Vampire Summoner's Rebirth: Summoning The Vampire Queen At The Start

Chapter 735 Summoning Two More Vampire Spirits

Chapter 735 Summoning Two More Vampire Spirits


The first figure that appeared from within the red colored magic circle was a tall female. Perhaps slightly taller than Eleanora herself. She had long arms, and even longer legs, many of them, in the shape of tentacles. Indeed, she had a smiling face, pale purple skin, and a red and golden eye.

Her long purple hair reached her hips, and it seemed slightly slimy below the moonlight. She was wearing maidservant clothes, her favorites, and the moment she noticed where she was, and who was in front of her, her black and slimy tentacles instantly embraced… not me, but Eleanora.

"Oh my! Eleanora-samaaaaa!"

Her huge body instantly fell over Eleanora, embracing her with her eight slimy tentacles at once. Eleanora panicked, screaming in frustration. She was perhaps secretly hoping that it wasn't HER who was summoned.

"Uwaaagh! Nooo! Get away from me you disgusting thing! Master please help me!" Eleanora screamed. "Anybody!"

However, all of us stepped back, letting her have HER all she wanted.

"Nah, I'm good." Said Woo.

"I-It is nice to meet you once more, Lady Celestina." Fang giggled nervously.

"Hahaha! She's as friendly as ever with Eleanora!" Laughed Hendrick.

"Who is she?" Saphira asked me.

"She's… As Fang said, Celestina. She is a Scylla, a race of tentacled people from a planet known as Gariald. She's one of the planet's kingdom's formers princesses, who joined us after we freed them from a space pirate invasion." I explained. "She became a vampire soon after that and accompanied us through our journey. She has… a strong fixation not only with Eleanora but with all sorts of cute girls and beautiful women."

"Huh?" Saphira suddenly felt a bit of fear as she felt Celestina's eyes glancing at her.

"S-So cute… Who is this treasure?!" Celestina cried, rushing towards her to give Saphira a hug. "Come to mommyyyyy~!"

"That's enough, Celestina." I sighed, stopping her by grabbing one of her tentacles.

"Geh…! M-Master! It is nice to see you again!" Celestina giggled nervously. "I was… rather confused but I couldn't help myself! Ah, what just happened? The last thing I remember was… Dying against demon flames? Or something. I didn't die?"

"You did, well… It will be a long explanation, so let's wait until the next summon appears as well…" We glanced into the second magic circle, as a much smaller figure emerged from within.

It was a young boy, with brown skin and short black hair, and red eyes. He was wearing black robes and seemed inconspicuous. He didn't look older than Saphira, they seemed to be around the same age right now.

"Welcome back, Eriant." I said with a smile. "I didn't expect you here."

"Huh? M-Master…?" The boy felt surprised once he opened his eyes. "What… Huh? Wasn't I…?"

"A boy my age! Nice! Hello!" Saphira floated around him.

"A-Ah, hi…" Eriant said nervously. "Who is she?"

"It's a long story. I'm glad you were also within the candidates, boy." I sighed, giving him a head pat.

"Who is this kid? I don't remember him at all." Fang crossed his arms.

"You joined much later when Eriant… Well, he passed away." Sighed Hendrick. "We meet him in one of our journeys into a planet known as Sandland. It was a desert-covered landscape where the original inhabitants were enslaved by corrupt World Conquerors. Eriant was one of the kids that we helped, his knowledge and insight helped us known our foes better, and ultimately led to their freedom."

"Sadly…" I sighed. "Well, he… in the last moment, the leader of the organization enslave his kin, killed him in front of my face. It was that time when… I gained the resolve to never falter nor doubt myself. I ended letting that happen out of my own foolishness, because I thought there was a chance to resolve things differently."

"You don't need to blame yourself for that, master." Eriant said. "If my death meant that my people would had been freed, there's no problem! I died happily, knowing that you would protect my family… But what's going on? You look much different and younger now."

"It's a long story, let's explain slowly. Eriant, Celestina, welcome to the team. This is the World if Spiritias, and…"

Like that, through the next few hours, I explained to them everything that has been happening in more detail. They somehow already knew some inherent knowledge of what was happening here, but learning more about the details made them understand the situation much better.

"So Lucifer… That bastard, you couldn't kill him even after you ascended to a Universal Primordial?!" Celestina groaned in frustration. "He's definitely a monster… Urgh! But he's stupid enough to reincarnate you, hahaha!"

"Well, I wasn't there when all of that happened… But even then, I'll do my best to help. I remember I could control the sands a bit. Have my powers been enhanced?" Eriant wondered, looking at his little hands as sands began to gather, spiraling around.

"Seems like it." I nodded. "Anyways, right now, we're working towards destroying the demons of this territory, this'll free most of this area of the continent from their claws, and also from the cultists too. It will be a good opportunity to level up as well and gain more recognition among the people of this world."

"Just like before, I shall serve you until my death, milady." Said Celestina, bowing before Eleanora.

"Celestina you have to bow to Blake, not me!" Eleanora hit her head angrily.

"Ouch! You're so rough with me~!" Celestina seemed to like that somehow, making Eleanora even more disturbed, as she flew behind me.

"Calm down, she's just playing around." I sighed. "Celestina, I hope you can be a bit more serious. You're strong, but your lack of conviction in battles was the defining factor of your defeat back then. Let's work into that."

"Sigh… Fine." Celestina nodded, bowing her head. "I shall look into it, Master. I might as well train my new abilities while I am on it!"

Like that, two new Vampire Spirits were summoned to this world, that makes it 7. I can already tell that their abilities will be quite useful in the battles to come.


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