
Chapter 152: The Dark Prince and His Subject.

Chapter 152: The Dark Prince and His Subject.

Author's Note: I didn't mention if Night accepted the quest or not. Obviously, he did accept it, it wouldn't make sense for him to not right?



Night's Shade

level 90

Grade: Uncommon

Hp: 200,000


Being of Nyx(passive): +40% resistance to dark attacks, has a 50% chance of converting 10% of the damage dealt by skill into users Hp. Triggers once every 1 minute.

Shadow veil: Can hide in any shadow within the reach of the user. User can hide in the shadow of one being for a maximum of 5 seconds.

Retaliation Strike: A strike that deals 100% of PhyDmg. If used within 5 seconds of taking damage increases to 400%. Cooldown: 5 minutes.

Shadow Create: Summons Shadows of the Night. In a place where there is an abundance of shade, MP requirement drops to 0, Cooldown: 30 seconds.

My Prince(passive): When the user is fighting alongside his Lord all damage is increased by 15%. 

It is I, Your Subject: Switch positions with your Lord. Range 10 meters. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

Umbrakinesis(Degraded): "You are a subject of Darkness"

The user has authority and control over darkness and shadows. 

Frost Touch(Degraded): Grants the user to manipulate Ice, for manipulating higher tiers of ice skill proficiency must be increased. 

**Skill status Degraded: The level of the skill is always a level lower than the user's Lord.**


"....Umbrakinesis.....and Frost touch...." unbeknownst to Night, two spheres that were pitch black and bright blueish-white appeared in front of him. 'Wait I have to check mine as well...it did say a part of the result will be shared with me....I wonder..'

Player Night(Cursed)

Level 103

Class- GrandMaster/????

Titles: Eternally cursed soul, The Prince of Darkness and his Subject, etc.

Subject: Shade (Guardian of the Forest of Silence)

Pet: Noctis(Creature of chaos)


(Available stat points 30)

VIT:639 HP: 31,950 Def: 1,278

DEX:515 Spd: 357.5 Eva: 2.575%

STR:505 PhyDmg: 2,525(+2000)

INT:975 MagDmg : 4,875(+2000) Mp: 97,500


Charm: 50

Willpower: 20

Command: 10


Weapon Mastery+C: Break class restrictions and become a master of all weapons.

Eyes of the Primordials(max): No being can escape your eyes, no matter the grade. However, beings more than 100 levels higher than the user are able to negate this skill.

Umbrakinesis(Lvl 2): "You are darkness"

The user has absolute authority and control over darkness and shadows. However, for proficient use, the user must master the skill.

Circadian Manipulation: "Manipulate the flow of night and day"

Cast a domain skill that controls the day/night cycle. Under the domain, the user gains 50% light resistance or 50% dark resistance, depending on the domain that's cast. Domain radius: maximum- 100 meters. The maximum distance can be increased depending on the skill proficiency. Skill Mp cost: 5,000 per second.

One of the Night(Lvl 2)(Passive): The user is empowered in dark places or at night. Damage, Crit rate, Armour penetration, increased by 20%. The buff increases as the proficiency increases.

BloodLine: Nyx, Goddess of the Night.

BloodLine Skills:

Night Vision(Passive): Allows the user to clearly see in total darkness.

Darkness Generation: "and darkness is you"

The user is able to generate 'pure darkness' in any situation. Mp cost: 10,000 per second. The quality of the darkness increases depending on the skill proficiency.

Hermes Exploration:

1)Passive: Flight unlocked. Mana consumption: 2 per second

2)Active: Speed and Evasion doubled when skill is used. Mana consumption 1000 per second.

Subject Skills:

Target of Undying Fidelity: Gives the ability to activate skill "It is I, Your Subject". When the user's subject uses the skill, "It is I, Your Subject", 1000 mana is consumed. However, when initiated by the user, mana consumption increases to 2000.

Dark Prince: When the user is fighting alongside his subject all damage is increased by 15%. 

"That makes sense..."

It wasn't too much of a change in status. The addition of the new title did make it better though and the new skills were quite powerful, especially if properly "exploited". There was something that amused Night, it was the naming sense of the skills, they were always related or tricky, it made him question if there was more to them than meets the eye.

"We need to go," Nate said as he tapped Night on the shoulder, he cautiously eyed the two spheres that appeared randomly, as safe as it was when Night had them under control, they were quite scary.

'Hah, to think he could've used this against me in the PvP....'

It was true, even though both of them held back, Night had a bigger advantage, not only in hidden skills but in battle experience as well. Not to mention Shade and Noctis were technically a part of his true strength.

"Alright, let's move," Night said as he looked around, the damage was kept to a minimum but it was still a pity to burn the trees away in such a way. However, the plus point was that this place could now be used as their HQ.

Multiple hours later, the group finally made its way into Vraun, though the Guards did stop them at first, upon seeing Night, they immediately lowered their weapons. After all, everyone knew how important he was to the Royal Family, at least everyone in Vraun. However, it was still weird to see blue-robed men tied up, but they weren't going to question him, after all, as a disciple of A Legend, Night wouldn't do anything for no reason.

"Phew....which city is this?" Night asked as he looked around.

"You do realize that you're the one who almost got adopted by the Royal Family right?" Nate replied as he looked at Night carelessly walking around, "it's Savar, pretty heavily guarded but I'm not surprised, this city is the closest to the Forest. From here I think we can go straight to Denren but that would be pointless, so I'd say, in a few hours we'll reach the capital city..."

"Why do you know so much?" Night was proud to be a gamer and honestly, he did a lot of research, though most of the time, he got stupid answers or something that just confused him more.

"That's not important let's focus on the task at hand," Nate waved the question away, "Ever, isn't this your first time here?"

"I-it..kinda is, yes. I haven't really managed to cross the Forest of Silence, so.." Everzone looked down and walked, everyone there was comfortable with how he behaved, after all, it was clear that there was a reason and the only thing they could do to help as clan members was to wait until he trusted them enough.

'I wonder how important Senior-Night is?'

This was all very new to Sage/Everzone, he always focused on working himself, even though most of the time he wasn't confident. Being around someone like Night and Nate was overwhelming, especially because Night values him so much.

"You alright?" Layla checked in. Ever since the adventure began, Layla was more or less a big sister to Everzone. She understood his feelings and was more patient than the others.


"Alright guys, Valerian, and the others are near the outskirts of the capital city, so let's continue this pace okay?" Nate said without looking back, he was behaving more and more like a travel guide with all the managing and informing.




"Hoho? Speak of the devil. Looks like you didn't need to contact him, there's only one man who can resist my vision," Pythia chuckled as she continued looking at the others there.

"My son is here? really? quickly we have no time to waste, let's meet him at the entrance. Guards! Arrange a banquet with mulled mead and pulled pork canaps. Quickly husband, get changed,"

"Hmmmmm.....WHAT???!!!!!" Pythia stood up, dropping her tea on the floor, and stared aimlessly into the nothingness in front of her, as the cup broke into a million pieces, scattering across the floor.

"What happened old hag?" Noel raised his eyebrow quizzically at the Oracle of Delphi, "brew not strong enough for you?". Cassandra stepped towards Pythia in concern as Alaric(The King) was taken aback by the familiar reaction.

"Is everything alright?" Cassandra asked in concern as she gestured for the helpers around the castle to clean up the mess. "What's wrong? What did you see?"

"I....There...." Pythia gripped the arms of her chair as her knuckles slowly turned white, she took a deep breath and collapsed in a heap, nodding her head as she said, "I'm not sure what this is, but there's another presence I can't sense.."

The room around Pythia crumbled into silence at her outburst, the presence of another individual like Night meant great danger, especially considering the events that took place in the past few days.

"Is it the Imperial Kingdom?" Alaric questioned as he massaged his eyebrows.

".....No, that's not possible. There's no being I cannot see unless you're telling me the Imperial Kingdom somehow managed to get ahold of two artifacts that can block me. However...the odds on that are nearly zero. Actually, there's no doubt about it. It has to be zero...."

Noel took a deep breath as he sat back in his chair and gazed at the door filled with uncertainty of this new anomaly that could potentially ruin the entire kingdom.

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