Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 7 (9/9)

Book 3: Chapter 7 (9/9)

Dryardian Empire. Benil city. Inside Kains Palace. Smiling at Lazela after conjuring her back in front of him, Kain asked, Have the letters been delivered to them?

Lazela nodded and answered, Yes. I delivered the first letter to Arthur Castillon as you have asked. After Arthur agreed that he was going to be there, I went and delivered the second letter to Noe Clerico.

Thank you, you have done well. What did Noe say about my proposal?

He laughed out loud at first but then agreed to it. He was a little disappointed because you didnt choose to go on a rampage and cause chaos in Toria Continents like the way he expected. He wanted you to massacre as many people as possible before he killed you and become the hero that everyone shall remember.

Destroying the Mages Council is a must, but killing innocent people isnt what I was after. Blood Mages needed human blood for training. I cant blindly sacrifice my human livestock imprudently like that. It's great that he had agreed to participate, the all-out battle to the death between Noe Clerico and I shall proceed as planned.



I wanted to report something.

Lazela, there is no formal need between you and I. Out of all my conjurable creatures, you and Finwe are the two people I can trust my life with. If you have news to report, just go ahead and do it.

Lazela summarized the event when Brandis Hayward helped her gain permission to enter Flumen city and then once again helped her to get into the Temple of Mages Council without escalating any problem. Lazela also told Kain about Brandis going on a date with her and told her that he could help Lazela to come to Toria Continents permanently using the Magical Portal Key.

Kain nodded his head and asked, Do you like this Brandis Hayward boy?

Lazela shook her head and said, I have lived long enough to know when someone was trying to deceive me. He wanted to get close to me because he thought I could expose your weakness to him. As one of the Great Generals of the biggest country in the world of Toria Continents, he had no reason to fall in love with a Wind Walker who came from another realm like me.

And yet you still agreed to go out with him, I think I understand. Thank you for your honesty, Lazela.

Needless to say, Kain already knew Lazela planned to steal the Magical Portal Key from Brandis. Kain wasnt simple enough to think Lazela was going to give him that Magical Portal Key. Such an amazing item couldnt be given to anybody, even if Kains Conjurer Soul was bound to Lazela. Lazela must have decided to keep that Magical Portal Key for herself. The Pope of Bifjorkian Theocracy had a Magical Portal Key, which was something Kain didnt know about. Kain always thought all the Portal Keys of Toria Continents were held by the Holy Mages of the Mages Council.

Kain asked, When are you planning to steal the Magical Portal Key from that idiot?

As soon as possible. Lazela truthfully answered.

I see. Good luck with everything, Lazela.

Kain didnt offer Lazela any assistance because he knew she was powerful enough to defeat an Eleventh Stage Saint Warrior. Even though Lazela only managed to create a few Saint-tier Wind Magic spells, Kain was fully confident that she would succeed. After Kain banished Lazela back to the realm of Wind Walkers, he walked back toward the bedroom where Jaane was waiting for him while thinking, Lazela isnt my Soul-Bound Conjure Creature, but her loyalty is absolute. If Evienne could learn to be like Lazela, I didnt have to kill her and bound Anwyn to my Conjurer Soul. Anwyn must hate me very much because I forced her to be bound to me. If the relationship between Anwyn and I cant be improved in the future, then I will get rid of her after I finish dealing with Noe Clerico. Besides Finwe and Lazela, no one else deserves to be my Soul-Bound Creature.

The next day, Lazela patiently waited for Brandis to appear but he didnt show up until a week later. As Brandis opened the portal connected from Toria Continents to the realm of Wind Walkers inside his bedroom, Lazela could feel the energy of the Soul-Bound Magical Scepter she gave to Brandis the other day. That Magical Scepter was crafted by Kain using just regular steel and embedded with a Large Mana Stone. Kain gave it to Lazela along with a Magical Storage Ring because for him that scepter isnt any better than trash.

About the Storage Ring, this type of magical item isnt rare and can be purchased at almost any Magic Shops. Any magic casters can easily buy Magical Storage Rings and drop their blood into them to claim it under their Elemental Souls. The Storage Ring already claimed by a magic caster can't be opened by another magic caster even if the magic caster owned it died. Similar to Soul-Bound Weapon, Storage Ring will be destroyed only after the magic caster who owned it died. However, if the magic caster died and got revived, the Storage Ring will automatically recover itself just like a Soul-Bound Weapon.

Lazela didnt think the scepter Kain gave her was a trash item, she treasured the scepter so much that she decided to bind it to her Wind Soul to turn it into her Soul-Bound Weapon. Regardless it was crafted using just regular steel, a Large Mana Stone isnt something that anyone can come across easily. Even the Lords of the Colors of the Mages Council wouldnt dare to call a Magical Scepter embedded with a Large Mana Stone as a trash item. Kain didn't embed any Magical Wind Stone on that scepter because Lazela already owned a pair of gloves embedded with three Elemental Wind Stones on each glove. Those gloves were given to her by the Watcher of the realm of Wind Walkers after Lazela advanced into level 100. Thirty percent reduction in magic casting spell cost is the maximum. If Kain embedded any Magical Wind Stone into the scepter, it would be a waste because it couldn't provide Lazela any kind of extra benefits.

After Brandis walked through the portal, Lazela could feel her Soul-Bound Magical Scepter much better to determine its accurate location before starting to fly toward that direction. Because the portal Brandis opened was too far, it took Lazela nearly six hours to reach him by flying using the [Wind Walk] spell. Brandis didnt go mindlessly wandering looking for Lazela, he stood near the portal to guard it making sure no Wind Walker could get through to enter Toria Continents and kill innocent people.

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