Twin Soul

Chapter 7: (6/9)

Chapter 7: (6/9)

"Hey bastards!"

The group of six men turned around and saw a Flesh Monster was standing behind them. They didn't even have a chance to scream as the Flesh Monster tore them to pieces in a blink of an eye. Kain casted [Life Drain] and stored the blood of those six men inside the blood pool of his Magical Blood Dagger. He then unlocked his Storage Ring and put the Blood Dagger back inside the storage chest. Kain can't regenerate mana for a month because he was killed and revived earlier today. Despite that, Kain can still cast magic spells using the blood pool inside the Magical Blood Stones embedded inside his Blood Daggers.

As a Blood Mage, Kain was trained to sharpen each of his senses at an early age. He never knows when people will find out about his true identity and will plot to kill him. Kain has to be aware at all times so he can have a chance to fight back or escape out of the dangers to survive. At the dinner table earlier, Kain has heard those six men were plotting against Arthur. They were talking quietly but Kain could have heard some parts of it. It doesn't matter what they were planning, Kain will not sit idly by waiting for them to take action against his best friend.

Kain looked at the six lifeless corpses on the ground as he said, "If it was someone else, I really don't give a f**k. But you idiots shouldn't plot against Arthur Castillon." Kain confirmed again to make sure no one was nearby before he walked out of the dark alley. If someone was nearby, he would probably kill them too. Kain rather mistakenly killed someone rather than let someone escape that could expose his true identity.

"Arthur, I helped you today knowing one day you will be my greatest enemy. Notwithstanding, I hope the time we spend together as friends won't end anytime soon." Kain thought to himself as he ran toward the hotel's direction to meet with the other students and Professor Biersack.

"Kain, you are back!"

"Weakling, why do you look so excited to see me?"

"Well I kept thinking about tomorrow. I will fight in the final tournament battle while you will have to sit on the audience side to watch me. I can't help but feel excited."

"Haha" Both Kain and Arthur laughed out loud as they walked together.

The next day. The novice team of Mages' Academy of Flumen won the final against the novice team of Mages' Academy of Flumen. No, not a typo. Mages' Academy of Flumen had two novice teams make it into the final.

"Next, we have Student Intermediate Mages of Nosh versus Student Intermediate Mages of Flumen."

"Representing Mages' Academy of Nosh are Sofia Verardi, twenty-two years old, a Light Mage. And Arthur Castillon, nineteen years old, a Conjurer Mage."

"Representing Mages' Academy of Flumen are Alek Silvergraft, nineteen years old, a Fire Mage. And Titania Wintermere, twenty-one years old, an Earth Mage."

"First match, Arthur Castillon versus Alek Silvergraft."

Arthur and Alek walked inside the arena and bowed at each other. Both of them have made it into the final. They both deserved each other respect.

Bang! The signal for the battle to start was fired.

"Arthur, please do your best."

"Alek, likewise."

Arthur casted [Conjure Phantom Knight] two times and commanded one of them to attack Alek while the other Phantom stayed to protect him.

Alek casted [Fireballs] two times toward the Phantom Knight that sprinted toward him. The Phantom cut both Fireballs using the greatsword it had while continuing to sprint toward Alek.

Alek laughed it off while he was casting the [Flaming Familiar] spell. The Familiar dashed toward the Phantom and exploded. The Phantom kneel on the ground due to being critically injured but that was not enough to kill it. Startlingly, as the Phantom was standing up, four Fireballs hit it in the face and burned it to ashes.

Fighting fire with fire. Arthur casted [Conjure Fire Demon] two times and commanded them to attack Alek. Both Demons casted [Fireball] spells toward Alek. Alek knew this would happen and immediately casted one of the spells in his ready to cast list, [Exploding Fireball]. The Exploding Fireball crushed the two Fireballs casted by the Fire Demons and then exploded as it touched them. Both Demons were critically injured but survived the explosion due to their natural resistance against Fire Magic.

After the smoke cleared up, Alek saw the Demons and four Skeleton Warriors were sprinting toward him. Remained calm, Alek casted [Flame Wall] while chanting for [Spiral Flame]. The Flame Wall halted the advancement of the Skeletons but not the Fire Demons. However, due to being critically injured, both Demons were killed when Alek casted [Spiral Flame] toward them as they stepped into the twenty feet radius of Alek's location.

Comprehending the Skeletons can't cross his Flame Wall, Alek took his time chanting for another [Exploding Fireball] spell. Alek still had another [Flaming Familiar] spell in his ready to cast list so if Arthur had any trick up his sleeve, Alek can still use it to buy enough time for chanting his [Exploding Fireball].

Just like Alek had thought, Arthur sent his Phantom Knight to cross over the Flame Wall. The Phantom received a tremendous amount of burning damage but it was still alive after successfully crossed the Flame Wall. Alek casted [Flaming Familiar] and it dashed toward the Phantom then exploded. The Phantom was burned to death.

Alek finished chanting for [Exploding Fireball], he will cast it to kill Arthur and his four Skeletons. But then he heard movement above and looked up. Alek saw a Thunder Eagle was flying downward to his location. Needless to say, the Thunder Eagle will spam [Lightning Strike] spells the moment it got into the spell casting range. Alek was freaking out and didn't think twice when he casted [Exploding Fireball] toward the Thunder Eagle. Needless to say, the Thunder Eagle exploded to pieces as it came in contact with the explosion from Exploding Fireball.

The duration of the Flame Wall was over. The four Skeletons continued their advancement toward Alek right after the Flame Wall disappeared. Alek tapped into his mana pool and saw it had about ten percent left. He casted [Flame] spell toward the Skeletons while chanting for [Spiral Flame]. Alek didn't cast [Flaming Familiar] toward Arthur because he knew it was only his [Shadow Clone]. The real Arthur is hidden somewhere nearby and the only way to kill him is through using the wide explosion of the [Exploding Fireball] spell.

"Hmm? There is movement from behind." Alek thought to himself as he secretly activated [Infused Blood] in order to tap into the blood pool of his Blood Pendant and casted [Fireball] five times behind his back. One of the Fireballs hit the Skeleton Warrior that was approaching Alek from behind.

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