Urban: Super God-Ring System

Chapter 6

C6 – Wen Huaimu’s Outburst

Early the next morning, Wen Huaimu was up with the dawn, freshening up and facing the mirror. He pinched and prodded at his face, attempting to sculpt a cooler, more aloof expression. But his decade-long demeanor of kindness wasn’t so easily undone. Every look he tried on still came off as endearing and honest, the kind that made him an easy target for bullies.

Realizing his efforts were futile, Wen Huaimu sighed, abandoned the attempt, and stepped out the door. The house was empty; his parents had already left for their fast-food restaurant, a routine that had them up early to prep the day’s ingredients.

His mother had left his favorite breakfast on the table, still wafting steam into the quiet morning. Wen Huaimu wolfed it down and, without bothering with the dishes, bolted out the door, school-bound.

The day’s fresh air filled his lungs, and even the morning sun seemed to embrace him with an unusual warmth. His molding ring occasionally chirped with inquiries – the voice of Diaochan, his newly awakened elfin companion. Unfamiliar with anything beyond basic conduct, she was a wellspring of curiosity, bombarding Wen Huaimu with questions.

They had mastered the art of Spiritual Resonance the previous night, a covert way for master and servant to communicate that left Wen Huaimu buzzing with enthusiasm, tirelessly enlightening his little elfin.

As they continued their Q&A session, the gates of Isrinas High School loomed ahead. Wen Huaimu took a couple of deep breaths, steeled his gaze, and strode through with newfound resolve.

His academic standing was solid – comfortably middle-tier among the high achievers. But his timidity had been a magnet for trouble, and the school hesitated to place him among the elite, fearing his presence might be detrimental.

Entering Class 3, the buzz of chatter ceased. Heads turned, eyes filled with mockery and scorn, as if Wen Huaimu were the punchline to an unspoken joke.

In the past, this would have left him blushing, head hung low as he slinked to his seat. But not today. With a serene smile, he met their cold stares and walked into the classroom, making his way to his seat with an air of unbothered confidence.


A chorus of surprised murmurs rippled through the classroom as students eyed Wen Huaimu’s actions with confusion.

He seemed off today, somehow different.

“Hey, what’s the deal with you? What kind of remedy did you use to get rid of those dark circles?”

The moment he settled into his seat, the student beside him blurted out in astonishment.

Prompted by his question, the nearby students all turned their attention to Wen Huaimu, their gazes filled with curiosity.

They had all witnessed Wen Huaimu’s rough handling the day before. Typically, it would take a good two or three days for such purplish bruises to fade, yet here he was, seemingly healed overnight—a true marvel.

“Wait, look at his face!” another student exclaimed in an odd tone.

“Brother, they’re so mean. I want to use magic to teach them a lesson!” Diaochan pouted, her cheeks flushed with anger as she clenched her fists in defense of Wen Huaimu.

But Wen Huaimu soothed her, “They’re just like that, no need to fuss over them. Be good, Diaochan. After school, I’ll treat you to some ice cream.”

“Ice cream? Is it tasty?”

At the prospect of a treat from Wen Huaimu, Diaochan’s indignation vanished, replaced by eager curiosity.

“Ice cream is very sweet,” Wen Huaimu reassured her, sending a sugary sensation through their Spiritual Resonance.

“Really? I can’t wait to try ice cream!” The elfin was practically salivating.

Wen Huaimu might not have been bothered, but that didn’t mean everyone else was indifferent.

The student who had always been known for his timidity now dared to disregard him, and Hong Jun felt his authority was being challenged. In a fit of anger, he slammed his hand on the desk, stood up, and glared at Wen Huaimu. “Are you ignoring me? Looking for trouble, are you?”

Wen Huaimu finally gave him a sidelong glance, his gaze devoid of any trace of fear.

This classmate, Hong Jun, wasn’t particularly tall or imposing, certainly no match for Wen Huaimu in a fight. It was a mystery how he’d managed to bully him before.

Confronted with Wen Huaimu’s serene stare, Hong Jun was thrown off balance. This wasn’t the reaction he expected; Wen Huaimu was supposed to be scared, supposed to shrink away in fear.

“I’m sorry, I don’t need to answer your question,” Wen Huaimu said with a calm demeanor, yet without a hint of genuine remorse.

“You!” Hong Jun scanned the room, noticing several of his close friends watching him with mocking smiles. Rage boiled over within him, and with a swift motion, he aimed a slap at Wen Huaimu’s face.

However, Hong Jun’s hand never made contact with Wen Huaimu’s cheek; it was swiftly caught by the nape of his neck.

Wen Huaimu’s eyes blazed with fury. Without uttering a word, he retaliated with a slap to Hong Jun’s face. “You’re truly despicable. Do you really think you’re that impressive?”

The slap from Wen Huaimu was so unexpected and startling that it sent shockwaves through the entire classroom.

No one had ever imagined that someone so seemingly timid could strike back with such ferocity.

Feeling the searing pain on his face, Hong Jun stood frozen in shock. This guy had actually fought back, delivering a merciless slap.

The pain on his face was nothing compared to the agony in his heart. The astonished and vacant stares of his peers felt like needles piercing through Hong Jun’s soul, leaving him with a suffocating sense of humiliation.

Without another word, Wen Huaimu delivered another thunderous slap to Hong Jun’s face, this time with even greater force.

Hong Jun, who was far from sturdy, felt his anger give way to dizziness. His body swayed uncontrollably, toppling over and disrupting the arrangement of desks.

Classmates nearby scrambled out of the way, still too stunned to intervene in the unfolding drama, making no attempt to break up the fight.

Struggling to sit up, Hong Jun’s mouth oozed a trickle of blood, and with a spit, out came a tooth.

Fear washed over Hong Jun as he gazed at Wen Huaimu with wide-eyed terror, speechless from the shock.

This time, Hong Jun was subdued, no longer daring to provoke further punishment.

“See, I told you,” Wen Huaimu said coolly, looking down at Hong Jun. “Those who fight end up hurt. You should strive to be civilized.” He even extended a hand to help Hong Jun up.

After the two resounding slaps, Hong Jun was petrified. The sight of Wen Huaimu’s outstretched hand sent him stumbling backward in fear.

Hong Jun was taken aback, his hand trembling with fear as he reached out.

He shook his head vehemently.

“Hey, is your face okay?”

Once more, Hong Jun shook his head, no longer daring to meet Wen Huaimu’s gaze, and hung his head low.

“That’s a relief. Head back to your seat, class is about to begin. We don’t want the teacher catching us fighting,” Wen Huaimu said, making his way back to his own seat.

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