Unlimited Power 03: The Sinful Ruler

Chapter 216 One Out Of Three (2)

Jake kicked the face of the monster and made it stagger for a few steps, he also swung his great sword toward the neck of the monster, but the beast reacted fast enough and blocked the attack with Jake's shield. The flames were still there, so the beast suffered a lot of damage…

The block pushed Jack backward for several meters, and then the ape tried to use his shield to rip apart Jake's neck, but he blocked it with his sword. Jake was starting to feel a bit pissed by the fact that his shield was being used against him. So, he fired several dark blades toward the monster again. The monster tried to block those with the shield, but it only blocked a few.

The monster felt its body getting weaker again, and Jake pulled his crossbow and bombarded the monster with his bolts. Now and then, the stacking effect of the weapon made the beast feel some extra pain since its Poison Resistance wasn't so high. In the end, the monster realized that fighting from a distance against Jake wasn't a good idea and threw his shield at his face. Jake blocked the attack with his sword before recovering the shield. The monster tried to use that chance to attack him, but a wall of dark flames blocked its path. After suffering so much damage from that, the beast was quite fearful of it.

"I am not much of a fan of bows or crossbows as well, so let's finish this with more direct attacks, shall we?" Jake asked while he readied his sword.

The boss enveloped its arms in flames to counter Jake's. It wasn't a perfect countermeasure, but it was better than nothing… Jake charged toward the enemy while targetting the throat of the beast with the type of his sword. The monster dodged to the side and prepared to punch him in the guts, but the creature gave up when Jake used Cyclone Strike and almost cut off the monster's neck.

The boss lowered his stance and dodged the attack, but that also forced its own punch to come to a halt. Jake used that chance to kick the monster in the face and recover some health from the damage. Unfortunately, the boss barely moved a few centimeters…

Once again, the monster was reminded that Jake wouldn't let things be easy at close range, so the creature just punched the air and sent the Fire Punched toward Jake. At that distance, he couldn't do much but endure the pain and the flames while he hid behind the sword, but that still was annoying.

"This fucker using too little mana, and at this range, I can't dodge the attacked…" Jake thought. "I need to do something.

Fortunately, Jake came up with an idea pretty soon. As usual, it was a risky one… Succeed and win or fail and dies. Jake wondered if he should go and have his head checked because only having plans like that didn't seem like a sign of good mental health.

His greatsword wasn't the best weapon for that job, but Jake used it anyway. He pointed his sword at the enemy, and even though it only had been for an instant, he got hit on the face by two of those Fireballs. His head moved backward, and Jake almost lost consciousness due to the damage, but in the end, he still put his plan into practice. All of a sudden, his dark flames appeared on the tip of the sword. The boss raised its guard, but it didn't help much since Jake used Flash. In the next instant, he appeared in front of the enemy, and his sword was piercing the monster's neck.

The monster used that close range to its advantage, but Jake turned the tides of the battle with his own plan… The monster struggled while the sword, with the help of the dark flames, were piercing its neck. It even grabbed the blade and tried to push it away while it was also cutting the monster's hands, but Jake wouldn't make things easy for the beast. He used Sonic Thurst time and time again until he ran out of stamina, but that was worth the hassle since it gave him some extra piercing power. At that point in time, so much blood was gushing from the monster's neck that Jake only felt annoyed by its fearsome vitality. Still, the monster eventually died…

You received 90.000 coins.

Congratulations! The class Guard has leveled up.

Congratulations! The class Knight has leveled up.

Congratulations! The class Swordsman has leveled up.

Jake almost sighed in relief when he finally won. Still, then he noticed that he wasn't relaxed as he was supposed to be… his senses were bothering his back like something was crawling on it. When Jake turned around, he saw a hooded person grabbing the bag that the boss was carrying before.

"Oh, no… you aren't going to take what is rightfully mine," Jake said.

Jake used Flash toward the enemy, and the guy had the nerve to try to block Jake's attack with the bag… as if that would stop him. However, at the last moment, Jake wondered why he was doing that. It was plain stupid, if anything. In the end, Jake stopped, but he grabbed the bag and swung his sword toward the enemy. However, when Jake's sword cut him down, he exploded like he was a smoke bomb. The entire room was covered in a thick smoke fog. Jake raised his guard and prepared to fight, but he didn't feel much tension.

"Curse you… sinful ruler," The hooded person said. "We will kill you the next time and you will pay for all of your crimes."

"Why don't you try to make me pay now?" Jake asked. "Don't you have any guts?"

Despite his cloak… it seemed that the enemy still knew who Jake was. That was a bit troublesome, but it wasn't something that bothered him. Regardless, the smoke began to dissipate, and Jake confirmed that the enemy had vanished.

"I thought as much…" Jake said.

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