Twin Soul

Chapter 8: (8/9)

Chapter 8: (8/9)

Kain Bersk, just give up. There is nothing else you can do. Now tell me what you know about the Blood Mages Guild and I will let you live.

I wont tell you shit. Kill me!

Do you want to die that bad? Fine then, just tell me about the Blood Mages Guild and I will stop torturing you. I will grant you a painless death, that is my promise..

F**k your promise!

Very well, lets see how long it takes for me to crack you down.

The Wind Mage gave commands for his Wind Blades to cut Kains hands down. Kain screamed in pain and cursed again, F**k you! The Wind Blades then cut both of Kains feet.

I can end your suffering. Tell me about the Blood Mages Guild.

Eat shit!

The Wind Blades cut both of Kains arms down. Kain screamed out loud in pain and begged, Enough! Enough

Are you going to tell me what I needed to know now?


Alright, I promise to end your suffering. Who is the Guild Leader? Where is the Guilds headquarter located? Are there any Blood Mages working inside the Mages Council?

Guild Leader is Noe Clerico. The headquarter is located in Flumen city.

You are still trying to be funny huh.

The Wind Blades cut both of Kains legs down. Kain didnt scream this time. He smiled and whispered to himself, Mother. Father. Brother Menas. I will be leaving this f**ked up realm soon. Perhaps we will be together again in my next life.

The Wind Mage threw a Blood Ring on Kains torso and said, Kain, heal yourself.

Kain was dying. He was ready to leave this messed up world. But when he saw a Blood Ring landed on his torso, Kain magically tapped into the blood pool of the ring and healed himself using [Life Drain]. After Kain fully healed himself, he checked and saw the blood pool inside this Blood Ring was still large enough for him to fight back with this Wind Mage. Kain knew he wont be able to defeat the Wind Mage but escape from here wont be that hard anymore.

The Wind Mage knew Kain was planning something, he said, Im Etgar Revenmar. Etgar raised both of his hands then activated his Twin Soul and a dark red energy ball was flying on his left hand while a green energy ball was flying on his right hand.

Kain calmed down after he knew this Wind Mage is also a Blood Mage. Etgar Revenmar? Isnt that the name of the Guild Master?

Yes, I am the Guild Master.

What about Kain Keppler?

I made that name up. Kain, you have proved your loyalty to the Guild tonight. No wonder why Master Whistler kept speaking highly of you.

Thank you, Guild Master. May I ask why did you test my loyalty? I am a Blood Mage. I will never betray the Blood Mages Guild.

Kain, you are still a young kid. There are many things you dont know yet. In the past, we have traitors that almost exposed our Guild but I took care of them on time. You can never be too careful, understand?

Yes, Guild Master.

I told Rogal to deliver the news of Menas being killed to you. I had expected that you were going to do something foolish such as sneaked out of Nosh city and headed for Ganarion in the middle of the night. I was not wrong.

My apology. Was brother Menas really dead? Kain was hoping that was just a lie.

Sadly not. Do you know why I was waiting for you in the woods?

Didnt you just tell me? To test my loyalty.

That is just part of it. Do you know why I make you wait for two years before you can get revenge for Menas?

Because it would cause suspicion.

No. Because I wanted to teach you what it really means to be patient. If you cant wait for two years, how can you wait for nearly two thousand years like me? I have advanced into Saint-tier but now I still have to wait for another two hundred years.

I understand what you meant. But it really hurt knowing the killer of my savior is alive and living in happiness.

I know, Kain. My savior was killed in front of me. Not only she was my savior, but my lover, my everything Tears ran down of Etgars eyes while he was telling Kain about the time he spent with Linette Whitfield.

Guild Master, I was too stupid. I should have controlled myself better. You are correct. If I cant wait for two years then how can I wait for two thousand years.

The Giant Bird I killed earlier, is it the Thunder Eagle Emperor?


That was the first time I saw the Thunder Eagle Emperor. Please pardon me for killing it. Here, take this. Etgar threw a platinum bracelet at Kain and he caught it.

Kain examined it and asked, A bracelet?

That bracelet was embedded with a Magical Life Stone. The Magical Life Stone is hidden inside the bracelet that is why it looks just like a regular platinum bracelet. Do you know anything about Magical Life Stone?

Kain shook his head. He had never read any book or heard anything about this kind of Magical Stone.

It's very common for Kain not to know about it. Mythical Beasts are rare because they didnt come from Toria Continents but walked through the portals that open once every a calendar (a million years). Magical Life Stone is extremely rare because it can only be obtained by slaying the Mythical Beasts. Body parts of Mythical Beasts can be made into Advancement Potions to help magic casters who mastered the Master-tiers to advance into Legend-tiers much easier. Advancement Potions can also help Legend-tiers to advance into Saint-tiers easier but not much compared from Master-tiers to Legend-tiers. However, approximately one out of a hundred Mythical Beasts (one percent) dropped one Magical Life Stone after they were killed.

Etgar said, Once a day, the Magical Life Stone can revive its wielder with full health and mana pools. More importantly, it allowed the wielder to avoid the mana regeneration penalty after being revived. That means you wont have to wait for a month before your mana pool started to regenerate.

Guild Master, I cant accept such an item. Im not worthy to.

Haha of course not. This item is too valuable. Our Blood Mages Guild only has one. Im loaning it to you because of this. Etgar threw out something else on Kains lap.

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