USSR 1941

Chapter 152: train

  Chapter 152 Train


   On this day, Shulka was busy counting the progress of the project in the private house that served as the headquarters.

  This is the advantage of being promoted to the company commander. You have your own headquarters. If you have anything to do, you just need to tell your subordinates and let them do it.

  But there is also a downside, that is, he has to face the bad face of the assistant instructor every day.

  Sometimes, Shulka even thought that their promotion to the commander of the third company was let the deputy instructor monitor him better.

The deputy instructor's attitude towards Shulka is not bad, it's lukewarm and serious, even Shulka feels that the assistant instructor's attitude has changed, and I don't know if it's an illusion or what, anyway, the assistant instructor's eyes before That doubt seemed to disappear.

  But because of his previous experience, Shulka still didn't dare to speak indiscriminately in the headquarters, as if there were eyes staring at him all the time, which made him feel uncomfortable.

  Knowing this, Shulka should apply to be the company commander of another company.

   But it doesn't seem to help, because the sub-instructor will probably follow... It's not Shulka's decision.

   At this time, Major Gavrilov appeared at the door, wearing a raincoat, he looked in a hurry, and called to Shulka: "Put on the raincoat, we have to go out for a few days!"

   "Get out?" Shulka didn't understand what "get out" meant.

   "Yes!" Major Gavrilov said, "Leave the company affairs to the deputy company commander!"

   "Yes, sir!" Pukarev straightened his lower body towards Madam Gavrilo, and then said to Shulka: "Don't worry, Comrade Company Commander, I will take care of everything!"

   Shulka patted Pukarev on the shoulder, and thought to himself thanks to having this assistant.

  Put on the raincoat and follow Major Gavrilov to go out and step on the bucket cart, Major Gavrilov said the destination: "We are going to Kyiv, Comrade Kirponos' order!"

Shulka said "oh" and then understood what Colonel Gavrilov said just now "get out"... The army is full of German or Ukrainian rebel spies, and of course it will not be said easily if it is not necessary destination.

The barrel car moved along the road in the rain, and drove staggeringly to the railway a few miles away. The two stood by the railway track and waited for a few minutes, and then a train came up along the railway track with a "hush and wheeze" .

   It was an old-fashioned train, and Shulka noticed that there were machine gunners lying on the roof of several carriages.

  There is no train station nearby, but the train still stopped, obviously because it was notified to pick up people before.

  The door of a carriage more than 20 meters ahead was pulled open with a "hula" after a sound of punching and kicking.

  An officer with the rank of Grand Master jumped out of the car and waved to the two. Colonel Gavrilov and Shulka greeted them knowingly.

   "I need to see your military ID card, comrade!" said the master.

   "Of course!" Major Gavrilov and Shulka took out their military ID cards and handed them over.

  When the master saw Shulka's military ID card, his eyes became wary.

   "There is no photo on your military ID card, Comrade Second Lieutenant!" said the magistrate, "And it's brand new!"

   "Yes!" Shulka replied: "Because I just got promoted, and as for the photos...I didn't get them during the war!"

   "Then how can I be sure that this document belongs to you?" Dashi seemed to be a serious person, which is rare in the Soviet army.

   "I can prove it!" said Major Gavrilov. "Even I'm sure you've heard his name, I mean his nickname...he's 'The Escape Hero'!"

   Shulka looked at Major Gavrilov in surprise.

"Don't look at me like that, Shulka!" said Major Gavrilov. "I've known your nickname for a long time! In fact, at least in our troops, there are not many people who don't know it, you say Yeah?"

  The last sentence was addressed to Dashi.

   "Yes, Comrade Major, Comrade Second Lieutenant!" The master showed some respect in his eyes, and then opened the car door.

  Climbing onto the train, Shulka realized that the inside was extremely crowded, with a car full of boxes, leaving only a few square meters of space in the middle, and then a dozen soldiers crowded inside, and the air was filthy.

  At first, Shulka was still puzzled by the flashlight hanging from the roof, but when the door was closed again, he understood... This is a stuffy car, and it was pitch black inside.

   "Sorry, Comrade Major, Comrade Second Lieutenant!" The master said, "You know, those traitors often sabotage the railway and even sneak into our team. I have to be careful!"

   "You are right, Maestro!" said Major Gavrilov.

   Two soldiers stand up and try to give up their seats to Shulka and Major Gavrilov, but Major Gavrilov stops them.

   "No need for this, comrades!" Major Gavrilov said: "I, like you, come from a poor family, and I can take care of myself!"

Major Gavrilov did not lie, he was born in a poor small village, his father was a poor man, Major Gavrilov spent his childhood in a very poor environment, which is why he can bear hardships and stand hard work, and has a resolute character one.

   The train soon started to move again. With the help of the soldiers, Major Gavrilov and Shulka moved a few boxes as their seats, and then sat down.

  Major Gavrilov's approachability shortened the distance with the soldiers, so the group chatted in the dark carriage:

   "My name is Yakov, Major!" The master introduced himself: "I am a platoon leader, responsible for the safety of this train!"

   "So, you have a platoon of troops?"

   "Yes!" Yakov replied: "We have thirty-two people, divided into three parts, in the front, middle and rear compartments respectively, and we are in the middle!"

   "Securing the train is dangerous, isn't it?" asked the major.

  The Great Master shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "Those traitors are indeed difficult to deal with. They will appear in front of us at the most unexpected time, but I know this is nothing compared to your battle!"

   "Good job!" Major Gavrilov said: "We will drive those invaders out of our country!"

   "Major!" Yakov looked at Shulka, who was beside Major Gavrilov, who hadn't interrupted, and asked, "May I introduce Comrade Second Lieutenant to my subordinates?"

   "Of course!" Major Gavrilov laughed, turned to Shulka and said, "Look, I knew it was so, they are more interested in you than in me!"

  The soldiers looked at Yakov in confusion, they didn't understand what these words meant.

   "Comrades!" Yakov said: "The comrade second lieutenant in front of you is our 'escape hero' Shulka!"

  (end of this chapter)

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