a mess in my castle!

After hearing the confirmation from her guards, Anwyn attempted to walk away until a thought got into her head, Didnt Evienne said he is a battlemage? Could it be that I have fallen for his [Blissful Mirage] spell?

Anwyn closed her eyes, focused her mind, then opened it again and nothing changed. Anwyn thought to herself, I was too careful. No [Blissful Mirage] spell was casted on me. My Magical Resistance rate is too strong. No Devil Battlemage could ever cast their [Blissful Mirage] spells on me.

Just to be sure, Anwyn closed her eyes and focused her mind again before opening it. The only thing Anwyn saw was a giant fiery battle-ax was flying toward her. Anwyn didnt do anything to allow the fiery battle-ax to hit her stomach thinking it would bounce back because her Physical Resistance rate was also very high. To Anwyn's surprise, the fiery battle-ax didn't bounce back as expected but cut into her stomach and caused a major wound. It wasn't strong enough to cut her in half but the pain she felt was too much for her to endure. Ever since becoming a Devil Overlord, Anwyn had never felt such pain.

"This is unreal. There is no way this is real. No one can be strong enough to break through my Physical Resistance rate." Anwyn told herself.

Once again, Anwyn closed her eyes and focused her mind before opening it again. Anwyn then looked around and no one else was in the castle but herself. Anwyn thought to herself, As I have thought, that wasn't real and neither is this.

Anwyn closed her eyes again and carefully focused her mind while activating the [Self Awareness] spell. Anwyn created this spell to allow her to dispel all the magical spells that placed her in a false reality to counter Devil Magic spells such as [Blissful Mirage].

What? Why isnt it working? Anwyn asked herself as her [Self Awareness] spell couldnt be activated. Am I in another layer of [Blissful Mirage]? How many layers are there? Anwyn thought.

Anwyn closed her eyes to focus her mind for the fifth time before activating the [Self Awareness] spell again. As soon as Anwyn opened her eyes, she saw the Devil-Kain was still struggling against fighting with her guards while the black-hair Kain had convened more than a hundred thousand Ancient Vampires. Anwyns Magical Staff was still protecting her by conjuring more Four-Eyes Giants, Anwyn confusedly thought to herself, If it wasnt the human who transformed into the Devil Battlemage that casted five layers of [Blissful Mirage] on me, then who? Who can have such a powerful Magical Penetration rate?

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