Urban Super Almighty Student

Chapter 113

Chapter 113 - Unreliable Xiao Ming

The ghostly woman in white let out a harrowing scream.

Despite the Divine Blood containing only a sliver of divinity, she was unable to withstand its power. The Fatewoven who had come into contact with the Divine Blood were instantly reduced to ash.

With a look of fury, the woman in white glared at Ye Hao before turning into a wisp of smoke and vanishing on the spot.

At that moment, Ye Hao heard footsteps approaching and collapsed to the ground.

Soon after, the school's senior staff and security personnel arrived in the room. They were astonished to find that the female corpse had disappeared.

“Take these two to the hospital immediately,” the vice-principal commanded in a stern voice.

Once Ye Hao and Guo Yi had been rushed to the hospital, the vice-principal and other executives reviewed the surveillance footage.

“I can't find anything.”

“Exactly. I've reviewed the past hour's footage, and there's no sign of anything,” the security guard confirmed.

“Keep searching the earlier footage,” the vice-principal instructed after a moment's thought.

The security guard fast-forwarded through the video and soon caught a glimpse of something.

Playing the footage in slow motion, a chill ran through the assembled school executives, even though it was ten in the morning.

The timestamp showed midnight, a time when the building was supposed to be locked up, yet the door to the female corpse's room had been gently opened. The corpse then seemed to roam the hallway, pushing open door after door as if searching for something.

This eerie scene convinced the school executives that the place was indeed haunted.

“Call the police,” the vice-principal ordered gravely.

The director of the Education Bureau gave a wry smile.

“Let's keep this incident under wraps. You all know what's at stake,” the vice-principal added with a serious tone.

The school's leadership nodded in agreement.

The revelation of a haunting at the school could potentially trigger widespread panic among the students.

The implications were too severe to contemplate.

Before long, Zhang Cheng arrived at Riverdale College with his team.

After reviewing the surveillance footage and conducting an investigation, he concluded that they were dealing with a genuine paranormal event.

Zhang Cheng promptly escalated the report.

Shortly thereafter, Xiao Ming, dressed in plain clothes, made his way to Riverdale College.

Having thoroughly examined the case, Xiao Ming's expression turned grave as he stated, “Nine-Generations Cursed Maiden.”

“Is this going to be a problem?” Zhang Cheng asked urgently.

“When the resentment of nine generations accumulates, it's naturally terrifying,” Xiao Ming replied gravely. “However, I've noticed that the Nine-Generations Cursed Maiden has been dealt a heavy blow.”

“Who was the senior expert that managed that?”

Zhang Cheng was unaware of Xiao Ming's true identity, but he knew that even his direct superior had to treat Xiao Ming with the utmost respect. And now, Xiao Ming was indicating that such an expert had emerged at Riverdale College.

”What's our next move?”

“We should pull back,” Xiao Ming suggested after a moment's thought. “The Nine-Generations Cursed Maiden has been seriously wounded, so she's definitely hiding somewhere to recover.”

“Are we just going to leave this alone?”

“This is my responsibility now,” Xiao Ming assured him, giving Zhang Cheng a look. “You should step out for a bit.”

Zhang Cheng nodded and departed.

Xiao Ming approached the bedside of the Nine-Generations Cursed Maiden and picked up a strand of her hair. He then wrapped the hair around a paper crane.

“Tracking technique,” he intoned. The moment he uttered the spell, the paper crane burst into flames. It transformed into a streak of golden light and sped off into the distance.

Xiao Ming opened the door and followed the golden trail.

As he pursued the light, his phone began to ring. At first, Xiao Ming ignored it, but the persistent ringing forced him to answer.

“Ye Hao, I'm in the middle of something.”

“Are you tracking that ghost at Riverdale College?”

“How did you know?”

“I'm the one who drove her off.”

“Are you that powerful?”

“If not for the technique my master left me, that ghost would have killed me. Do you think you can handle her?”

“If she were at her peak, I'd have no choice but to flee. But in her current state, I believe I can put up a fight.”

“Give me your position. I'll come and assist you.”

“I'm on Clouds Road.”

As Xiao Ming continued to update his location, it wasn't long before Ye Hao caught up.

“How much further?”

“I'm not sure.”

“Why would this ghost dare to venture so far in broad daylight?”

“The Nine-Generations Cursed Maiden possesses that level of power!”

Just as Ye Hao was about to speak, he abruptly noticed that Xiao Ming's cultivation had reached the third layer of Body Refining.

“You've made a breakthrough?”

“My mindset has long been at the third layer of Body Refining; thus, with sufficient energy, I can break through at any time,” Xiao Ming said with a smile. “In a bit, I should reach Blood Refining.”

“I'm feeling the pressure,” Ye Hao said, chuckling.

“I never break through as quickly as you do,” Xiao Ming remarked with a pout.

They continued their conversation as they ran into a cemetery.

“The Nine-Generations Cursed Maiden should be here, absorbing Shadow Essence to restore her cultivation,” Ye Hao observed as the paper crane disintegrated into ashes upon arrival.

Ye Hao instantly became vigilant.

Instead of attacking right away, Xiao Ming began to lay out an Eight Trigrams Tactics around the area.

He then produced an efficacious charm and whispered, “Go.”

The charm transformed into a beam of golden light and sank beneath a stone tablet. Moments later, it reemerged, bringing the Nine-Generations Cursed Maiden before them.

The Nine-Generations Cursed Maiden glared at Xiao Ming with fury. “Little Taoist, you dare to imprison me?”

“Today, I intend to do more than just imprison you; I plan to end you,” Xiao Ming declared, activating the vast Eight Trigrams Formation at his feet.

Suddenly, a colossal Eight Trigrams Spell materialized in the sky, trapping the Nine-Generations Cursed Maiden within its confines.

She furiously assaulted the barrier, but to no avail.

Ye Hao unleashed the Heavenly Thunder Spell, sending a bolt of divine electricity crashing down upon the Nine-Generations Cursed Maiden.

After casting the Heavenly Thunder Spell three times consecutively, Ye Hao's vital spirit was nearly depleted.

He hastily retrieved a spirit stone and began to quietly replenish his energy.

Meanwhile, the Nine-Generations Cursed Maiden, struck by the triple assault of Heavenly Thunder, appeared utterly wretched as she continued to bellow and lash out against the scroll of enlightenment.

“Ye Hao, keep going,” Xiao Ming urged, seeing Ye Hao's efforts to recuperate.

“Heavenly thunder requires vital spirit,” Ye Hao responded with a sense of resignation.

“I've miscalculated. Even with the Nine-Generations Cursed Maiden gravely weakened, we're still no match for her,” Xiao Ming admitted, causing Ye Hao's face to darken with concern.

“Can you be more reliable?” Ye Hao said as he drew the bronze dagger from his embrace, his expression turning stern.

Over the past few days, Ye Hao had been practicing more than just the Heavenly Thunder Spell and Rain Summoning; he had also been mastering a sword technique.

And that technique was none other than the Divine Weapon Spell!

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