
Chapter 128: Levitating

Chapter 128: Levitating

Layla vs Nate, a combat archer vs a mage. Everyone there knew how strong Layla was but they also witnessed the strength of Nate. He summoned unique blue-ish blades that sliced through anyone that stood in front of him. Especially after his match with Zane, literally, everyone in the crowd predicted the winner to be Zane, however, they were all shut down when Nate showed the skills he got from Hecate.

"I heard you and your friend there, Night, are somehow connected to K Johnson and Aurora's family? Anyway, it was a surprise to see you win the first event, you have to understand, literally, nobody there knew who you were and to think you're one of the ascenders. Fascinating. However, just because you won the first game, I hope you do not expect it to happen again?" 

Layla was humble for someone well-known, perhaps it's an act of publicity, there's a very good chance it is but it was still pleasant to communicate with someone who wasn't constantly stating they were born to be king. Even when she said what she did, she didn't state that she would win for sure.

"Yes, well I'm not related to them but my friend is. It's understandable, after all, I was nowhere on the grid all this time, seeing someone shoot up nearly 20 levels in a few days is madness but then again the world has witnessed something scarier, a player leveling up fifteen times in an instant?" Nate smiled.

"Very true, very true," Layla nodded in agreement as well.

"As for who is going to win, I cannot say, I'm not as reckless as my friend, Night, but I can tell you that it's going to be fun."

It was a satisfactory answer, Layla simply smirked and went to her capsule, "good luck"

"Back at you," Nate said as he entered the capsule.

Their vision went dark under the comforting material of the capsule and soon they were transported to the world of Genesis. The end of the PvP event was approaching and all Nate had to do was beat Layla and the winner of the match between Valerian and Everzone and then he would be in the finals, fighting against his friend Night, most likely.

'I should end this as fast as possible,' Nate thought as he saw Layla spawning.

'Using Three Moons Dispersion isn't going to help me win, its effect isn't going to be anything major, she's not a magic archer for sure, her skills, abilities are more focused on physics if anything. She's a pure-ranged user that relies on strategy and tactical advantage...her aim is excellent as well.....hmmm how do I go about this without showing my Blood Line skills?'

'Wait.....I can use Eyes of the Primordial right? the audience can't see anything even if I use it, why didn't I think of this before? dammit, it is a great fckin idea, probably would have made my matches easier....ahhh fck it, with the help of the eyes I can understand her better...'

"Eyes of the Primordial" he muttered.

However just as he started to read the status screen, an arrow with a green tip came flying and passed straight through the imaginary feature of the game that was only visible to the user.


'Fck I got complacent, the arrow is too close to dodge and too heavy to fully divert it but wind magic should be able to push it down to my thigh, fck this is going to hurt'

"AAHHHHH" Nate fell to his knee as an arrow poked out from his thigh. 'It worked but at what cost?'

'Did he actually? b-but...hhow? the arrow...the speed....my arrows travel at roughly 250 feet per second...that's more than the average speed of an arrow from a recurve bow....how on earth did he manipulate the air to push it down?' Layla blinked multiple times as she looked at her opponent scream. 

'No-fckn-wonder why she and that Ju Fen are considered the best....that arrow a little too fast....if Ju Fen was the one who shot that, then there's no way I could have dodged that,'

Considering the fact that Layla's bow was more of a recurve bow, which was used for hunting, it was lighter and easier to transport. However, the average speed of an arrow shot from a recurve bow is around 225 feet per second or 150 miles per hour but that was in reality and even though Genesis was often called an alternate reality, it was also a video game.

'So be it,' 


He broke the arrow that was stuck in his leg, however, the tip still remained. While Layla was confused as to how her opponent managed to move the arrow even though it travelled at such a speed, Nate used Eyes of the Primordial on her.

'Impressive stats....makes sense she focused most of her stat points on DEX and STR, her mana is horribly low and her health is below average, looks like a glass cannon, she's more of an assassin at this point....'

'None of her skills are that impressive, other than bolas and invisible arrow which are going to be annoying to deal with..'

Bolas was a skill that would buff the next arrow with the power to slow the enemy down by 50% for 5 seconds. Of course, there were restrictions, the skill would not work on enemies or opponents more than fifty levels above her, the cool-down time for the skill was what made it dangerous, it was only 2 minutes, it was absurd to think that such a skill would have a cooldown of only 2 minutes.

The next skill was called invisible arrow, as the name states, the skill allows the next arrow of the user to turn invisible. The cooldown was 5 minutes which seemed fair considering the fact that it was just a single arrow, however, even that had the potential to be lethal.

'Looks like Three Moons Dispersion is going to be useful after all...'

The crowd's reaction to Nate getting hit was ambiguous, while some assumed Nate was bluffing, the others called him out on showing off too much.

"I knew it! He was only good against magic users! otherwise, he's trash..."

"You must be foolish, he won against Zane, who was an Arcane Knight..."

"A pitiful Arcane Knight pfft"

"All of yall switch sides so easily, it's laughable, up until now nobody said a word against him but as soon as he's hit a single time, everyone shows their true color, shame."

"Not bad, but I know you can't keep that up forever," Layla said after realizing she had been whiling away time for too long.

"You're right but I had enough time to prepare I guess?"

As soon as he said that, four different spheres formed out of nothing. The spheres were of the following colors: orange-red, deep blue, grey, and finally dark brown with a tinge of green mixed in it. Spheres of the four basic elements, fire, water, air, and finally earth.

The four elemental orbs or spheres slowly began rotating around his waist, there wasn't any specific reason for him to do so, other than the fact that it looked cool as heck and Night did the same but with much more complicated elements.

'Soon Nate...soon' he told himself, he could feel his heart rate increase every time he thought of fighting Luke/Night.

"Are those...are those the four different elements?"

"Yes...it's not surprising but...that kind of control would require all his elemental-mastery skills to be at least C grade...maybe more, I've seen only a handful of people do something like that, and even then it was with a single element...not all FOUR BASIC ELEMENTS AT ONCE!" 

"How....what kind of a player is he?"

"Isn't this something greater than what Night has shown us.....isn't he stronger than Night?"

"They're friends as well...is there something the rest of us are missing? there has to be something wrong right?"

"Imagine the two of them fighting together....is there anyone who can stop them? doesn't this mean the balance of the game has gone to shit???"

"W-what....." Layla stuttered as she saw the four elemental spheres revolve around her opponent as if he was some kind of sorcerer supreme. 'How is that possible....there's no way he could have the time to level up if he was so focused on raising his mastery....it's impossible, no matter what kind of a genius he is....unless...'

Layla's eyes widen as she realized something, the thought that just crossed her mind was ridiculous but that would explain a lot. It would explain what was happening.

'A skill that allows one to master all the elements....'

Luke watched his friend who was now slightly levitating in the air, however, what surprised him was the familiar colors he saw in his friend's eyes. It reminded him of a cute owl-dragon that followed him in-game. Luke's fingers were intertwined as he leaned forward and placed his chin on his hands. A faint smile formed underneath his silly mask, the sight of his friend levitating slightly, and the four elements literally dancing around him was something that he would never forget.

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