Unrivaled Martial Emperor

Chapter 544 - Meeting the Flying Eagle Alliance Once More

Chapter 544 - Meeting the Flying Eagle Alliance Once More

The revelation of the Martial Dao Will fragments threw Hidden Dragon Island into an uproar, with countless people clamoring in excitement with their eyes red with fervor. The experts on the island were abuzz.

The Heaven’s Equal Alliance, the biggest alliance on the island, claimed the first Martial Dao Will fragment. Its leader was none other than the Great Li Imperial Court’s Prince Li Yao, known as the number one genius of the younger generation in the Hong Domain.

It was said that the battle for this fragment was catastrophic.

The appearance of that fragment of Martial Dao Will had attracted many human martial artists and even demonic beasts.

Once demonic beasts reached the Core Formation realm, they would become intelligent. Some would even be enlightened enough to speak human language and could already be called demon spirits.

However, even the unenlightened ones could sense the fragment's immense importance.

The fight for this first Martial Dao Will fragment resulted in the tragic deaths of thirty prodigies, including some three-revolution Golden Core supreme experts. The sheer intensity of the battle was evident from the bloodshed.

Even so, this Martial Dao Will fragment ended up in Li Yao’s hands. This demonstrated Li Yao's formidable power and solidified his reputation as the top figure of the younger generation.

According to the information revealed by people with unknown motives, Li Yao was at the six-revolution Golden Core realm. He was absolutely invincible.

However, that was to be expected, as the Great Li Imperial Court was the supreme ruler of the Hong Domain.

He was a descendant of Emperor Li, so he was bound to be talented. He could also obtain guidance from Emperor Li himself, so it made sense that he could look down on his peers.

The news also left Chen Fan shocked.

If Li Yao were in the Spring Autumn Sect, he would undoubtedly be one of the strongest figures, surpassed only by Feng Baiyu and Yun Tu. He was even stronger than the law enforcement grand elder.

As for this Martial Dao Will fragment falling into Li Yao’s hands, no one on the island could do anything about it.

Despite their unwillingness, they had to accept it. Li Yao’s immense strength, combined with the powerful experts in the Heaven’s Equal Alliance he established, made it inevitable.

The alliance’s name, Heaven’s Equal, mirrored Li Yao’s ambition to rival the heavens.

Shortly after the first fragment appeared, a second, third, fourth, and eventually the eighth Martial Dao Will fragment surfaced in succession, shocking everyone.

No one had expected so many Martial Dao Will fragments to appear on the Hidden Dragon Island.

They were Martial Dao Will fragments, not potatoes!

Had they not been on the island, many of these geniuses would have died without ever seeing one. After all, how many could advance to the Heavenly Star realm among them?

The sudden appearance of so many fragments increased their chances of reaching the Heavenly Star realm by at least fifty percent.

The news had seemingly driven the entire island to insanity.

To compete for the Martial Dao Will fragments, everyone was fighting fiercely and ruthlessly. The intense fighting dyed the sky crimson, and even one or two-revolution Golden Core experts easily lost their lives.

In front of Martial Dao Will fragments, even experts in the Nine Revolutions of the Golden Core realm were ineffective as deterrents. One person might not be able to deal with them, but what about tens, or even over a hundred eighth and ninth-level Core Formation realm experts?

Most importantly, everyone knew that after the successive appearance of eight Martial Dao Will fragments, there might not be many more in the future. These eight fragments could very well be the only ones available.

Chen Fan also coveted the Martial Dao Will fragments. However, since he was a lone ranger, by the time the information reached him, the fight for the Martial Dao Will fragments had also come to an end. The eight Martial Dao Will fragments already fell into the hands of their respective owners.

The people who had obtained them were the top few figures among the geniuses who entered the Hidden Dragon Island.

This underscored the crucial importance of strength at this juncture.

Without strength, participating in the competition for the Martial Dao Will fragments would have been pointless. At the most, they could only act as cannon fodders.

Everyone was waiting for the ninth or even the tenth fragment to appear. Now that the top group had secured their fragments, the remaining geniuses would contest for all the fragments to come.

If the top elites were to seize multiple fragments, it would provoke widespread outrage. Not even the Great Li Imperial Court’s Prince Li Yao could fight them all.

Therefore, the top figures wouldn’t fight for the Martial Dao Will fragments that might appear next. It was the first-rate geniuses’ turn to compete.

Chen Fan shared this resolve, determined to get his hand on the next Martial Dao Will fragment. He understood that many would integrate the fragment into their bodies to comprehend its Martial Dao Will.

However, if he did that, he would be walking on a path laid down by others. His growth potential wouldn’t be great then.

He intended to draw on its power for reference, preserving the potential to develop his own unique Martial Dao Will eventually.

Self-comprehended paths aligned more closely with individual strengths. The potential for future development was also greater.

Under the expectant gazes of numerous people, news of the appearance of the ninth Martial Dao Will fragment finally reached Chen Fan’s ears.

Chen Fan immediately unfurled his Wings of Rain Dragon. He pushed his speed to its limits as he raced toward the site where the fragment was rumored to be found—a ruin on Hidden Dragon Island.


“Kill them all! The Martial Dao Will fragment is mine!”

Battle cries echoed through space.

Over a hundred experts were fighting in the middle of the ruined site. Various cultivation techniques and martial skills flew across the sky. Treasures flew and danced around. It was simply like a fierce Asura battlefield.

Rather than reveal himself immediately, Chen Fan observed the chaotic scene from a distance, unable to suppress a sense of astonishment.

“The battle is even fiercer than I imagined!”

He saw two alliance forces fighting fiercely on the ruined site and one of them was none other than the Flying Eagle Alliance.

The Flying Eagle Alliance’s side was relying on the combat strengths of the two powerful three-revolution Golden Core experts, Liu Xin and Luo Qian, to swiftly dominate their opponents.

However, Chen Fan found it strange that he couldn’t find Xiao Zhen in the Flying Eagle Alliance.

Right now, on the Hidden Dragon Island, there were dozens of alliances. These alliances ranged from powerful entities like Heaven’s Equal Alliance to smaller groups composed of sixth or seventh-level Core Formation realm experts, whose influence was minimal.

Very soon, the alliance that was battling against the Flying Eagle Alliance recognized that they were no match and withdrew.

Although Martial Dao Will fragments were precious, their lives held greater value than any treasure.

What was the use of obtaining a Martial Dao Will fragment if it cost them their lives?

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