
Chapter 190: Characteristics

Chapter 190: Characteristics

The pace was set by Night, it was obvious who the winner would be, but Night made an effort to avoid using any of his abilities, even the sneaky ones like Hermes exploration which didn't have a fancy activation, and simply enhanced his physical ability.

Was it a dance? If it wasn't then why were the moves so smooth? Why was every movement swift and precise, in a way that it looked like they had rehearsed it before. JetSky was careful and more on the edge, he was barely able to keep up, and doing so made it look like he was some kind of a professional.

He was usually strong-headed and confident but as one of the top rankers of the world, he knew that there was a time and place for everything. Especially if one is in the presence of the strongest of all rankers.

'He's improved in just a few days? Interesting,'

Night was not only assessing the abilities of his sparring partner but he was also trying to set the perfect pace where he could even manage to have a conversation with JetSky. Putting aside all the abilities, JetSky was naturally faster and more agile due to his stat distribution. As an assassin, it was important for one to have high DEX, especially if he/she was delicate in terms of health.

Piercing sounds slowly began to spread across the entire field. It looked like JetSky was more comfortable with keeping up with Night now, back and forth, they went on and on, and not a single weapon was used.

Perhaps if Noctis was still on Night's head then he would've woken up by the number of moves Night was taking, Night was more carefree and went in with the mindset that there was no way he could lose. However, that didn't exactly mean he underestimated his opponent. He always left a little bit of room or scope, in the case of something extraordinary happening.

"So tell me more about this place," Night said as he shifted his head to the side as a punch appeared the next second. He could feel that the pace had finally been set and it was going to be comfortable from here on. Not only for him but for JetSky as well.

In Night's opinion, setting the pace was one of the most important things to do in a spar. Both the individuals going all-out from the beginning wouldn't allow for the maximum gain in experience. At the same time, both of them starting at zero would prove to be time-consuming and a waste of energy.

Instead the better option, according to Night, was to simply a pace both the individuals were comfortable with and continue with that, while slowly increasing it together. 

"This place?? Oh the assasssins den? I'm not," JetSky stopped for a second to dodge and counter, before continuing with what he was saying. The smell of sweat was strong, the heat produced from each other's movements and bodies was extreme, so much to say that anybody caught in the environment would soon be sweating. Sounds of bones clashing against each other echoed as the metallic sounds soon stopped, gazes fell upon them as they continued to dance about with each other. "-quite sure actually. I'm only here when I attempt to clear the trials,"

"The Phantom Trials?" Night asked as he embraced his forearms for the punch that JetSky threw. Dodging it wouldn't have been too hard but at the same time, he wasn't one hundred percent sure that he could dodge the attack. So he went with the safer option. Night was confusing and ambivalent.

Sometimes he wouldn't care about a single thing and try the most random of things while other times, he wouldn't take a risk even if the chance was very minute. Who knew what was going on in that head of his, perhaps other than Nate, there was truly no one else that could predict Night.

"You've heard of them?" JetSky asked as he pulled his hand back, his knuckles were red, but he wasn't disappointed in the least. A red print could be seen on Night's forearm region. While the trials weren't exactly new news, he didn't expect a Grandmaster to care about them. "Wait. Don't tell me you're here for that reason," JetSky asked after realized who he was sparring against. Because of how casual the spar had been so far he hadn't yet wrapped his head around the fact that Player Night was ACTUALLY there in a place that wasn't related to him.

"Spot on! That's precisely why I'm here, I'm here to complete them but I was told to practice for a bit before attempting it, so" Night explained as clenched his fists to throw a punch strong enough to push JetSky back a few meters. 

'To practice for a bit....that has to be a joke right?'

"You do realize that this could easily take years right?? It took me all this time and I've only reached the third trial right? And I don't mean to boast," JetSky wanted to boast in all honesty, but doing that in front of Night was simply foolish. "But there's a reason I'm one of the top assassins in the game. Just a little bit of practice won't help I guess..."

"Hmmm, that won't do. The max I can stay here for is a week. I need to move on to the next location and finish the trials, I can't waste all this energy in me. Anyway, you're slowing down!" Night said as he threw a kick to JetSky's face. However, unlike before, JetSky wasn't in the right mindset to react properly. After listening to what Night had to say he lost all his concentration that he had steadily built up so far.


JetSky barely managed to get his wrist in between his face and Night's leg, however, he knew that the spar was over right then. Regardless of whether his hand was there or not, the kick had already gained enough speed and momentum to knock him out. He felt a little sad, it was as if he was playing his favorite video game and the current had suddenly gone out. The high-paced combat practice they just had was exciting, it was as if every second was life or death, but somehow at the same time, it wasn't.

As soon as the kicked landed, JetSky was sent flying to one side as he rolled around, the ground accepting him as he rolled around, gathering dust and other materials from the floor onto his armor.

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