
Chapter 96: Will you?

Chapter 96: Will you?

"Not even a single level huh? guess that's to be expected, I didn't really use any big spell...emperor of the frost is a little above 50% and Umbrakinesis is around 30% huh..." Night said as he looked at the progress he made.

His skills were trickier compared to the others but they were kind of convenient to train, in just a day, he brought his emperor of frost skill to 50% exp and even managed to gain exp in Umbrakinesis, and all this while he was moving around. Majority of the skills that are available to the public are direct to train, use the skill to destroy a target or cut down a target, use a skill to heal wounds, etc, etc.

As Night continued walking he finally saw Nate, just one look was enough to say that Nate's character went through some extreme changes, the symbol on his right hand, his aura that was golden colour became slightly brighter and more unrestricted. The mana around him seemed to tremble with excitement, though it was very slight, Night noticed it. Even though Night knew who he was, he decided to play dumb,

"Ah hello, I'm looking for my friend, have you seen him," Night said with a hand to his head.

"Bah, shut up, I'll tell you just wait," Nate said as he squinted his eyes and carefully looked at Night, since the last time he met him in-game, Night changed, his presence was slightly more complicated and violent.

"Haha, alright alright, let's talk while we leave the kingdom,"

"Hmm? where do you wanna go??"

"Aeternum of course, I forgot about it but I want to check in with Senior Blade and Master,"

"Ah, okay then, I'll join you,"




"So...you're telling me, you wanted to understand mana manipulation better and once you were close to doing so, you could feel the mana particles in the air and before you knew it, you were summoned to Hecate's domain, the Goddess of Magic and black magic....and you became her disciple which gave you buffs and no debuffs at all...and that symbol on your hand...is Hecate's symbol...." Night said as he stopped in his tracks to confirm with his friend.

"Oh and I saw a pole-cat and a dog I think,"

"Oh you saw a pole-cat and a dog well that makes everything easier to process,"

"Haha, thank you,"

"F*ck you, why don't you get any debuffs?? and it's not as if those buffs are anything small, double exp?? your magic damage is doubled, you learned familiar magic?? you know what I got?"

"Yes, Night I know what you got," Nate said as he sighed.

"I got debuffs, my damage was halved, my stat points halved, and more!!" Night said clearly ignoring Nate's reply.




"Alright, I'm sorry, I've calmed down, anyway, that's amazing news, Nate...genuinely, I mean it," Night said as he put his hand on his friend's shoulder.

"How bout this, if we find a bunch of monsters or something, let's test your skills out alright?" Night said as he was curious to see Nate's skills.


Nate was a bit confused but that was understandable considering he's already reached his goal of fighting beside his friend, though it isn't exactly what he imagined, it's definitely a step towards his goal.

It would take the two of them roughly a week or more to get back to Aeternum, Garcia wasn't by any means small and each major Kingdom was as big as if not bigger than actual countries, even though the 3 major Kingdoms were powerful and huge, they made up only 30% of Garcia, the remaining 70% was divided amongst other smaller kingdoms or regions that people usually don't visit, such as Tokihiko.

"Did you hear about the player guilds??" Nate asked as they walked, he remembered looking into the guild system of the game, they were expensive to create and maintain but if properly looked after and lead, guilds were a treasure trove, especially guilds that had the opportunity to establish relations with a kingdom.

"I don't think I have, fill me in,"

According to Nate, many guilds have already been established, though most are struggling as the monthly expense wasn't something normal players could easily afford, just being a part of a guild has its benefits, for example, the guild leader or members with high ranking could buy 'boosts' that could increase the exp gain for everyone in the clan by 5%.

But as long as there were advantages, there were disadvantages, and human greed was one of the biggest disadvantages, the drops from raids were usually given to the leader or the highest-ranked member present there, of course, the leader would decide who gets what drop but this opens up the possibility for corruption. Clan Leaders, Vice-leaders, or other such members could easily exploit their position and keep the loot for themselves, of course, players could leave the clan but what's 1 or 2 members for a clan with thousands and thousands.

Since it hasn't been too long since the game has come out, most people joined guilds randomly, however, just because a clan had members didn't necessarily mean it was strong. A good example of this was the 'Uprising Guild', they had more than 10,000 players from all over the world but the average level of the players was around 40, however, the leader of this clan was a player who had ascended, meaning he was above level 100, though in the past few days, many players were crossing level 100.

There wasn't any strongest guild yet but the closest to satisfy that category would be 'Relentless', a group of elite players. The group had more than 4 ascenders and a handful of other players who were close to their first ascension. Relentless, had around 30-40 members in total and the only way to join the guild was through invitation or recommendation, the reason they weren't officially at the top was because of their low member count, they were strong and coordinated enough to take on most bosses but sometimes having strength in numbers was a huge advantage. However, that didn't mean they would take in anybody and everybody, Relentless was deadset on taking in only the best of the best, the cream of the crop.

The leader was called 'Ken', he was known to be obsessed with the sword, he was a warrior and used a Tachi, unlike other stereotypical warriors who either used axes or longsword or went the tank build, Ken focused on using a Tachi, he didn't trust his luck enough to get a hidden primary class but he still remained at the top.

It was said that Ken was a strict leader, he allowed the members of the clan to retain their freedom and act as they wished but the only thing he forced onto them, was to constantly get stronger, he was a 'beat yesterdays version of yourself kinda guy', other than that he was just, he wouldn't exploit his position or treat others unfair, which is why the members looked up to him, they respected and valued his decision.

"Interesting....to think there's was so much going on...in just a few days, guilds have been formed and players have ascended, I'm probably not on the leaderboard anymore, at least not at the top anymore....." Night said as he played with a bigger version of the two elemental spheres.

"It's very weird how you can do that," Nate said as he saw the two spheres, "But yes, things are finally falling in line, the pace has been set...on that note, I have to ask, what do we do? do we form a guild or join a guild? I'm sure you're aware that we aren't normal players by any means, do we publicize ourselves and earn? or what are we doing here? what's the game plan? I'm okay with anything you say, I'll do the same,"

"I'm not sure about the guild but I know that I can never be the leader of a guild, and as for us not being normal players, you're right, we definitely aren't and even if we publicize ourselves, I don't think we'll need to reveal ourselves, while I somehow have achievements to my name that isn't the case for you, you've only recently gotten your buffs, so I'm not sure how we go about this...."

"I understand, I say we take advantage of the Montreal event, it's the first worldwide event for Genesis, it's going to be huge, I think we should probably take part and try and win a few games there? but more than that, you taking part in the PvP is the most important thing, it's the perfect opportunity to reveal your identity, and maybe once you do that, we can announce you making a guild? but wait...you said you cant lead a guild...hmm then we can just reveal your identity, that way I'm sure other companies would want to work with us and stuff, you know?"


"I understand it's a little too much and honestly It is kinda sad we cant create a guild,"


"Are you sure you don't want to create a guild? I think its a missed opporun-,"

"NATE!" Night screamed.

"Jeez, what?" Nate said as he covered his ears with his hands.

"I said I can't be the leader of a guild, I'm not fit to be one.."

"Yeah? and? we've already covered that Night, you have to listen more carefully-"

"That doesn't mean you cant..."


"Nate...." Night said as he got down on one knee, "Will you...be my clan leader?"

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