Vanguard of the Eternal Night

Ch149 - Small Vacation in an Outside World

Chapter Ch149 - Small Vacation in an Outside World

translator: xiin

editor: kara

Unfortunately, Odin rarely gave authorization for his image to be used, and most of the things he had given permission for were non-commercial. After all, he had a partner who promoted creative freedom.

The only thing that could take advantage of some of the great demon king’s brilliance was the Earth District. They had the first authorized game, and they also had the first team that the great demon king had ever joined. This could probably be regarded as a benefit of being his hometown.

The only other organization that could obtain authorization was the official A-League.

After having won the quasi-championship, Odin was approached by the officials in charge of the Hall of Fame, who soon found their way over––although Odin hadn’t yet won the Championship Cup, he was already the quasi-champion, and there was nothing wrong with doing preparations in advance.

Odin already held a place in the lifetime achievement section of the Hall of Fame, but if he did take the trophy, his statue would be moved within the Hall of Fame and appear in the Golden Corridor of every future National Championships.

According to convention, each player would receive a short interview after the National Championships. Most of the interviews covered their daily life and feelings regarding playing in the National Championships.

When the program team had come to notify them, they could clearly see the great demon king’s unwillingness.

They were mostly afraid of the air around them suddenly growing quiet.

... Finally, it was Victor who smoothed things out, “I can do the interview.”

The program group asked themselves: Was there any difference between interviewing about Victor’s daily life and interviewing about the great demon king’s daily life?

No! Perfect! They could quickly get it done and go home!

Finally, the husband-and-husband pair cleared up everything that needed to be done, closed their door, and temporarily rejected any other attempts at unofficial communications.

Then, the two of them took a look at the outside world that Victor had bought––they hadn’t named it for the time being, mainly because they didn’t yet have enough information.

The probe robot had collected a whole bunch of tools like a hardworking little bee, then had made a small robot team that was growing exponentially of identically sized robots. According to the report it had sent back, the most difficult preliminary resource investigation had already been completed, and the next step was a very organized process that could be completed in less than a month if nothing unexpected happened.

After that, the husband-and-husband pair held up another key and ran off to the entrance of the outside world that Vantico had given them.

The name of the other outside world was called ‘Tico’. Victor saw this name and complained, “It’s definitely not something that Vantico had come up with. If it had been him, it would have been something more immature like the ‘Dark Clock World’ or something...”

“???” The master assassin was bewildered, “You guys have been to the Dark Clock World?”

Victor was very shocked, “... There’s really a world with that name?!!! It’s so immature...”

Tyron said, “The masters of the planes are very casual with their naming. Is this a normal thing now? I’ve seen demigods name the space-time vortexes that they’d found ‘Monday’, ‘Tuesday’ ... all the way up to ‘Sunday’.”

Victor’s entire person was dazed. He asked, “What about the eighth world, then? They can’t have called it ‘Octday’, right?”

The base was as alike as two peas as a base in the interstellar world. At first glance, it seemed like they’d simply done some interplanetary travel.

Victor’s new body was very interesting with two pairs of folded-up dragonfly wings on his back. Then, he looked over and saw that, as expected, his old antique hadn’t changed anything. He had used the same appearance that he used for e-sports.

Victor: “......” Ah, my old antique was getting lazier and lazier.

Tyron came over and was very amused when he saw Victor’s appearance. He reached out and pinched a dragonfly wing, unfolding it as he asked, “What do you want these for?”

“It’s common sense. It was written in yesterday’s <Basic Code for Outside World Survival>.” Victor’s expression was serious as he said solemnly, “In a potentially dangerous outside world, most people should use a body that can fly, allowing them to avoid most of the dangers on the ground.”

“How cute.” Tyron said.

Victor blushed, “......” Geez! I was telling you the honest reason, but you’re just teasing me!

One of Vantico’s probe robots came out and delivered an envelope.

Tyron opened it and saw that it was a letter from Vantico. The content within was written very clearly: Vantico’s teacher was a native of this world, and he wanted to meet them after he’d heard about the competition between the two of them.

The method for contacting Vantico’s teacher was included in the letter. They were to go to a public square that held a pool after they had arrived in XX City, place a bunch of flowers in the pool, then sit in the third chair. Someone would then come out to contact them shortly after.

Victor spoke excitedly, “How interesting! It’s like in the movies. This gentleman seems very mysterious.”

“......” Tyron said, “So, why is it that sometimes, you interstellar people care about this ‘immature’ type of thing, but at other times, you find that it’s very mysterious?”

Victor fell into deep thought and suddenly felt that the old antique’s words were very reasonable.

The envelope also contained two in-ear headphones that were designed for real-time translation. They were very discreet, and the general public wouldn’t notice it.

Victor put one on, and for a while, he became a little dragonfly who could hear but not speak.

Tyron placed his own headphone back into the envelope and said, “I don’t need this. Let’s go. We’ll go into the city and take a look first.”

Most people who’d been blessed by the gods had one common characteristic, which was that they were automatically proficient in all languages. This was a very interesting fact. In many myths, mortal creatures were punished by gods, creating a division in the form of a language barrier. The division of language soon led to cultural differences, and finally, mortal creatures would begin to kill each other. So, relatively speaking, most creatures who weren’t mortal could speak all languages.

So, the first step towards divinity was to be proficient in all languages and be able to communicate with all intelligent creatures.

Little classmate Victor walked into another world’s big city and became a little dumb and illiterate rural dragonfly. Both eyes were shining brilliantly as he observed the scenery.

In fact, the world here was very similar to the Western medieval civilization in the Earth District. Urban planning was very bad, and cleaning and sanitization were terrible. However, this exotic style was also its advantage.

Victor didn’t dare to stand out too much. He walked in circles around Tyron and kept close to him in order to prevent any accidents from happening even as he quietly took pictures and videos of everything around them.

Tyron had put on a hood in order to prevent causing traffic jams. His mouth was cocked slightly, and he was in a good mood.

The two of them first went to the square mentioned in the letter. Tyron then placed a bunch of flowers that the robot had given them into the pool water. When he turned around, he saw Victor taking out the bread in his arms and using it to feed the birds.

This was a very beautiful scene, so Tyron hesitated and ultimately didn’t stop Victor’s actions.

Then, less than one minute later, a tragedy happened––a bird swept down and aimed for Victor’s bread, snatching it out of his hands before flying away!

Victor’s eyes were wide and round with shock. He looked back helplessly at his old antique!

The old antique beckoned for him to come back. He suppressed his laughter and said, “The birds here don’t have the habit of waiting to be fed. Their instinctive reaction when they see food is to snatch it away.”

As he spoke, he took out a coin and toyed with it. He glanced up at the sky, then suddenly threw it out!

A second later, there was a scream from the sky. A bird staggered in the air, and a piece of bread fell out its claws and hit the ground. Instantly, countless other birds rushed up to fight over the food.

The two of them sat on the dirty bench and continued to wait. Victor was unable to speak the language here and was afraid that he would hinder Tyron, so he put on a serious look of ‘I’m just a lackey, don’t talk to me’ and sat down honestly by Tyron’s side.

A few moments later, a man who’d lost his leg came out to rest on the same bench as them, speaking to Tyron in a low voice.

Victor stretched his ears out to listen, but he couldn’t understand even a bit of it despite having a translator.

All he could see was that when the man had left, his attitude towards Tyron had become very respectful while Tyron’s attitude had become a little less cold.

“He was originally also an assassin.” Tyron explained lightly, “He had lost his leg during a mission, so the organization had arranged for him to be an informant and will support him until he dies.”

Victor shook out his transparent wings and followed behind Tyron.

A few minutes later, the two of them came to a stop in front of a hotel. Victor was immersed in his thoughts and suddenly blushed.

Tyron couldn’t hold back his smile. He casually helped Victor pull up his own hood and leaned over to speak into his ear, “What are you thinking about?”

Victor whispered, “Cosplay.”

The ‘play’ part of this word wasn’t the pure type.

In any case, the two of them were using the language of the interstellar era to speak. Other people couldn’t understand them, so they continued to chat a little more.

The two of them sat in the middle of the hall and waited for a while. There were all kinds of people from all walks of life here.

There was a thin man who kept looking back at Victor, his eyes holding an uncomfortable trace of scorn and contempt.

Victor switched seats to get out of his line of sight and asked Tyron thoughtfully, “Did I choose a bad race?”

“I don’t know.” Tyron replied carelessly, “It’s a small matter.”

He casually picked up a handful of hard, green beans from the plate in front of them. He flicked one out with his thumb and sent it flying––

The green bean flew by close to the thin man’s eye and embedded itself directly into the wooden post behind him. The other side was startled and turned to glare at them.

Tyron didn’t look back at all and continued to play.



Each one flew close to the other party’s position and just edged past their eyeballs with a fraction of a gap. Each one also had ended up deeply embedded into the wooden post.

Ten seconds later, the other party’s head was covered in a cold sweat as they stood up to leave.

Tyron stretched out his long legs and sent the stool in front of him sliding half a meter across to the other side, coming to a stop right in the other party’s path––he hadn’t looked back during the entire process like he disdained even giving the other party a glance.

The thin man struggled silently for a moment, then untied his purse from his belt, and set it down on the chair before climbing under the chair to get through and escape.

Victor: “......” Amazing, my great demon king!

The great demon king still had a few green beans on hand. He continued to flick them, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, into the wooden post, making a heart-shaped pattern as he spoke lazily, “If you don’t bully others, then others will bully you, eh?”

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