Twin Soul

Chapter 10: (2/10)

Chapter 10: (2/10)

Kain looked around and saw there was a bed, books, and food inside this safehouse. It was a little hard to breathe since the airflow was not strong enough and there were three people here but wont be a problem for a little girl to survive. Kain turned back toward Admon and asked, You know that your family will get executed if the Mages Council found out about this, right?

I know. I have been praying that they will never find out. If given another chance, I will be happy to kill another Blood Mage. But I cant kill children. I just cant

Kain turned to look at Ariana and asked, Ariana, have this man been treating you right? Did he touch you in any way?

Ariana opened her eyes widely and thought about it. She nodded and said, Uncle Admon touched me all the time.

Where did he touch you at?

On my head. He pats my head a lot.

Haha Are you ready to follow me? I will lead you to the Blood Mages Guild. Everyone in the Blood Mages Guild was also born with Twin Soul.


Kain turned back to look at Admon. After several seconds of thinking, Kain said, Admon, I have misjudged you. You have gained my respect. I will allow you to have the honor of killing yourself. I wont harm any member of your family, you have my promise.

Admon smiled in happiness as he said, Kain Bersk, you have my thanks. Admon took his sword out and cut his throat in front of Kain and Ariana.

Ariana wanted to scream but she put her hands on her mouth in time to stop it. Kain was happy to see Ariana understood what was going on. Kain said, Admon killed Menas Danamark, the Blood Mage attempted to save you from Ganarion city. I was also saved by Menas. Admon didnt kill you and that earned him a favor from me by not killing his wife and son. But I wont allow the killer of my savior alive.

Uncle Kain, I understand. I was there when Uncle Admon killed Mister Danamark.

Uhm, lets get out of here.

Meanwhile, in the Mages Academy of Ganarion. Arthur and Kain teamed up to defeat twenty other Student Master Mages at the same time. To be fair, Kain and Arthur were using the LYAUR they received from the Gray before departing for this mission in the Nalas Kingdom. Before leaving Commonwealth of Krorg, they have trapped a strong conjured creature to be on par with a tenth-tier warrior or Master-tier magic caster on each LYAUR. The friendly duels were different from Battle Tournament, Student Mages allowed to use Magical items to enhance their winning chances. This is to keep the friendly duels to come as close as a real-life battle. Because in a real-life battle, professional magic casters will always use their Magical items to kill their opponents.

Princess Sarra was surprised to see Kain was not any weaker compared to Arthur. Little did she know, Arthur was still at level 23 while Kain was at level 29. She looked down on Kain for two reasons. Because Kain didnt make it into the final battle of the Student Mages Battle Tournament, and because Kain was just an adopted son of a lowly Duchess in the Grand Duchy of Macmalian located in the far East of Toria Continents. Princess Sarra felt stupid now for treating Kain with disrespect when she left Arthurs room in anger that night.

Thinking about that moment, Sarra whispered to herself, Kain Almos could have killed all of my guards that night if it wasnt for Arthur who stopped it. I guess Arthur had feelings for me after all. That was why he cared for my safety but he just doesnt want to admit it. Who can refuse to fall in love with me? I am beautiful and powerful. I am the symbol of perfection.

Sarra thought she is powerful because she is a princess and pretty compared to all the girls she had met (which were all the ugly girls). If Sarra sees Adela Hindergrass, she would understand why Arthur wouldnt be stupid enough to leave a phoenix to be with a chicken. Talking about power? The King and Queen of a small country such as the Nalas Kingdom cant even raise their heads when speaking with a High Priest of Bifjorkian Theocracy. In another way to put it, Arthurs social status is much higher compared to a Princess from a small nation such as Sarra Stodge.

After defeating twenty Student Master Mages of Ganarion, Kain and Arthur disappointedly walked away from the dueling ground. A voice suddenly called them to come back, I want a one versus one duel with either one of you. But because I have no Magical item considering I am just a poor student and have no rich parents like you guys.

Arthur turned back and saw that voice belonged to a female magic caster. Arthur looked at Kain and shook his head indicating he doesnt want Kain to fight with her. The Magical Conjuration Stones embedded on their robes and LYAUR they wore were just borrowed items. After the mission is completed, they will have to return it.

Arthur took his robe and ten LYAUR off then gave it to Kain. Arthur turned toward the female magic caster and said, I accepted your challenge on one versus one duel without using any kind of Magical Equipment.

My name is Avery Dorinshyl. I am twenty-six years old level 25 Conjurer Mage. You dont have to introduce yourself to me because I know who you are. You are Arthur Castillon, twenty-one years old, level 23 Conjurer Mage. Arent you afraid that my level is higher than you?

I do hope that you can defeat me. Arthur smiled as he answered Avery.

Avery and Arthur walked into the dueling ground to have their duel. Princess Sarra, Principal Bellas, and other professors of Mages Academy of Ganarion were still present to watch it. One of the professors whispered into another professors ear, Isnt that Avery Dorinshyl? She had always distanced herself away from the other students. I thought she was shy and timid. Who could have thought she dared to challenge the winner of the Student Mages Battle Tournament?

Standing strong in the dueling ground with full of confidence, Arthur smiled and said, Avery, you can go first.

Avery said, Didnt you forget that my level is 25? My Ice Gargoyle will defeat any creatures that you are going to conjure.

I understand. Please feel free to conjure as many creatures as you can and let me know when you are finished.

You have won the Battle Tournament of Intermediate-tiers, but this is a duel between two Master-tiers. There is a big difference.

Avery, you may go first. I always allow the weak to fight first so their chance of winning can be higher. Im done talking. Arthur answered in a tired voice.

In that case, please pardon me for going first.

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