
Chapter 173: Why?

Chapter 173: Why?

"You're...alright Shade???" Mocha asked as he looked at the handsome-looking Guardian approaching them. Due to the Guardian of Mount Tempest's attack, the slightly cloudy skies cleared up and revealed the bright embodiment of Helios(Sun). As Shade continued walking, the rays seductively fell upon his further enhanced features that weirdly resembled Night's.

"Of course, that wannabe is nothing compared to the might of My Lord," Shade said as he slightly bowed in Night's honor.

"Ah....that...makes sense..."

There was no point in denying that. After all, Night was more capable than them, he could probably take on any of these Guardians alone. Night's damage was nowhere close to what Nate could deal or maybe Eve as well. It's just that he was more balanced than Mocha's entire team. However, well balanced is usually used when someone has medium value in all fields, Night had top value in most fields, while medium to high in the other. Meaning, he had covered all the zones.

His speed and reflexes were definitely his strongest assets. Then comes his flexibility and skill usage. Everything was novel with him, even if it was something he had never tried, Night wouldn't hesitate to do so. After all, he had more than enough skill to cover for himself in case something went wrong.

Perhaps the closest all-rounder there was Mocha, his support and damage skills were medium to high, and his combat skills were low to medium, meaning if left alone, he had the highest probability of adapting to any situation. It had a lot to do with his class as well.

'Is it a class thing....?'

It wouldn't be wrong to assume that. Especially because, currently in The Primordials, there were only two hidden-primary classes, and those belonged to Night and Mocha. However, everyone except Everzone, Noxx, and Leo was at a point where their initial classes were only a foundation, and they were all focused on moving forward and gaining new abilities.

Did it demean or undermine the primary class? Of course not. Nobody knew the full potential of anything, especially something as integral as the first class. ATHENA was capable of synchronizing an infinite variety of abilities and classes. Would Night have been given the skill Umbrakinesis without his weapon aura? What if he was a warrior and didn't unlock any replacement for weapon aura, would he have still unlocked Umbrakinesis?

'Wait, I don't have time to be thinking about this!'

"Shade! Go help Nate and the others!" Mocha said as he tried standing up only to fall back down, "urgh..."

"Be at ease, Sir Mocha. I will go there at once, although it doesn't seem like they need any help, but I shall do as you ask anyway." Shade said as he slightly bowed and turned around to rush towards Nate and the others,"

"T-thank you...." Mocha muttered as he looked at Shade's fleeting image.

Meanwhile, Nate and the others were ready to encounter the Guardian. Eve had a slight red glow all around her body, it was faint but it was present. Nate on the other hand had a similar glow but it was more blueish green. Although, by the looks of it, both of them were far too concentrated to notice it.

"Bring it..." Eve grit her teeth as flames burst out, "Overseer of Fire, Seeker of destruction, I beseech you, Heed my call. Come forth and decimate."

"Herald of fire"


A huge wave of fire went crashing into the winged Guardian, instantly melting down the boulders on its skin. It was a beautiful sight to behold, not only for the ones that were fascinated by the art of fire but even for those that did not.

However, just before Herald of Fire connected, the Guardian could feel itself weaken. It was Noxx's defense reduction skill, but that wasn't all, Nate used his control over the wind element to boost Eve's fire damage as much as he could. 

[Critical hit Activated!]

[Armour pierce Activated!]

[You have inflicted 35,000 damage to the target]

[Burn inflicted! Target shall lose100 damage per second for the next 10 seconds]

[Wind element and debuff detected! Burn enhanced!]

[Target shall lose 500 damage per second for the next 10 seconds]

[Congratulations! You have acquired the title of  'One-shot sounds cool' for dealing the highest damage recorded in a single attack. This is awarded only to the cream of the crop. Climb higher and higher and never stop!]

[Congratulations Player Eve for acquiring the title of One shot sounds cool. Do you wish to hide your name in the world announcement?]


[Congratulations Player Eve for acquiring the title of One shot sounds cool!]

It wasn't the best time to stop and celebrate or pop open a bottle of champagne. Nobody looks at an enormous creature that was on fire and goes "I'll drink to that", similarly, Eve couldn't exactly feel the true extent of her achievement. However, the others sitting far away were more than delighted to hear the world announcement. Especially Layla who was the closest to Eve.

"Shade was right! They got this!" Layla was ecstatic, although it was a little weird to see his younger sister react in such a way, Mocha felt good as well. Having the highest damage dealt in a single strike was no small feat. In usual MMORPGs, the highest damage ever dealt was something every DPS sought. Not to mention, Genesis was a game with over two billion players ACTIVELY playing.

Even though she couldn't have possibly dealt all that damage without Noxx and Nate's assistance, the major chunk of the achievement had to be credited to her. As a matter of fact, this thought never even crossed Nate's mind, as he felt that it was stupid for the entire feat to be cancelled because of outside help.

"That was definitely something..." Noxx commented as he looked at the huge pile of flaming rocks in front of him. Finally, after struggling for several seconds, the Guardian managed to extinguish the flames.

"I agree, but you should look at this...." Nate said as he began rotating his hands in the air, however, that wasn't all, he began moving around, a step to right, a step to the left, a circle, no matter what he did, Nate made sure to never stop moving his hands. Thin blue strands flowed out of him and converged directly above him. 

"What the fck...." Eve muttered in defeat as she looked at what Nate was trying to do. "That's.....not fair..."

"Uhhhh....." Noxx muttered as he looked at the blue strands accumulate, they seemed to be forming something.

However, Nate wasn't in a position to reply, he was far too involved with what he was doing. In truth, he didn't know where he learnt how to do this, it was something he had seen in his dreams. Usually, he would never risk trying something like this, however, he could feel something different about himself. As if he had been reminded of something he shouldn't have.

'I am grateful. Whatever it is. I am.'

It was the answer to the questions he had put forward after he was struck by the Guardian. All his life, Nate always stopped to think about whether he deserved something or not. However, it was different now. It wasn't to the point where he had achieved enlightenment but he realized now. What was the point in questioning something when the answer never mattered?

'Why should it matter? Why was I the only one to receive this skill set? Why wasn't it someone else? Why? Why, WHY????'

His mind was in slight turmoil. However, he hadn't lost his concentration for a single second. The mana strands continued flowing towards the shape in the sky, as Eve and Noxx stalled the Guardian that was now further enraged.

'Fck all that. Does it matter? Of course not. It shouldn't in the first place. I am grateful nonetheless.'

Shade who was running towards Nate and the others noticed the huge object of mana forming above Nate. He was speechless, the way His Lord's closest friend moved was slightly captivating. Nate's eyes were closed but every movement his hands made contributed positively to the final attack.

"Sir Nate..."

He was showing no sign of stopping. As a matter of fact, he was speeding up. The rate at which he moved and rotated increased, the mana was finally taking a definite shape. He put his entire reserve into this after all. 

"That is.....a sword? No. That...that is...." Shade knew what it was, as a being of the past, he knew what every weapon symbolized and seeing the shape that Nate's mana was forming sent a shiver down his spine.

'For the last time....why must it be me? Why am I the one to receive such a blessing??'


"Fall," Nate said as he opened his eyes and commanded the massive Harpe that formed out of his pure mana.

[You have inflicted 200,000 damage to the target]

'Why? It's simple. Because I'm me...'

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