
Chapter 108: At Least According To KYOJIN.

Chapter 108: At Least According To KYOJIN.

'Is it just a coincidence? there are 5 of them here as well and they're all walking together....so it wouldn't be wrong to say they know each other...but still there's a small chance I'm wrong, besides I do not think any of them would recognize me...' Luke said as he adjusted his mask.

"Bro...let's go inside? we'll need to confirm registration anyway so....let's finish all of this now....between the two of us we're taking part in 5 events," Nate said as he tugged at his friend's shirt.

"Hmhm okay.."

They walked into the building and were met with a cold breeze which was probably because of the air conditioners but it was always pleasant to experience those random cold winds hitting your face. The stalls looked like they just opened, of course, the food and refreshment stalls didn't put out too much, just a few attractive samples to hopefully catch the gaze of someone. A few stalls sold capsules but as expected these were awfully expensive. Massage chairs, coffee stalls, even a mini-auction that sold items, most of the items that were being sold were common or uncommon grade, anything higher and it would cause a huge commotion.

Finally, after randomly walking around, Luke and Nate arrived at the player registration desk. They were many workers behind the desk, all of them wore a vague blue uniform and a cap, almost making them look like they belonged to an airline crew.

"Erm helo, we would like to confirm our registration for the events..." Nate said as he felt quite awkward with the number of looks that were thrown at them thanks to Luke.

"Hmmh...ah....of course..." a female worker answered before she began to tap on the holographic keyboard in front of her, "Mr. Luke Stone for Monster Hunting and PvP and Mr. Nate.....for Accuracy Spike and PvP..."

"Yes, thank you," Nate confirmed.

"Very well, of course, PvP is the second last event of the day, the timings for the other events will appear on your phone. Thank you for taking part and if you have any other questions, do ask us," the worker said while slightly bowing.

"You're taking part in PvP as well?"

"Well...yeah there wasn't any other option, even accuracy spike is meant for rangers but I guess since I can use mana manipulation It'll give me enough of an edge to win, other than that there was maze trampling....which I have no interest in...so PvP was the only other option for me," Nate explained.

"It'll be interesting, imagine we face off in the finals," Luke chuckled, "that'll definitely improve our clan's image as well,"

"You're joking, right? I have no experience in fighting, I mean I do but very little, and against you even being a seasoned veteran is useless....I doubt I can even make it to the finals in the first place..."

"Do not underestimate yourself man, you got this....oh and I wonder if Shade and Noctis are allowed...." Luke said with a hand under his chin.

"For sitting down and watching as an audience? you can literally fight blindfolded,"

"Haha, that's true,"

After dozens of celebrities and well-known faces, businessmen arrived, the main set of events was finally going to start, it was time to announce the beginning of the first event of the day. In the eyes of the general public, it was a beautiful festival of sorts, fireworks blowing up, lights all pointed to the stadium, the projectors ready to showcase the in-game situation. Regardless of how much attention the crowd paid, all of them failed to realize one thing which is the fact that, that day, that event, the first international celebration of Genesis, that very day marked a new beginning, a beginning that nobody would be aware off for the years to come.


"A very good evening to the crowd! Now, ladies and gentlemen, it's amazing to have so many people here to celebrate the 1st ever international Genesis event! now before we start, I would like to request everyone to put on the watches they were given," a man said as he walked onto the middle of the stage. He had black hair with hints of green in them and glasses that were hopelessly trying to cover the dark circles. This man was none other than Dr.Reed, the same one who was always watching Night with Kenny Smith.

"Huh what watch? did we take any watch?" Luke asked.

"Haah. yes, I took one for you as well...." Nate said as he handed his friend the watch.

It was a peculiar-looking thing, it looked like a bracelet and was slim enough to pass for one, the watch's screen was extremely small with only a button on it. The button acted as an on/off and the watch had small panels which covered it. At first glance, nobody would be able to spot the panels since they literally made the body of the watch but after looking at it carefully, it wasn't too difficult.

As soon as the watch was worn by everyone, Dr.Reed spoke up again,

"Do not worry, the watch is a device created by KYOJIN itself, it helps break the language barrier, so feel free to speak as you want, the watch will take care of the rest, unfortunately this isn't technology we can just give out so after the day is done you will be required to return the watches,"

Gasps were heard from the crowd, not because of what he said but because of the fact that many individuals could actually understand what he was saying.

"Now, without wasting any more time, let's get on with the events, shall we? first, we have Accuracy Spike! A game where players are only supposed to hit a target. Now the catch is that this target is worn by Easter Bunny's and to make it harder killing a bunny is banned!" Reed announced, once again causing many gasps.

"The only rules are, No killing or attacking of Bunnies, As long as the target is hit, the point will be counted, Oh! and killing a bunny is -5 points whereas attacking it is -1 point, there's a total of 100 targets meaning the maximum points a player can get is 100.....and that's it folks, good luck!"

(A/N: Only players above level 80 are allowed to take part in any event, if all levels were allowed then it would be ruckus)

How long did it take players to realize that they could attack each other? a few seconds at the max. Humans were scumbags, what could one expect? naturally, there were going to be people who would target others and only others, players who were paid off by the richer ones but that isn't an excuse, KYOJIN was aware of what was going to happen but that was only a part of the struggle, some of the players were confident in their ability but how easy was it to hit a moving target? especially if the target was an unpredictable ninja-like being. Obviously, it wasn't easy at all but that was the fun of it, at least according to KYOJIN.

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