Twin Soul

Chapter 12: (2/12)

Chapter 12: (2/12)

Without having to carry Mival anymore, Kain wanted to get back into fighting but Andrella stopped him.

Andrella said, "You have done enough for today. Stay here with me."

"Master Whistler, I can still fight."


"Yes, ma'am" Kain sadly agreed.

Kain is Andrellas best pupil not counting he possessed the unique ability granted by the Tykan Eye. No wonder why Andrella was looking out for him. Andrella casted another [Summon Angel Warrior] spell and commanded it to fly toward the Saint-tier warrior location.

"Master Whistler, did he kill your other Four Wings Angel?"

"He did. No worry, he will be exhausted soon. What are you doing? Put the daggers down."

"Yes, ma'am." Kain holstered his Blood Daggers and continued to stay by Andrella's side like a good little puppy.

Executioner Markus Berethryl furiously fought against Etgar Revenmar using his thundering spear. Etgar had [Deflection] activated but it deflected approximately twenty percent of Markus's attacks. Whenever the [Deflection] failed, Etgar managed to dodge most of Markus's spear attacks using his evasion skill but he couldn't dodge it all. If Etgar was not a Blood Mage who could heal himself using [Life Drain] and [Abyssal Flesh], he would have died a long time ago.

Etgar thought to himself, "How naive I was thinking I could stand up against the Mages Council at my current level? Struggling against this Executioner had opened my eyes. Anyway, all games will come to an end. It is time to finish playing with this Executioner."

Etgar casted [Replica] to create nine clones of himself then activated [Gust] spells. Ten layers of [Gust] were created.

Markus smirked as he casted one of his self-created Saint-tier Light Magic spells, [Purification]. A bright white aura appeared from Markus's location then quickly spread out to ten thousand square feet and disappeared.

"What happened?" Etgar couldn't believe what was happening to him. Etgar was falling from the sky but how could that be? He then realized his nine clones, Vampire Lord form, Abyssal Flesh form, even [Wind Walk] were dispelled.

"How could it be? [Dispel Magic] won't be strong enough to dispel my Vampire Lord form." Etgar asked.

Markus snickered and explained, "That was [Purification], a spell I have created over two million years ago. It can dispel all magic spells including activation techniques. Unless your magical resistance surpassed my magical penetration, which is nearly impossible to accomplish at your current level. Your magic resistance is too weak, none of your magic spells could withstand my [Purification]. I could have ended this fight much sooner but I wanted to see how strong you certainly are. Yet, you are such a disappointment."

Before Etgar could cast any other spell, Markus thrust his thundering spear into Etgars heart continually and wouldnt stop until Etgars chest was nothing but a hole. Just to be sure, Markus casted another self-created Saint-tier Light Magic spell, [Mana Cannon], to use forty percent of his mana pool and shoot out a gigantic powerful white lightning beam from his right hand for forty seconds to wipe Etgar completely out of existence. Each second cost one percent of Markuss mana pool to cast [Mana Cannon].

All the Blood Mages who have witnessed Etgar being killed were shocked because they have never thought of the possibility that Etgar could be killed. Etgar Revenmar was the one who built the Blood Mages Guild, as well as, built a powerful network of Blood Mages all over Toria Continents. He is now dead, who could lead them to fight against the Mages Council?

To make sure all the Blood Mages knew that their leader was killed, Markus shouted out loud, Your leader had been killed! Soon, all of you shall be dead too!

Vonda Hardy was happy to hear this. She saw Etgar was completely wiped out of existence but Vonda wasn't sure if that was true. However, when Markus confirmed Etgar's death, Vonda smiled, turned toward Aber, and said, Just being strong is not enough. Having powerful people to serve you is what makes you truly strong in this world. Do you understand that?

Aber Hardy humbly answered, Yes, Lord Hardy.

Lets go back to your cabin now. Executioner Berethryl will finish all other Blood Mages. Wayne, use your Ice Magic to put out all the fires on the vessel caused by my [Doomsday].


Executioner Wayne Palmer could not finish what he was about to say because eleven [Sonic Boom] spells were casted behind Vonda and blasted her from the deck through all stages of the vessel and even penetrated through the last layer which forced her deep into the bottom of the sea. Two of the [Sonic Boom] spells went through Wayne and also blasted him to the bottom of the vessel before his corpse stopped penetrating the last layer of the vessel. Aber was alive because his sister, Violet Hardy, reacted on time to grasp him and got out of that location. Because Vonda and Wayne werent prepared, they couldn't survive that attack.

From far away, Markus was confused about how Etgar survived his [Purification] spell combined with [Mana Cannon] spell. Because the distance between Markus and Etgar were too far from each other, Etgar used his [Whispering Wind] to communicate with Markus, I have once fought with a Demi-God God-tier warrior. Compared to her, you are just a little kid pretending to be an adult. As a Twelve Wings Angel, your physical strength is nowhere comparable to a God Warrior. If I can survive a fight against a God Warrior who is even more powerful if compared to an Archangel, then I can easily survive all attacks from a Twelve Wings Angel!

Earlier when Etgar fell to the bottom of the sea. Etgar created a clone of himself using [Replica] and directed it to fly up to continue fighting with the Hell Fiend while he sneaked away and waited until Vonda lowered her guard to assassinate her. This was the real reason why Etgar allowed the Hell Fiend to successfully land an attack on him so he can put up an act that he was blasted down to the bottom of the sea from the Hell Fiends [Magmanian] spell punch attack. Etgar intentionally let the clone that was fighting with Markus to get killed so Vonda would lower her guard down as a result. Because of [Wind Detection] and [Whispering Wind] spells, Etgar could observe and hear all Vonda's movements without actually looking at her.

Nine clones were not the limit Etgar could create using [Replica]. Ten clones were the actual maximum Etgar could generate. If the clone created by [Replica] died, then the caster will also die. However, Etgar had been actively healing himself using [Abyssal Flesh] combined with [Life Drain]. That was how Etgar could stay alive even when his clone was destroyed by Markus's [Mana Cannon] spell. Etgar ran out three blood pools of his Blood Rings during the fight with Vonda and the Hell Fiend. But because his [Blood Extricate] spell was active earlier, Etgar's depleted Blood Rings have quickly refilled from the corpses of fallen enemies.

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