
Chapter 81: Meeting#2

Chapter 81: Meeting#2

"A lot of talk from someone who couldn't save his friend,"


Noel sliced at the man's neck without any hesitation, the only ones who knew that, were Noel's family and the members of the magic towers, naturally, it wasn't the former, thereby making this man a potential member of the magic tower(s) and his enemy, in Noel's eyes he was a danger to everyone around him but more than that he wanted information about the towers, Noel wasn't aware of the situation, he wasn't there in the Kingdom when Night and the others came back to talk to Pythia and Cassandra.

The others had a panicked expression once they saw Noel's katana moving towards the man but before any of them could even get up, a flash of gold passed through their eyes, a short curved sword blocked Noel's katana, a gold Gladius casually parried Noel's attack.

"Calm down, I won't tell anyone...but for now it would be best if you go back, maybe that way you'll remember who I am," he whispered once again.

If Night or Blade were there they would most definitely be surprised, it was truly a sight to behold, Noel the Legendary Grandmaster whose strength is the sky, backed down. But it wasn't because he was afraid, he was awfully conflicted at the moment, he recognized the Gladius, even the other man knew he recognized it, a few more minutes and he might've guessed the true identity of the man.


"Good, don't worry, we'll be seeing each other soon,"

The second the man said that Noel disappeared, he was now somewhere in the streets of the kingdom, currently, the only thing that was going through his mind was to go back to Vraun and spend some time with his family.

"We definitely will be seeing each other..."

// // //

"Thank you for meeting me," Night said while slightly bowing to Frode's father, the 20th Einherjar. Even if Night didn't know that he was the Einherjar, just by looking at the way he carries himself and holds himself, Night would've guessed it.

"Of course, a warrior who managed to best my son, I apologize if my son was rude," The man said with a smile on his face. He had Golden-black armor and dark brown eyes, once again he was a huge man and the armor only complimented that, unlike the others, Frode's father was bald.

Night didn't sense any malicious intent behind the smile and could tell that the man was being genuine, he wasn't as arrogant or proud as Night expected, considering his status and his strength it wouldn't be a surprise if he acted all high and mighty.

"No no, please it is nothing, I apologize it looks like I haven't introduced myself yet, I go by Night, these are my companions, Shade, and Noctis,"

"Greetings," Shade said while nodding his head. He would never bow to anyone who isn't NIght or Nyx, fortunately, it looked like the man didn't catch it, unfortunately, the guards present there did and they pointed their spear towards Shade,

"Insolence!! have you no shame??! bow down while talking My Lord,"

"Guards stand dow-" before the Einherjar could finish his order, Shade countered their question with another question,

"Would you bow down to someone who isn't Your Lord?? or someone who is by no means affiliated to Your Lord?? of course not, similarly, My Lord is the only one I bow to and forcing me to bow down to someone else is worse than killing me," Shade said with a calm expression.

"Hah, well said!! it's definitely a pleasure to meet a Lord such as you Night, I am Njal, the 20th Einherjar, it seems you have quite the smart and loyal subject, hahah" Njal said while laughing.

"Well, ahahh...." Night stuttered.

If Night was being honest, he didn't expect Njal to react that way, he was slightly afraid of Shade's actions and replies to the guards, perhaps if it was another person in Njal's place, they would've already attacked Night and the others but thankfully his worries for nothing, it looked like Njal was genuinely kind and reasonable. However, it did make Night wonder, why Frode was so different from his father.

"Well anyway, let's get down to business, it looks like you wanted to meet me? can I ask why that is? is there anything you want to know? or maybe you require some assistance?"

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