Twin Soul

Chapter 12: (5/12)

Chapter 12: (5/12)

Aber could no longer take his time on Kain. He immediately casted [Ice Nova] spell to create a freezing explosion wave. As Aber had expected, Kains [Sanguine Tide] could easily dispel his [Ice Nova].

Aber smiled and thought to himself, Never in my life did my sixth sense trembling under such pressure fighting with another magic caster. But I know you are not strong enough to defeat me. Everyone has a limit, and so do you, masked Blood Mage. You have been fighting with too many people earlier. The human blood you have been using to cast spells will soon run out. And by that time, I will not grant you a happy death!

After calming his mind down, Aber then commanded the Ice Guardian to start attacking. The Ice Guardian casted [Ice Spear] spell fifty-two times then commanded them to fly toward Kain from all directions. Needless to say, fifty-two Ice Spears casted by Abers Ice Guardian were dispelled by Kains [Sanguine Tide]. Abers Ice Guardian then faded away due to manas depletion. This didnt bother Aber at all, he tapped into his Spell Reserved Pendant to instantly casted another [Summon Ice Guardian] spell and commanded it to go on the offensive mode as well. Similar to the last Ice Guardian, the new Ice Guardian also faded away due to mana depletion after casted [Ice Spear] sixty-one times toward Kain.

Although Kains [Sanguine Tide] have been protecting him from the [Ice Spear] spells, because of [Bloodlust] activated, Kains [Sanguine Tide] had drained his blood pools much more than he wanted to. Still, Kains main objective is to kill Aber then he will go back to Master Whistlers location and be a good little puppy to receive her protection until this battle is over. Therefore, Kain had no problem using all of the blood pools inside his Blood Daggers. Even if he couldnt kill Aber after his blood pools are depleted, Kains mana pool is still full so he can use it to get out of danger if needed.

Having two Ice Guardians faded away earlier than expected, Aber still needed some more time to chant for his next Ice Magic spell. Aber told himself to remain calm and asked Kain some questions to buy more time, You think you are too tough, huh? How about putting down all of your Magical Blood Equipment and fighting me like a real magic caster?

Kain asked in a confused tone, Dude, are you f**king serious? Just look at your gloves man. I could easily see a total of six Magical Ice Stones embedded on it. Who knows if you are wearing any Magical Ring on your fingers under these gloves or not? Not mentioning your mages robe, it had four Magical Shield Emblems which helped you enhance your magical resistance up to twenty percent. Im sure you will probably have a Magical Pendant too."

Kain was right, Aber wore much more Magical Equipment compared to any other regular magic caster at his level. Speaking of unfair? He had no right to do so.

Aber had bought enough time to chant for his next spell. The masked Blood Mage is now Abers primary target. As long as he can kill this masked Blood Mage, Aber is happy to die after that. Aber activated [Mana Infusion] and then casted [Ice Nova] spell. A powerful freezing explosion wave released from Aber and quickly spread out to ten thousand square feet radius killing two Intermediate-tier Blood Mages, four tenth-tier warriors, and eight vampires because they were fighting inside the radius. After all the fog caused by [Ice Nova] were cleared up, Aber looked around but couldnt see the frozen masked Blood Mage anywhere.

How can this be? I have activated [Mana Infusion]. There was no way he could have enough time to escape my [Ice Nova]. Where is he? Aber asked himself.

Suddenly a left-arm choked Abers throat then a knife penetrated into his neck. Two seconds later, a shadow slowly appeared to reveal it was the masked Blood Mage and he whispered into Abers left ear, I am much stronger than you in every way you can imagine, Shit Head.


Yes it is me. You once told me that you are much stronger than me in every way I could imagine during the Student Mages Tournament. Do you still remember the Student Conjurer Mage named Kain Almos? Ah I dont mind letting you know a secret. My real name is Kain Bersk. Not only that I am a Blood Conjurer Mage, but I can also use Black Magic. I have predicted that you will use [Mana Infusion] to cast [Ice Nova] as you have done during our first duel. I have used a hundred percent of the blood pool in my left Blood Dagger for fighting with your two Ice Guardians earlier. Despite that, the blood pool of my right Blood Dagger still had enough for me to activate [Bloodlust] before I casted another [Sanguine Tide] to help me dispel parts of your [Ice Nova] before it could hit me. Shit Head, Im telling you this so you can die happy knowing that you have lost to me. And now, please have a good death.

While still choking Abers throat using his left-arm, Kain kissed Aber on the left cheek then repeatedly stabbed his Blood Daggers into Abers neck until both daggers drained all of Abers blood. After making sure Aber was truly dead by stabbing into his chest forty-seven times, Kain looted Abers Magical Equipment such as white color pair of gloves that had six Magical Ice Stones embedded on them, a white color mage's robe that had four Magical Shield Emblems, two Magical Penetration Rings, and one Spell Reserved Pendant. Kain then carried the two Intermediate Blood Mages that were killed by Abers [Ice Nova] on his shoulders and ran back toward Master Whistlers location. Followed Kain was a big red floating blood ball created by his [Blood Iron Spikes] spell ready to attack any warriors that dared to block his path.

Where did you go!? Andrella asked Kain in an angry voice.

My apology, Master Whistler. I sneaked away to kill a bug that dared to annoy me. By the way, I have rescued those two juniors on the way back. Kain placed the two Intermediate Blood Mages down on the ground for Andrella to revive them.

Stay by my side, the battle is about to finish. Do not go anywhere else, understand?

Yes, maam.

Successfully killing Aber Hardy, Kain got into a very good mood. But that quickly changed after he saw the Twelve Wings Angel grasped Aber Hardy and Violet Hardy then flew away.

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