
Chapter 91: The Audience approves.

Chapter 91: The Audience approves.

"I don't think that's such a good idea..." K said as he grabbed JC's hand hoping he'd stop.

"Who cares! everyone here wants an actual fight, clearly, this is a joke," JC said as he pointed to Luke slapping Bryce.

"....I'm not sure..." K said, still a little reluctant, if he wanted to follow his heart, then he would've openly challenged Luke, no matter the crowd. But there was a time and place for everything, while challenging itself is a bad idea, especially with his improvements the past year, challenging him in front of the entire crowd and losing would definitely take a hit to his reputation. However, something in him wanted to sacrifice face just for a proper fight with Luke.

Unfortunately, JC wasn't as careful or cautious as K, he continued to march forward towards the stage, attracting the attention of everyone in the audience, even though the fight between Luke and Bryce was literally the same as a parent hitting a misbehaving child, there was something that didn't let them turn away from it. But once they saw two giants walk towards the stage, especially when one of them was K Johnson, they couldn't help but turn away, Luke himself stopped and looked towards the two individuals making their way to him.

'They aren't serious right?' Luke thought as held Bryce by the collar, he wasn't sure as to why exactly they were approaching him but he could make a few educated guesses, of course, at the top of his list was a fight between the 3 of them but that was insane, especially considering K's status, he didn't know who the masked man was but Luke knew one thing, that it couldn't be just a 'nobody' if it was his sensei's friend.

"Are my eyes deceiving me...."

"Why are they walking towards the stage.."

"What's going on??"

"K Johnson's approaching the stage? no...he's following his friend who's walking towards the stage?"

While the audience started to speculate as to what the heck was actually going on, the Dean of the university was a breath away from a panic attack, he heard the conversation between JC and K and he refused to believe that they would pick a fight with a college kid, unfortunately, the dean didn't know that Luke wasn't just a college kid.

While the dean and the teachers could try and stop them, what could they do if they refused to listen, the staff could potentially lose their jobs, or worse their lives could be ruined if they messed with the wrong people.

"Declare the winner...isn't it a little sad? watching this? you call yourselves judges and yet you continued to watch this fight without saying anything, in fact, I don't even want to call this a fight," JC said with arms crossed, if people could see through his mask then they would see a huge frown on his face, his eyes brows slightly twitching, "He's still slapping him.....he's not even looking at him while doing so...."

"I'm sure nobody here disagrees...the winner is clear, it's Luke Stone, if anyone disagrees then please step up and tell me, heck if your reason is good enough then I'll give you a million dollars..."

As expected nobody could say a word, even filth2 who would usually make up an excuse couldn't, of course, this was because he was passed out. Looking at the domineering aura surrounding JC, nobody dared to say anything.

"Let's do this somewhere else," Luke said in a way that only K and JC could hear, of course, Bryce heard it as well but that wasn't anything to worry about considering the constant slapping, he wasn't in any condition to process basic information.

"What? don't tell me you're afraid of losing, now that everyone thinks you're a bigshot, you don't want people to think less of you?" JC said clearly trying to provoke Luke, unfortunately, that was useless as Luke just dragged Bryce and dropped him out of the stage.

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep better at night," Luke said without a hint of fear, "Old man, you understand right?"

"What??!" JC growled.

"..." K stayed silent throughout the conversation, while he wanted to refute his friend, he also wanted to have a proper fight with Luke right there but he had to calm down and act rationally.

"Alright, I know a place..." K said, still unsure of whether his actions were right or wrong, unlike JC or Luke, his actions had consequences, of course, this was the case for the other two as well but nobody knew who they were, to the others or the general public, Luke was just a student, while JC had a mask protecting his identity which allowed him to act recklessly.

"Cool, let's go," Luke said while looking towards Nate, the audience once again couldn't say anything, they watched quietly as 4 figures just walked away and proceeded to leave the university.

"What's happening?"

"Umm why'd those two students just walk away with K Johnson and his friend?"

"The hecks going on????"

"Maybe they were impressed? and the other guy was Luke's friend?"

"You're right! I saw them talking earlier, that has to be the case!!"

"To think he caught K Johnson's attention....amazing,"


The Dean couldn't help but sigh in relief but that relief only lasted a second as he realized two of his students were gone and they essentially entered the lion's den. Nobody there knew what was going on, except the Dean who was slowly panicking and overthinking,

'What if they get killed...? aren't I a witness then?...no if I don't do anything then won't I kind of become an accomplice?'



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